“Joshua Goldberg:” a Cover for an Elaborate Psychological Operation?

The many faces of Joshua Goldberg. Wait a minute - it's always the same picture!

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by Kevin Barrett, co-host of False Flag Weekly News and VT Editor

Who or what is “Joshua Goldberg”?

According to the incurious mainstream media, Goldberg is a mentally unstable young Jewish man who was arrested for spreading (false flag) “Islamic terror” on the internet. But the more one looks at his story, the curiouser it gets.

Goldberg helped Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence and other Islamophobes manufacture and trumpet the alleged “jihadi threat.” He helped B’nai Brith and other Israeli front groups create the false impression of a massive and vicious anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi threat. And he helped those Zionist forces get Professor Anthony Hall, a 9/11 truth supporter and critic of Israel, suspended from the University of Lethbridge – by manufacturing a horrific “kill all Jews” image that was planted on Professor Hall’s Facebook page to trigger an obviously pre-planned “get Tony Hall” operation.

And who or what is “Michael Ron David Kaydar”? The mainstream media tell us Kaydar – like Goldberg another “troubled young Jew” – was behind a wave of vicious terrorist threats to Jewish institutions that triggered an outbreak of “rising anti-Semitism hysteria” earlier this year, and got hundreds of books banned and burned by Amazon.

Kaydar apparently made a lot of money posing as a vicious, violent anti-Semite. When arrested, he is said to have had more than half a million dollars in his Bitcoin account. So who was paying him to threaten Jewish Community Centers? The ADL, B’nai Brith, and similar groups who would make vast sums of money in donations from terrorized Jews?

Richard Silverstein, a leading Jewish critic of Israel, writes:

A reader here published a comment saying that he lived in Ashdod and knew the Kaydar family.  He adds that the suspect is a nephew of Mordechai Kedar, a leading trainer of Shabak agents.  Kedar teaches Arabic at Bar Ilan University and is one of the most vicious, Arabophobic academics in Israel.  I’ve written several posts about him.  The combination of Uncle Mordkhe the Arab hater with Nephew Michael the greedy nerd terrorist seems odd, to say the least.

Goldberg’s and Kaydar’s activities hugely benefited the state of Israel, especially its hard-line faction. Vast sums of money were raised by outfits like B’nai Brith and ADL based on the phony “anti-Semitism epidemic.” Books were burned, professors were suspended. Perhaps most importantly, perceptions were forever altered.

Is it just a coincidence that these two “crazy young Jews” happened to do crazy things that brought millions of dollars into the coffers of B’nai Brith, the ADL, and associated groups – and massively benefited the Zionist political project they represent? Or is somebody “crazy like a fox” lurking behind Goldberg, Kaydar,  the many other similar people who’ve been caught — not to mention the dozens if not hundreds of others who haven’t?

These are some of the questions we explore in the above special report from False Flag Weekly News.

Click HERE for a direct link to the images used in the above youtube broadcast.

The many faces of Joshua Goldberg. Wait a minute – it’s always the same picture!


Editor’s note





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