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Tag: UN Partition Plan

Zionist Lobby casts its shadow over Scotland

Throughout Palestine, now under Israeli military occupation, there is a 3-class system: Jews, who enjoy all the rights; Type A Arabs who have some rights; and Type B Arabs who have practically no rights at all. That is the reality, and it is rabid apartheid.

The Hideous Injustice to the Holy Land caused by Britain’s élite

It was Lord Sydenham remarked: “What we have done, by concessions not to the Jewish people but to a Zionist extreme section, is to start a running sore in the East.

EU’s aviation deal with Israel ‘the pinnacle of hypocrisy’

by Stuart Littlewoood I had barely finished my rant against the British Government for showering new rewards on the Israelis (see ‘Do Palestinians’ lives matter?’)...