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How Dave Chappelle turned anti-Semitism into a joke

The Kyrie Irving incident seemed at first glance to be the classic example of hysterical Jewish over-reaction leading to the exact opposite of what the Jews intended to bring about.

Marvel heads revealed to be closely connected to Israeli intelligence

Isaac Perlmutter, the current chairman of Marvel Entertainment who served on Marvel Comics’ board of directors until 1995, grew up in 1948-occupied Palestine (or modern-day Israel) and served in the Israeli military during the 1967 Six-Day War.

Top Gun: Maverick is military propaganda, says official documents

Anti-war productions need not apply and therefore are rejected out of hand by the majority of production companies, who do not want to lose such a powerful ally.

Satanism in America?

Crowley's most famous dictum, written in The Book of the Law (1909), was: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”He wasn’t the only one.