Core Edicts of the Khazarian Mafia (Part IV)

Your Brain on The Internet
Your Brain interfacing with Wifi (Artist’s representation)

by Preston James

Without the Earth shattering disclosures made by Gordon Duff at the International Counterterrorism Conference in 2014, you would never be reading about the Khazarian Mafia by name anywhere on the Internet, even here.

Gordon Duff representing the US delegation final report at the Damascus counter terrorism conference... Dec 02. 2014
Gordon Duff representing the US delegation final report at the Damascus counter terrorism conference… Dec 02. 2014

It was VT Chairman Gordon Duff that first disclosed that the root cause of so-called “world terrorism” was actually the world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

Gordon Duff did not specifically name this world’s largest organized crime syndicate in the first part of his speech which was unclassified and made public. Within minutes of its delivery, this historical ground-breaking speech was scrutinized by every major government and Intel agency, and sent shock-waves around the world.

A short time later it was VT’s Financial Editor and Talk Show host Mike Harris that named this world’s largest organized crime syndicate publicly for the first time ever, and referred to it specifically by its proper name as the Khazarian Mafia. 

Without these bold first-time disclosures of Gordon Duff and Mike Harris, VT readers would not have been able to connect the dots and begin to understand what the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is or how it has parasitized America and most of the world.

Nor would they be able to understand what the KM has done to rise to such world power and where it is within striking distance to take down the whole world and complete its evil Globalist NWO one-world agenda.

And without these bold disclosures you would continue seeing and feeling the negative effects of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate the KM everywhere in your daily life, but you would not know its name, its history, its composition, what empowers it.

Nor would you understand what the overall agenda of this world’s largest organized crime syndicate is. And this syndicate’s agenda just happens to be asset stripping, induced death, war and destruction for profit, power, and world domination, all intended to produce Globalist NWO one-world government end-state run by this world’s largest organized crime syndicate.

And it is now pretty clear that without the emergence of some very high level, very informed and very disgusted Intel Cowboys from all over the world, there would be no major leaks of the secret evil that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been perpetrating all over the world and in America, their home economic and military base.

The KM has always known that if various renegade Intel disclosed their secret evil this could be a serious threat to their syndicate’s power.

That is why they set up so many advanced procedures to compartmentalize all areas of Intel — the higher you go, the more narrow the scope.

Mike Harris, host of the radio show “The Short End of the Stick,” on the Freedom Slips radio network, is interviewed by Syrian TV
Mike Harris, host of the radio show “The Short End of the Stick,” on the Freedom Slips radio network, is interviewed by Syrian TV

This has all been done in an effort to keep high ranking Intel from connecting the dots and understanding that they are working as part of system to destroy their own nation, their own families and humankind itself.

Because when some Intel gain too much information about the KM crimes committed under the cover of invoked “national security” a certain percentage will secretly rebel.

That secret rebellion can take the form of sandbagging (working hard but producing little) or leaking damaging information through various complex means.

In recent years Intel Cowboys from all over the world have rebelled because they could not accept the big picture they discovered in their jobs. Some have organized into groups which have become such powerful factions that are able to openly speak out and resist the evils of the KM.

It is now known beyond any shadow of a doubt that the KM Top Chieftains who sit at the top of the pyramidal Establishment Hierarchy are the top policy-makers in America and maintain a set of Core Edicts upon which they base their policy mandates on. These are reflected in USG Laws and most large corporate policies.

Part I, Part II, & Part III have disclosed many of their Core Edicts. It’s a fact that the Top Chieftains of the KM control the CIA and other Intel agencies and use so-called “National Security” as cover for their crimes.

You can read about Bohemian Grove anywhere
You can read about Bohemian Grove anywhere now

The KM cannot continue to exist without their ability to maintain abject secrecy and everyday the Internet, the world’s New Gutenberg Press is eroding that secrecy.

Use of National Security as cover for these serious RICO and International crimes by the KM is itself a most serious crime against the USA, We The People and the World.

The KM is the biggest RICO crime syndicate in America and commits the most serious US and International crimes ever. Some of these crimes are so serious that they are almost unimaginable such as engineered staged wars with millions of dead and wounded with many are innocent civilians, women and children.

Right now the main Intel agency used by the KM inside America is the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is bifurcated and employs many innocent analysts and agents who collect Intel by various means but do not engage in evil, anti-human covert operations.

But there is an evil covert part of the CIA which engages in frequent wetwork, abroad and inside the USA, massive mind-kontrol operations against We The People using super high tech Psychotronics, working with the US Military to traffick in trillions of dollars of illegal narcotics and weapons to raise “off the books” black ops money.

Limitless Black Ops money
Limitless off-the-books Black Ops money underwrites synthetic terror and advances fascistic agendas

But the most important function that the CIA and the other Intel agencies that are completely controlled by the KM are the covert operations deployed to create synthetic terror, fake enemies, which are needed to start wars and justify huge military deployments. Mercenaries are hired for this, but there are even more sinister methods used.

Saudi Arabia has always provided a great deal of funding to pick up young orphans off the street and place them in special schools to raise them and mind-kontrol them to function as crazed, suicidal terrorist bombers, painted as Islamic extremists.

These mind-kontrolled subjects can then be triggered anytime they are needed to sacrifice themselves and produce the mass terror needed to start wars and justify more and more centralization of KM power exhibited as invisible Secret Shadow Government (SSG) power and visible USG power.

The KM Top Chieftains love to consolidate institutions, and industries in order centralize power and make it much easier for themselves to exert control over the USG and We The People.

That is why they used their Gladio-style, inside-job false-flag attack on America on 9-11-01 as an excuse to consolidate all American Alphabets and Law Enforcement into one centralized hierarchy they labelled Homeland Security (DHS). The name “Homeland Security” itself a mockery of the US Constitution and everything our Founding Fathers fought for in the Revolutionary War.

This new Centralized hierarchical control of all such agencies by the KM’s Top Chieftains makes it easy for the KM to implement their Core Edicts as USG policies (many remaining secret, some made public).

These Top Chieftains of course installed perverted, deeply compromised doofuses at the head of DHS to run it, soulless dupes who will do whatever the KM Top Chieftains mandate, no matter the US Constitution and common decency.

Anyone who crosses them significantly gets whacked by their soulless wetboy teams, usually “arkencided”, a term that arose because of all the Dixie Mafia murders for the CIA surrounding the Mena operation and the Clintons.

The term “arkencide” is when the CIA wetboys murder a whistle-blower or someone deemed as a potential threat for knowing too much that they could become an unnecessary risk later on, or someone who has stepped outside allowed parameters.

Jesse Ventura interview with Dr. Robert Duncan, mind control expert
Jesse Ventura interview on Youtube with Dr. Robert Duncan, mind control expert

In the typical arkencide, it is customary for local police to stand-down at the request of Intel and for a crooked coroner and mortuary to be used. Absurd circumstances are knowingly created to serve as a warning message to anyone else who might be tempted to step outside of allowed parameters.

Here is the bottom line of the Core Edicts of the KM Top Chieftains: To foment large criminal operations to make vast fortunes by which they plan to buy up the whole world and run it themselves, step by step.

These operations include: massive counterfeiting (their own private Fiat Currency rented out to the American users); massive illegal drug trafficking; massive illegal and legal arms trafficking; massive money laundering; bust out schemes against the American People using color of law like the S&L scam, the Enron Scam, the Mortgage Bubble/MERS scam, and the “Bailouts”; Wall Street Plunge Protection Street scam where the USG has acquired about 1/2 of all US stocks through proprietaries, thus driving the stock prices up synthetically; sophisticated eugenics programs to promote obesity, disease and mass death in order to thin the herd by 90%; a secret space war program and secret alliances with certain Alien ET groups; electronic weather control and warfare; and last but the most important operation, large scale psychotronic mind-kontrol.

This Jesse Ventura interview with Dr. Robert Duncan can not be embedded in this article, but for the time being can be watched here.



The bottom line is that the KM is driven by an unimaginably evil inter-generational Globalist NWO Agenda to create a one-world government run by them alone.

Jesus-MoneychangersTheir power is gained and exercised through their counterfeit FIAT Money Power. They have been able to capture most of the world in their spider web of fake money which is nothing but printed and issued debt notes.

And the rest of the world is now catching on, especially the Russian Federation and China. Khadafy caught on, and the KM murdered him and plundered his nation through US Dept. of State doofus Cutouts.

Assad and Syria have caught on and the KM is working overtime trying to depose Assad and destroy Syria’s infrastructure and Putin and the Russian Federation have now completely checkmated the KM in Syria and have decimated the KM/Israeli/USG created ISIS mercenaries.

Iran has caught on and you can bet that the Russian Federation will also protect this ally from KM destruction like they have Syria. The whole world is now closing in on the KM, and it’s going to be a battle to the end; the KM is going to go down hard, but it will go down.

The KM’s game has always been to take over the whole world and rule it themselves as kings running a feudal kingdom, with everyone else their serfs and slaves – at least those remaining 10% who have not all been mass murdered by the time they plan to exercise complete world control.

To complete their evil Globalist NWO one-world Agenda, the KM must continue creating massive wars and running large scale international organized crime scams. They must control the lives and hearts and minds of We The People and convince us that our serfdom is desirable, or at least we are powerless to do anything about it.

Every day the KM’s control is waning, as more and more of their Colossal lies are revealed. We are now all in a race to the finish point, there is only room for one victor, We the People or the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia. You can be sure of this one thing however.

If the KM wins and complete their agenda they will whack all their doofus Cutouts because they will no longer need them. None of these folks will ever expect such a result, but it’s a given if the KM wins this battle for Planet earth.

aiibYes, it’s now a major race between the KM’s efforts to control the American People and the American People’s public activism to expose these large scale KM crimes and stop them before they mass-murder most of us.

If We The People lose this battle, darkness will descend completely over America and the rest of the world.

Putin and the Russian Federation and the Chinese are now hip to this KM evil Agenda and have created a major financial firewall against the KM consisting of the BRICS Nations, the AIIB and new Chinese money wire system and the coming silk road railway and commerce lanes.

In time, this will likely produce an end to the US Petro Dollar as the world’s exchange currency, and may push America over a financial cliff. That alone could mean the end of the KM hegemony.

How much better it would be if We The People rose up at every level and organized to take control of our government before that happens.

Diane Birch is an up and comer well on her way to becoming a superstar. This lady has a rare, superb voice and sings with a lot of soul. Here is one of her best, Fools.



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