NEO – What you can’t be told, Turkey and the Deep State

“A mixture of Byzantine and Ottoman geopolitics is an enigma wrapped in a riddle.” – Jim W. Dean

by  Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor,   … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Sultan Erdogan

[ Editor’s Note: VT continues to investigate the thread we have been pulling from time to time on the corruption in the top command who use their time during the 11th hour of their career postings to set themselves up financially after they “retire”.

The biggest unprosecuted scam is the biggest betrayal, where people have worked with nefarious elements, in politics, multi-nationals, and major criminal networks, including those overseas who are always looking for fresh new talent to protect their business interests in return for a piece of the pie.

One’s worth is not what is demonstrated in a job interview after leaving government, but what “prospects” do for them WHILE in government. A small army of experienced Washington DC attorneys provide the necessary packaging and legal protection, book deals, big fee speaking gigs, no-work board chairmanships at $50K a pop, low-work think tank gigs, and then the age-old consulting fees. This is collected after these enterprising public servants leave public service, which in their case is an oxymoron.

The most sought after material is classified material, which is always what foreign entities want, under the guise of some kind of an analysis work cover. This can even be subcontracted out to others to provide a solid paper trail that it was done, but the tip off is always in how much was paid, and how important, or unimportant the task was. 

Where Flynn jumped into the spotlight was the huge fee he was paid for some open-source analysis, when Turkey already had vast and highly talented in-house resources to do that. The idea that a major foreign country would lay out half a million bucks for someone like Flynn to do it is frankly off the charts of feasibility.

Flynn should have known better. It put him right in the investigation cross hairs. Can the Trump team keep the cork in the bottle on this with its control over the Justice Department and all the prosecutors being let go, including former US Attorney Mr. Bharara who had some things already in progress?

If Trump can stonewall ongoing and new investigations, would a Republican-controlled Congress step in to expose it to the embarrassment of all? I doubt it Jim W. Dean ]

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– First published  …  March 18,  2017

The idea that Russia has rigged an American presidential election and that Donald Trump is a Russian spy is an interesting story, but it is just that — a wild story. The problem is, that story has an author, who paid millions to blame Russia and throw America and the world into turmoil and chaos.

We will now tell that story. Putting highly classified and actionable intelligence “out there” is high risk for a variety of reasons. To the casual reader, non-internet reality challenges the fabricated narratives so many have tied their emotional lives to, stories scripted for them to enfeeble and deter.

Without wasting time, I will tell a tale of Turkey and, in the process, pretend I am clever and disguise highly classified intelligence in hopes that understanding of what “deep state politics” really is, almost the direct opposite of what most are told, will “make a difference. We proceed.

A few years ago, we were all talking about Turkey and Erdogan as being the “New Ottoman Empire.” We were right then but stopped, we burned out the idea, ran to something else, and forgot what we had learned through hard lessons of observing Erdogan’s betrayals.

Turkey is back to its old Ottoman self, and Ottoman Turkey had one enemy above all, and that was Imperial Russia. Now the new Czar is Putin, the Imperial Russian flag is back, the Russian people are back and “in the game” and the old rivalries are alive and well.

The story all really begins, or at least this part of it, with the conquest of Ukraine by ultra-nationalists, part of the now obvious populist revolt in both America and Europe. When we look at Gert Wilders in Netherlands, or the junta in Poland or Nigel Farage’s Britain, we are seeing intelligence agencies, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, orchestrating the collapse of NATO and the EU, and the creation of a disinterested America.

This is buying power “on the cheap,” with cheap “populist” ideas; and with “cheap politicians” all on the make, on the take, and with long personal histories of looking out for “number one,” corruption, selfishness and lying. Yes, we have described Donald Trump as well.

The missing story of 1915, found by VT

First we need to understand the real power of lobbying in Washington. Turkey went into Washington in a big way in 1915, yes a century ago, when the slaughter of the Armenian people threatened to bring an America ready to fight Germany into a war with Ottoman Turkey as well.

Turkey bought newspapers, politicians and anyone with a price tag on them in DC, and has kept that up until even now. Activist and author Sibel Edmonds knows this well, as a former FBI translator. She stumbled on the massive Turkish spy rings in Washington and was silenced by the Bush administration for years.

Similarly, VT’s Gwenyth Todd, former National Security Council member and White House advisor on Turkey, tells a similar tale; Turkey is powerful in Washington, and when many talk about “the lobby,” it isn’t Israel, but Turkey or maybe Saudi Arabia.

This is where we enter new “high risk” territory. We now have reason to believe that the overthrow of Ukraine, combined with the populist or “neo-Nazi” movements across Europe were funded by Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

What we have learned is this — those attempts to blame “George Soros” or “Hillary Clinton” for the Kiev military coup were financed by Turkish and Saudi intelligence, working through their network of agents, some within government, some within security agencies and the “owned” fake news media. Working with Turkey on this project was Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp, aided by Breitbart and a bevy of Washington think tanks, all paid by the Turkish spy agencies as well.

Preet Bharara

During the second week of March, 2017, TV personality Sean Hannity made an “emergency appeal” to President Trump on the Fox Network. He demanded that Trump fire all US attorneys left over from the Obama presidency, even those such as Preet Bharara, who Trump had asked to stay on.

We now learn that Bharara was investigating Fox News and was ready to issue an indictment against Sean Hannity for working for the Turkish government as a foreign agent.

It goes further, dangerously further. This is what we learned. We have been told by high level informants within the Washington intelligence community that, under President Obama, Turkey “bought their way into” America’s intelligence system.

Only two weeks ago, we learned that former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn, fired for “talking to Russia and lying about it,” had actually been working for Turkey. Flynn and his son, just registered as Turkish agents, admitting they worked for Turkey all along, and were paid $530,000.

We now learn more. Flynn and his son were responsible, working with Sean Hannity of Fox News, for a vast plan of deception and propaganda on behalf of Turkey to blame the Russian government for rigging the American presidential election.

We now know that much of the corruption accusations against Hillary Clinton were created as part of a subterfuge for two reasons:

  1. To blame Hillary Clinton and “George Soros” for Turkey’s destabilization of Ukraine and their role in staging the coup, aided by Saudi Arabia and ultra-nationalist forces in Poland that hate Russia. They were going to take Crimea, cut Russia out of the Black Sea and cripple Russia’s defense industries, dependent on Ukrainian components;
  2. To put Donald Trump in office with his long partnership with anti-Russian oligarchs and his participation in Turkish-run sexual blackmail schemes run by Jeffrey Epstein, which yielded a wealth of power and influence over governments, media and financial institutions.


As VT predicted early on, Trump would replace the Washington swamp with a new one with bigger alligators

Turkey saw its opening after 9/11. The Bush administration, partnering with oil barons like Tillerson at Exxon, now Secretary of State under Trump, if you can believe it, sought to not just control Middle East oil, but steal billions in oil and, combined with their newfound heroin franchise in Afghanistan and $3 trillion stolen from the US Department of Defense, to finance a “new world order.”

While the Bush amateurs stumbled around, getting advice from Israel’s Netanyahu, who played them like a “cheap fiddle,” Turkey moved in. Turkey made billions on their cut from stolen Kirkuk oil from Iraq and billions more on Afghan opium as well. Turkey had always been the heroin processing center of the world.

Did the US Afghanistan command betray its troops and America?

Afghanistan took that over for a while, though Turkey had grown fat in the interim, processing CIA opium from Afghanistan. Now Turkey is back in the saddle, while heroin processors in Afghanistan are being dismembered, a failed CIA franchise, now back home in Turkey.

This money and power brought Turkey to the forefront; their membership in NATO gave them position; their denial of membership in the EU made them resentful and made them want revenge.

Turkey had long been allied with Israel, enjoying Israel’s military technology and a common interest that dated back to as early as 1376, when Jews fled Hungary long prior to the Turks taking Constantinople.

Ottoman Turkey was always run by Jews and was important to the survival of the Jewish people. That friendship continues covertly, as does the Israeli partnership with Saudi Arabia; but it is no longer tied to survival for the Jewish people, but rather to promote chaos, support terrorism and, above all, destroy Russia.

Where Bolshevik Russia was a home to Jews, despite Western propaganda to the contrary, the new Russia is a strongly Christian state, and though Jews are not persecuted, the Christian religion is the official religion of Russia and is promoted by the state and its leaders. Above all, President Putin is a devout Christian.

Thus, we have Turkey now active in Kosovo, training their newly “NATO-authorized” standing army; Turkey is in Macedonia, practically running that nation as well and using it to destabilize Greece; and Turkey is in Ukraine, working with ultra-nationalists, planning war on Crimea and Donbass.

Turkey is also busy in the French and Dutch elections, funding ultra-nationalists or “populists” there, while preparing to unleash a new mass exodus of refugees.

The Saudi Wahhabi Grand Mufti Sheik Abdul Aziz

All the while carefully orchestrated terror attacks go on and we can only guess who is behind those — attacks at shopping malls, school shootings, suicide bombings — the telltale story of Saudi Wahhabists beliefs, and their participation in Turkey’s move into Europe.

Back in the US, we take the clock to 2013. General Michael Flynn took over the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 under President Obama. By 2014, Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. asked for Flynn’s resignation. At the time few knew why.

We believe Flynn was discovered to be working for Turkey even then. It wasn’t just the DIA; the Turks had bought their way into the CIA as well, and just perhaps everyplace else as well. This is Washington, where the only honest workers are the prostitutes.

The huge covert program to arm Ukraine turned into something else. Partners in Ukraine grew rich transshipping new American weapons systems to ISIS and al Nusra in Syria, offloading from Romania or at Poti, in Georgia, and trucking across Turkey into Syria.

The reverse trade brought oil into Turkey, truckloads of antiquities for the auction houses of Europe, and thousands of trafficked women and children. Turkey looted Syria, factories, banks, everything they could move or unbolt, everything they could dig up or harvest, all was stolen, and all is still being stolen.

Helping them then, helping ISIS, helping al Nusra, aided by Saudi cash and the Turkish state was the CIA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency, aided by rogue officers in the Pentagon.

When Iraq tells of US helicopters supplying ISIS or of ISIS leaders being evacuated, is it the CIA or General Flynn’s organizations doing it? Was Flynn on the Turkish payroll in 2012 and if they bought Flynn, who else did they get as well?

When Flynn visited Moscow in 2015 and attended the Russia Today gala, where Flynn told his hosts how he would stand by Russia, how he supported them in Syria, how many knew that he was on the payroll of Turkish intelligence? How many understand history is repeated itself?

General Flynn takes the bait, gets paid to take money to get the seat next to Putin

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of VT, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”



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