While America Burns: New Trump Public Land rules will let Alaska hunters kill bear cubs in dens (story censored in US at NRA request))

The ‘amazingly cruel’ move by the National Park Service reverses Obama-era regulations which also affect wolves and coyotes


Peter Christian, a spokesman with the park service in Alaska, told the Anchorage Daily News that the changes will allow hunters to draw black bears, including cubs and females with cubs, out of their dens with artificial light; to use bait to attract black and brown bears; to hunt wolves and coyotes during the denning season and to shoot caribou while they are swimming or from motorboats.

UK Guardian” The Trump administration is finalizing rules that will allow hunters in Alaska’s national preserves to shoot bears and wolves, and their cubs and pups, while they are in their dens.

The National Park Service is reversing regulations written by the Barack Obama administration, which banned some of the much-criticized practices for hunting the predators, including luring bears with food like doughnuts.

Jesse Prentice-Dunn, policy director for the Center for Western Priorities, called the rule change “amazingly cruel” and said it was “just the latest in a string of efforts to reduce protections for America’s wildlife at the behest of oil companies and trophy hunters”.

The park service’s deputy director, David Vela, said the change would “more closely align hunting and trapping regulations with those established by the state of Alaska”.

The regulation is expected to be formally published this week. Alaska laws would still apply. The state generally prohibits killing bear cubs, but it allows some exceptions in Alaska’s interior region.  Read more…



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  1. Ma tu ti procuri il cibo con gli stessi strumenti che usano i lupi e gli orsi oppure usi un fucile ?
    Se usi un fucile sei un ladro .

  2. Ill fares the land,to hastening ills a-prey
    Where wealth accumulates and men decay
    Princes and lords may flourish or may fade
    A breath can make them as a breath is made
    But a bold peasantry, their nations pride
    Once lost, can never be supplied…….Goldsmith
    …..what Goldsmith was getting at here is happening right now, here in America….i see the armed forces and the national guard as peasants and Ian is right. Believe and belief should be kicked out of the class and be replaced with the word think…believe nothing think everything…ie….i believe in god, no, i think in god..point being, the powers that be prefer people that believe instead of think….belief is a virus that spreads faster than covid-19 ever thought of and to lose the peasantry is to lose their belief. ..and not only is it happening with the peasantry of america, it is also happening with the rest of the countries of the world…and the consequences of the loss of this belief is what will be driving the car next…..i think covid is little more than a stop gap method to by time….

    • ..i posted this on he wrong spot….should have been on VoteVet….how about moving it over there for me

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