Seattle Salmon Die After Rainstorms


Coho Salmon Being Killed by Chemical in Car Tire Debris 

Health Editor’s Note: A rubber additive (6PPD) that makes car tires last longer is killing spawning Coho salmon in Seattle area. When 6PPD washes off of the roads into streams and rivers it becomes 6PPD-quinone and is deadly for the salmon. Simple run-off water from roads is making its way into streams and rivers and killing salmon. This is not only a big problem for the salmon, but what about humans?

Is there a way that this stormwater runoff can be filtered to avoid allowing the deadly 6PPD-quinone from reaching waterways? Moving stormwater through soil before it arrives at the water source would help some, but as is often the case, the expense of correcting this huge human error is large and in the end would mimic the passive filtration that was in existence before humans destroyed wetlands for agriculture and buildings. Ironic but if nothing is done, the stormwater runoff will continue to be deadly for fish and who knows what or who else……Carol




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  1. But, the heavy metals, deadly radioactive elements leaking uncontrolled, and leaching into the Columbia River watershed from the Hanford Nuclear Waste Facility, doesn’t bother the salmon, and/or all life in the watershed, river, and out into the Pacific ocean.
    Not as big as Fuckupshima Diaichi Power Plant is leaking, extremely high levels of radiation, and the associated deadly heavy metals, and the elenentsfrom the three cores that were operating, somehow exploded, a couple weeks after Mossad had installed “CCTV cameras” inside the reactor’s containment. To “monitor” the reactors visually, in real time. These three cores melted, burned through their containment, and dropped into the underground river directly beneath the plant, and into the Pacific ocean. High level’s of airborne radiation

    • Jim, These may also be creating environmental issues but this article does a very good job of laying this particular poisoning, what is causing it, and what needs to be done to stop this.

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