US Readies New Nuclear Tests After Treaty is Killed (Duff on Press TV)



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  1. So, the question of hypersonic velocity being capable of supplanting or negating any nuclear explosion…does not compute if factoring , desired response and projected media impact of the report. Clearly they like the large fireballs more than the desired actual damage. You can’t light up the sky with dust.
    Nuclear and hypersonic both should be stopped and a new treaty including space as well, entered into. De-escalation is a term we seem to be having a problem with.

    • Jones was wrong, out of his depth. You can’t destroy a city with 50 pounds of titanium at 7000 miles per hour. Result? Standard meteor strike.

  2. The ‘Land of the Free’ is on the LEASH of the Zionist Apartheid Theocracy (Talmudic-Supremacist) Terror State of Israel as the, ‘Attack Dog’, on the World Stage! We are ordered to jump on any state that is in the way of the Zionists goals of establishing ‘Greater Israel’, from the NILE to the EUPHRATES! The US right now is the, ‘PLANTATION’, of the Zio-Rothschild International Financial Crime Syndicate/Zionist Israel and the ,”Blood’ and ‘Treasure’ of the American People will be used up, for the Demonic Goals of the Zionist Zealots! It already started with the ‘False Flag Attack’ that failed in 1967 on the, “USS LIBERTY”! Go to: ! That was a failed attempt! 9/11/2001 on the other hand was a Roaring success, of a ‘False Flag’ attack, for the Zionists, when they PULLED DOWN, with ‘Controlled Demolition Explosives’, the WTC Towers #1,#2 #7! They Murdered some 3 thousand Innocent Collateral Victims, and our Government/Congress, doesn’t start a REAL Investigation, into that Crime against the American People! That tells US, that it was an INSIDE JOB! Our own government Agencies have conspired with the Agents of Zionist Israel, to achieve that Demonic Success, against America! GOD Save America! I think Zionist Israel will take US ‘DOWN the ASH HEAP of History!’!

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