Brussels: Today’s Immigrant Riot, Perhaps Why Europeans Want to Send “Them” Home


Sputnik/Moscow: Amid the continuing spread of the coronavirus infection, countries have introduced a variety of measures to hold back the pandemic, including lockdowns and even travel passes. As of Monday, Belgium has reported a total of 28,018 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3,346 deaths.

Belgian broadcaster RTBF on Sunday reported that at least 43 people had been arrested for taking part in a riot that erupted in the Brussels neighbourhood of Anderlecht.

The riot started following the death of a 19-year-old man identified as Adil, who crashed a scooter into a police car on Friday after evading a law enforcement check.

Following the incident, people gathered for a rally despite the current lockdown.

​According to Patrick Evenepoel, the head of police for Anderlecht, police didn’t intervene until some of the protesters started arming themselves with stones from a nearby construction site.


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  1. like America, they will use fear and foreigners to make their police a military to ‘protect’ them 24/7 and when shtf, the cops always seem to side with their paychecks

  2. So Muslim’s loot car is fine, instead of immigrants, middle easterners, Salafists, or some other identity these people identify under. But Christians and Jews invading the Middle East to steal Muslim oil, treasure, rape their sons and daughters aren’t going to be reciprocated in the headlines? It’s like no one is awake to understand among the common people that these events are fomented to create chaos amongst every group against each other, from the EU countries going into the ME with the US. Guns blazing against ISIS (yet they the EU and Turkey and the US armed ISIS). Then the West let the immigrants in (whose countries were obliterated by said European countries AND THE US, and of course some of those immigrants include on the pay, mercenaries working for US intel, EU intel and of course by now Russian intel) into the EU then ‘they’, (the same zionists who armed the invasions) they arm neo-nazis that do the ole song and dance of Islam vs. Christianity rhetoric (of course those neo-nazis don’t want the immigrants in their country, but they don’t give one dam about the destruction their respective EU countries caused to the ME ones, or the resources drained, or the theft committed, nor do they care for the operations of the millions butchered or anything, which sounds just like colonialist thinking from the past several hundred years). Then you have these neo-nazis forming their own media views through the alt-right (whose sole purpose is to lie and inflame and infect the alternative media with nonsensical garbage), and ‘they’, those who fund both sides of this madness are laughing while all sides they support destroy each other, just like WW1 and 2 and every other destructive event. They the Satanists who have infected every religion, group, whatever want us all to kill each other so they can continue to increase their control, and it’s just them left on this earth with some slaves. America spent trillions looking for Islamic terrorists and of course killing millions of innocent people in the process in the last several decades, yet not one dime on Christian terrorist ones or Jewish terrorists, or any other form of terrorists. Perhaps, its because those terrorists run things for their Satanist masters. The word terrorism was specifically given a new dog whistle meaning in the 80s to refer ONLY and specifically to Arabs and then to the broader Muslim population for the specific purpose to destroy the religion of Islam’s image in the minds of people, and delegitimize entire groups of people into caricatures of violent brutish uncivilized men and or women. This is just more neocon us vs them nonsense.

    • IF the lunatic right-wing does not want them in the EU, the ‘west’ in general, then they should make known in there said countries NOT to destroy ME ones AND FOR THOSE FROM THE MIDDLE EAST WHO HAVE BEEN HARMED by the WEST, TO BE RECOMPENSATED. For those Middle East countries to be compensated FOR THE MILLIONS that were killed by the West. For Middle East INFRACTURE THAT HAS BEEN DESTROYED by the West to be recompensated IN THE TRILLIONS.

      But the lunatic right-wing won’t because they are liars, they don’t give one dam but to be in power and control themselves, doing the same evil things as the Satanists and the Zionists. They pretend they are against Zionists and Satanists, but if given power they would destroy and kill just as much as the Zionists and Satanists because the lunatic right-wing serves the same masters as the neoliberal, they serve the Zionists and Satanists.

      They the lunatic right-wing ALSO PROFITS from THIS destruction, theft, and killings of those in the ME (it’s NOT JUST LIBERALS OR THE DEEP STATE OR WHATEVER in the west that profits from these destructions). The lunatic right wings in the US, EU, Russia, countries whether directly or indirectly ALSO profit from regime change, theft of Lybian oil, Syrian oil, Iraqi oil, Afghanistan mineral deposits, drug trade, etc., and of course rebuilding contracts from western companies like Halliburton. Not to mention the mercenary business that the US (black water), Russia (Wagner group), and many other money-making ventures that the US, EU, Russia engage in of the destruction of the Middle East were they vie against each other. The only people who are ‘truly’ losing here are the ME people.

    • We need to disarm the Satanists. There only real power is to continue to try to buy us all off to try to wage war against each other.

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