Trump Vets 274 Celebrities For Botched $265 Million COVID Ad Campaign


Trump Vetted 274 Celebrities for Their Political Views

Health Editor’s Note: Here we have more evidence that Trump interfered in public health issues. In preparation for this upcoming November election, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) paid to find out how 274 celebrities viewed various items such as abortion rights, gay marriage, and other political issues. These celebrities would potentially be used as part of a $265 million public service campaign on coronavirus, but instead were designed to move Trump’s presidential campaign forward.  

The HHS’s “PSA Celebrity Tracker” lists political views of celebrities being considered to boost the Trump campaign. Drinking or drug problems, arrest history, sexual misconduct, sex tapes, and what population they would appeal to were part of the information that was gathered. 

Trump’s former campaign official, Michael Caputo tried to interfere in communications between agency contractors and employees. Lawmakers say HHS officials may have violated federal contracting law. Is there no end to the amount of interference with the public health of Americans?….Carol




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  1. C’mon, ultimately they weren’t vetted on issues, but – like suburban women – whether “They like me”.

    Nice to tweet you, Carol! Now following…

    • Hoops, When I cannot find the tweet from the original source, I will tweet to get it onto VT without using some middle man tweet. I prefer to be my own middle person. 🙂 Yes, in the end, whether they liked him. I would hope that some who did have wised up, but I am not counting on it.

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