Iranian Commander Describes ISIL as US, Israel Proxy, Fighting with Saudi, Qatari, Turkish Funding

TEHRAN (FNA) – Iranian Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan warned of new threats to the region, and said the ISIL terrorist group is fighting a proxy war in Iraq and Syria with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

“Today, the ISIL is committing crimes in Iraq and Syria as the US and the Zionist regime’s proxy and with the money supplied by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey,” Pourdastan said in the Southern city of Ahvaz on Friday night.

He underlined that the same story is also true about Boko Haram terrorist group and it is also fighting against Muslims in Nigeria as mercenaries of the US and Israel with the regional countries’ financial support.

In relevant remarks in December, Iranian Supreme Leader’s top adviser for international affairs Ali Akbar Velayati warned that Washington is fighting a proxy war against the regional states and misusing the terrorist groups to reach its goals.

“We are witnessing the US administration’s change of approach in recent years as it seeks to attain its goals using the smart power strategy and combining the soft and hard power; therefore, it has adopted the policy of proxy war,” Velayati said, addressing the 29th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran.

He said that enemies are misusing the Takfiri terrorist groups in a way that they are acting against Islam. Velayati warned that ignorance of the Takfiri groups and the spread of terrorism will deeply endanger the Islamic Ummah in the future, and called on the Muslim countries to find a solution to the problem.

Also, in May, Velayati blasted the West’s support for the crimes committed by radical groups in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, and called for cooperation of the Muslim countries to confront terrorism in the region.

“Unfortunately, extremist forces commit crimes in the region; Yemen, Syria and Iraq have come under the attacks of extremist groups and the Muslim states’ officials who have the experience of mutual cooperation and interaction should exchange views with each other,” he said.

Also in the same month, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned of the US and Britain’s different plots to create rift among Muslims, and said Washington doesn’t differentiate between the Shiites and Sunnis in implementing its anti-Islam plots.

Britain has a long experience of sowing discord between the Shiites and Sunnis and using the advantages of such differences to its own benefit, Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing members of the headquarters of the congress to commemorate the Muslim Kurd martyrs in a meeting held in Tehran on May 4.

“They (the US and Britain) are against anything which has a sign of Islam and they don’t differentiate between the Shiites and Sunnis and issues like religion and ethnicity are just a pretext for them to sow discord,” he warned.

Another ISIL Convoy Destroyed East of Homs Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian fighter jets tracked and targeted a long convoy of ISIL terrorists’ military vehicles Southwest of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur) on Saturday.

“The ISIL military convoy was targeted by the Syrian warplanes near al-Sawana al-Sharkia village,” the sources said, adding, “Most of the vehicles were destroyed as a result of the air attacks.”



“Tens of the convoy’s guards were also killed or wounded in the attacks,” the sources added. “The ammunitions and weapons inside the ISIL military vehicles were set ablaze as a result of the airstrikes,” they went on to say.

The Syrian ground and air forces have had very good cooperation in anti-terrorism combat in the Central province in the recent weeks.

On Friday, the concentration centers of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in the Northern parts of Homs province came under massive bombardment by the Syrian warplanes.

“The Syrian fighter jets carried out several combat sorties over the positions of Nusra terrorists in Tir Ma’ala and Ein Hossein al-Janoubi villages and bombed them heavily, which left many terrorists dead and many other wounded,” the sources said.

“In addition to a heavy death toll inflicted on the Nusra militants, their machinegun-equipped vehicles were largely destroyed in the airstrikes,” the sources added.

Senior Militant Commander Killed in Syrian Airstrikes North of Homs
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian fighter jets’ attacks on the militant groups’ positions in the Northern part of Homs province claimed the lives of many terrorists, including one of their notorious commanders.

Abdullah Salibi, also known as Abu Jamal, and a number of his comrades were killed in the Syrian warplanes’ strikes in al-Taloul al-Hamr.

In the meantime, the Syrian Army’s artillery units opened fire at the militant groups’ gathering centers near the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur), al-Dar al-Kabira town and al-Houla region, which resulted in the mass destruction of the terrorists’ military hardware.

The Syrian ground and air forces have had very good cooperation in anti-terrorism combat in the Central province in the recent weeks.

Earlier reports said that the Syrian fighter jets tracked and targeted a long convoy of ISIL terrorists’ military vehicles Southwest of Palmyra.

“The ISIL military convoy was targeted by the Syrian warplanes near al-Sawana al-Sharkia village,” the sources said, adding, “Most of the vehicles were destroyed as a result of the air attacks.”

“Tens of the convoy’s guards were also killed or wounded in the attacks,” the sources added.

“The ammunitions and weapons inside the ISIL military vehicles were set ablaze as a result of the airstrikes,” they went on to say.

ISIL, Nusra Front Incapacitated in Homs Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- Saturday reports from the sensitive Homs province said the Syrian army and popular forces have inflicted large casualties on the terrorists in persistent attacks on the concentration centers of ISIL and al-Nusra Front in the North, Northwest and Southeast of the province.

The Syrian army and its allies stormed the gathering centers of the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front in al-Dar al-Kabira the Northwestern countryside of Homs, which claimed the lives of many terrorists.

Militants Caught Off Guard in Aleppo Neighborhoods
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army troops continued to hunt more terrorists in at least seven neighborhoods of the Northern city of Aleppo, city sources said Saturday, adding the militants were surprised by the army’s rapid offensives.

“The Syrian forces raided the militants’ concentration centers in the Youth Housing, al-Miassar, al-Ramosa, al-Amiriya, Salahuddin, Bustan al-Basha and al-Lairamon neighborhoods, and killed or wounded at least 18 terrorists,” the sources said.



“The militants’ military vehicles and equipment were also damaged in the army attacks,” the sources further added.

The pro-government forces have put the militant groups under pressure inside and outside of Aleppo.

Heavy bombardments and massive shelling of the militants’ centers have made them weaker than ever.

The Syrian army has gained upper hand against the militants in the Northern province Aleppo where once was the main stronghold of the terrorist groups in the crisis-hit country.

On Friday, the Syrian government forces detected and destroyed a tunnel used by the ISIL militants in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo city.

“The Syrian army destroyed a long tunnel of the ISIL terrorists with over seven meters of depth in the Northern side of Kuweires airbase,” the sources said. “The tunnel connects the villages of Sherba and Aisheh,” the sources added.

“The army soldiers seized the ISIL militants’ weapons and ammunition inside the tunnel,” the sources said.

Sources said on Thursday that the Syrian fighter jets intensified their airstrikes on ISIL positions in the province of ‪‎Aleppo as the government is determined to purge the country of the terrorists.

The Syrian warplanes targeted ISIL positions and movements in the villages and towns of Afash, Deir Qaq, Aisheh, al-Hadher and al-Bab in the Eastern part of Aleppo.

A military source said the airstrikes inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists.

Syrian Army Kills Senior Militant Commander North of Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and its popular allies fended off a massive attack of the terrorist groups in the mountainous regions of Lattakia province near the border with Turkey, and killed scores of terrorists, including one of their notorious commanders, army said Saturday.

“Abdullah al-Rafi’a also known as Emir al-Aqtahameen, a notorious commander of Ahrar al-Shughour, was killed in the Syrian government forces’ massive offensive in the Jabal al-Qassab region,” the army said.



“In the meantime, the Syrian army’s artillery units shelled the militant groups’ strongholds in Taliyeh, Salma, Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkmen in the Northern part of Lattakia province, which left many militants dead or wounded,” the army added.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army and National Defense Forces (NDF) captured several areas in the Northern part of Lattakia.

The army and NDF seized Shir al-Masira hilltops, Ravisa al-Qora’a and Ravisa al-Naba’a from Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in Northern Lattakia.

The Syrian forces also purged terrorists from Beit Fares village, Beit Fares mountains and also al-Qassab and Burj al-Qassab villages.

Syrian Army Continues to Advance in Eastern Farms of Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and its popular allies have pushed back the militant groups from more farms in the Eastern part of Damascus province, and are now hunting the remaining pockets of militants in captured territories, a popular forces’ commander said Saturday.

“The Syrian army troops and National Defense Forces (NDF) continue to drive back the terrorist groups from the farms in Marj al-Sultan region in Eastern Ghouta,” the commander said.



“The pro-government forces killed or wounded scores of the militants in their offensives and destroyed their military grid, he further added. “The Syrian forces are advancing now towards al-Nashabiyah and Harasta al-Qantara,” the field commander said.

“The engineering units of our forces have started to defuse roadside mines to pave the way for the rapid advance of the ground forces,” he went on to say.”The militants planted the mines before withdrawal,” the commander said.

Militant groups’ positions in different parts of Damascus province have been under the massive attacks of the Syrian army, air force, and artillery units in the recent weeks.

Military sources said on Friday that one of the main command centers of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah militant group in the Northeast of Damascus province was destroyed in the Syrian Army’s special operation, adding that several terrorists were killed or wounded in the explosions.

“The Syrian army exploded one of the major military sites of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah, affiliated to Ajnad al-Sham, in Harasta,” the sources said. “Several explosions occurred as a result of the army attack, which left many terrorists dead or wounded,” the army added.

“The terrorist groups had stored a large volume of ammunition inside the site, and the first explosion caused the other explosions in the depot,” the army went on to say.

Terrorists Sustain Casualties in Syrian Army Attack Northeast of Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- One of the main command centers of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah militant group in the Northeast of Damascus province was destroyed in the Syrian Army’s special operation, military sources said, adding that several terrorists were killed or wounded in the explosions.

“The Syrian army exploded one of the major military sites of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah, affiliated to Ajnad al-Sham, in Harasta,” the sources said.



“Several explosions occurred as a result of the army attack, which left many terrorists dead or wounded,” the army added.

“The terrorist groups had stored a large volume of ammunition inside the site, and the first explosion caused the other explosions in the depot,” the army went on to say.

Militant groups’ positions in different parts of Damascus province have been under the massive attacks of the Syrian army, air force, and artillery units in the recent weeks.

Sources said earlier today that two main districts in the Eastern and Northeastern outskirts of the Capital were the scenes of the Syrian government forces’ heavy attacks on the militant groups’ strongholds, adding the militants left behind many dead members and fled the battlefronts.

“The militant groups’ fortified positions in Zamalka in the Northeastern outskirt of Damascus came under massive offensive of the Syrian army and its allies,” the sources said. “The pro-government forces killed or wounded many terrorists and destroyed their military hardware,” the army added.

“The Syrian forces’ attack on al-Nusra Front’s gatherings in Ein Tarma in the Eastern side of Damascus killed dozens of the terrorists, including a Yemeni and two field commanders on the group,” the army went on to say.

Syrian Fighter Jets Continue to Bomb Terrorists East of Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Saturday that the country’s warplanes staged heavy bombing raids on several positions of the terrorist groups in the Eastern part of Damascus province.

“The Syrian fighter jets pounded al-Nusra Front’s centers near Ein Tarma town in the Eastern part of Damascus, claiming the lives of many terrorist,” the army said.



“Later the Syrian air force bombed the militant groups’ defense lines near Zamalka town. The militants suffered a heavy death toll,” the army added.

“A logistic military site of the so-called Jeish al-Islam in Douma Farms came under massive bombing of the Syrian jets. Several fuel reservoirs, military vehicles and mortar-launchers were destroyed in the attacks,” the army added.

“Meantime, the Syrian jets targeted Jeish al-Islam’s positions near the city of Douma. The attack inflicts major losses on the militants,” the army went on to say.

Militant groups’ positions in different parts of Damascus province have been under the massive attacks of the Syrian army, air force, and artillery units in the recent weeks.

On Friday, one of the main command centers of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah militant group in the Northeast of Damascus province was destroyed in the Syrian Army’s special operation, in which several terrorists were killed or wounded in the explosions.

“The Syrian army exploded one of the major military sites of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah, affiliated to Ajnad al-Sham, in Harasta,” the sources said.

“Several explosions occurred as a result of the army attack, which left many terrorists dead or wounded,” the army added.

“The terrorist groups had stored a large volume of ammunition inside the site, and the first explosion caused the other explosions in the depot,” the army went on to say.

Terrorists Sustain Casualties in Syrian Army Attack Northeast of Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- One of the main command centers of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah militant group in the Northeast of Damascus province was destroyed in the Syrian Army’s special operation, military sources said, adding that several terrorists were killed or wounded in the explosions.

“The Syrian army exploded one of the major military sites of Liwa Fajr al-Ummah, affiliated to Ajnad al-Sham, in Harasta,” the sources said.



“Several explosions occurred as a result of the army attack, which left many terrorists dead or wounded,” the army added.

“The terrorist groups had stored a large volume of ammunition inside the site, and the first explosion caused the other explosions in the depot,” the army went on to say.

Militant groups’ positions in different parts of Damascus province have been under the massive attacks of the Syrian army, air force, and artillery units in the recent weeks.

Sources said earlier today that two main districts in the Eastern and Northeastern outskirts of the Capital were the scenes of the Syrian government forces’ heavy attacks on the militant groups’ strongholds, adding the militants left behind many dead members and fled the battlefronts.

“The militant groups’ fortified positions in Zamalka in the Northeastern outskirt of Damascus came under massive offensive of the Syrian army and its allies,” the sources said.

“The pro-government forces killed or wounded many terrorists and destroyed their military hardware,” the army added.

“The Syrian forces’ attack on al-Nusra Front’s gatherings in Ein Tarma in the Eastern side of Damascus killed dozens of the terrorists, including a Yemeni and two field commanders on the group,” the army went on to say.



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