Will New World Order Agents Assassinate Swedish Foreign Minister for Questioning Israeli Policy?


by Jonas E. Alexis

Swedish foreign minister Margot Wallström has crossed the political line, says the Sheldon Adelson-sponsored newspaper Makor Rishon. Why?

Because she has recently raised the issue that Israel should not have executed alleged Palestinian assailants without trial. Wallström did not even question the Israeli narrative. She categorically declared:

“I reject/condemn the knife attacks. I think that it is awful and that it should not happen and Israel always has the right to defend itself and ensure its safety.”[1]

The Israeli gangsters would have been so happy if Wallström had just stopped there and refrained from saying anything else. Wallström, however, ended up following the Western intellectual tradition by adding this clause to the political equation:

“And in the same way the response cannot be, and I say this in other situations as well, where the response becomes so that there are extrajudicial executions, or that it becomes disproportionate so the numbers of dead on the other side is greater than the original death toll by several factors.”[2]

Was Wallström really trying to create trouble? Wasn’t she trying to bring practical reason back to the political table? The answer is yes. She further declared that

It is vital that there is a thorough, credible investigation into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability.”

Wallström probably did not realize that she was stepping on a minefield littered with Zionist explosives. The Israeli gangsters responded by saying that she was not welcome in Israel. Richard Edmondson reported just two days ago that

“Three days later, on January 15, the media firestorm began, with media outlets in both Sweden and Israel airing allegations of Wallström’s involvement in public corruption.”

If you don’t usually laugh at the New World Order’s ridiculous manipulation, then you may want to consider this. What was “Wallström’s involvement in public corruption”? She rented an apartment! Edmondson puts it very nicely:

“I know, I know, it sounds pretty heinous, but the key to keeping in mind is that there is a severe housing shortage in Stockholm. Some people have to wait in line, literally for years, just to rent an apartment, and there is widespread suspicion that public figures, both inside and outside of the government, have used their influence to ‘jump the queue.’”

Madness, isn’t it? But Wallström was undeterred. Edmonson says:

“Apparently unperturbed by this uproar, Wallström went on, a few weeks later in December, to declare that Israel may be carrying out what essentially amounts to extrajudicial executions of Palestinians, and in doing so she once again managed to ignite the choler of Israeli officialdom–with Tzipi Hotovely, of the Foreign Ministry, adding her own howls to the general chorus.

“Wallström, in Hotovely’s view, was guilty of ‘defamation of Israel,’ and her statements about the extrajudicial executions ‘are distancing Sweden from the ranks of enlightened nations.’”

According to the Sheldon Adelson-sponsored newspaper, Wallström’s move was unreasonable and unthinkable. Obviously, the writers in the newspaper would be happy if someone would exterminate her. According to Mondoweiss, Israeli officials aspire to do something evil to her. They aspire to assassinate her. Is that beyond the realm of possibility?

Of course not. Israeli gangs and thugs have a long history of assassinating people they do not like. We have also seen how Israel has been involved in the assassination of Iranian scientists and other individuals perceived to be a threat to Israel.

For years the Zionist regime propagated the belief that Yasser Arafat died of AIDS, but recent evidence points to the fact that he was poisoned.[3] We are told that the most likely explanation is that the job was done by Mossad.[4]

It has also been pointed out that Ariel Sharon was an accomplice in all of that. In 2007, it was reported that

“[Uri] Dan reveals a little and conceals much when he hints that Arafat’s death was not caused by any illness. He himself suggested to Sharon that Arafat be captured and brought to trial in Jerusalem, like Eichmann, but Sharon reassured him that he was dealing with the problem in his own way.

“Then Arafat fell ill, was flown to Paris for treatment and died. Was Sharon involved? This is what Dan wrote then in Maariv that in the history books prime minister Ariel Sharon will be remembered as the man who eliminated Yasser Arafat without killing him.”[5]


There is more evidence that seems to suggest that the Mondoweiss article isn’t farfetched at all. Let’s just turn the historical clock back a few years.

The late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was a member of a terrorist organization called the Stern Gang that led to the assassination of the British Resident Minister in the Middle East Lord Moyne in August 1944.

Moyne was Winston Churchill’s representative in Cairo.[6] Since the Israelis thought that the British did not keep their promise of helping the Jewish people establish a Jewish state, British ambassadors such as Moyne had to go.

“The target of Lord Moyne was not chosen at random. The notion of assassinating a high-profile British figure in the Middle East had already been conceived by Avraham (Yair) Stern, leader of the Lehi [a terrorist group], as far back as 1941 and three years before Moyne had even assumed his duties in this role.”

One of the organization’s jobs was to get involved “in clandestine activities,” including terrorist acts “against the British.”[7] Three months earlier, they attempted to assassinate British High Commissioner Sir Harold MacMichael.

Shamir was implicated in those terrorist acts,[8] as well as being linked to the death of Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte and the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 that took the lives of 91 people. To save his skin, the gangster fled to Ethiopia and French Somaliland until 1948.[9]

When Shamir passed away in the summer of 2012, Shimon Peres declared that he was a “brave hero.” Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that Shamir

“belonged to the generation of giants who established the State of Israel and fought for the freedom of the Jewish people on their land…He fought with courage against the British mandate in the days of the underground and his incredible contribution to the State of Israel during his time in the Mossad will remain forever enshrined in the tales of bravery of our nation”[10]

Both the New York Times and CNN avoided mentioning Shamir’s terrorist acts, despite the fact that they were well known. Instead, the New York Times declared that Shamir was part of a “Jewish militia”![11]

As Julian Ozanne of the Financial Times himself put it, Shamir’s penchant for terrorist organizations “often appeared to have defined his core character.”[12] But this “core character,” which seems to jive with Netanyahu’s policy with respect to the Palestinians,[13] will not see the light of day in the media any time soon.

Shamir was a flaming Zionist.[14] He had little regard for international law and “a deep hatred for Arabs.”[15] Israeli writer Uri Avnery called Shamir “the most successful terrorist of the 20th century.”[16] Like Shamir, Avnery joined the underground Irgun organization. Avnery knew Shamir personally, but eventually, Avnery became disenchanted with the organization and embraced peaceful solutions. Avnery writes,

“Many years later I asked [Shamir] which historical personality he admired most. He answered without hesitation: Lenin.”[17]

Shamir’s acts of terrorism were one thing, but Israel continued to commit acts of terrorism without any substantial reprimand from the West. In the summer of 1946, British soldiers arrested 2,700 members of an underground group, which led to its abandonment.[18] Yet one month later:

“On July 26, members of an Etzel cell disguised as Arabs infiltrated the kitchen of the Café La Regence at the lavish King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The hotel had originally opened its doors in 1931 and seven years later was transformed into the nerve center of the British Mandate.

“Members of the cell placed milk containers full of explosives in the southern wing of the hotel and then quickly left the vicinity. Despite the fact that the Etzel gave warning of the explosives, the hotel management was not able to evacuate all its occupants.

“The ensuing explosion caused the collapse of the southern wing of the hotel; 91 Britons, Arabs, and Jews were buried under the ruins, and 476 more were injured.”[19]

The terrorist pattern continued in 1947 when the United Nations General Assembly Resolution authorized the establishment of two states. The terrorist group the Lehi responded

“with a series of terrorist attacks, which included the bombing of the offices of the British shipping company in Haifa, shooting attacks on police in Jerusalem, and a brazen attack on the Astoria Café in Haifa.

“In the latter incident, which targeted British soldiers and police who frequented the café, three Lehi members equipped with machine guns and grenades stormed into the restaurant, began spraying gunfire in all directions, and then made their getaway in a car waiting outside for them.”[20]

Yet even though the band was dismantled, the spirit never died out. It rose from the ashes, and assassinations of dissenting Jews became ubiquitous—the most notable was the assassination of Israel Kastner in 1957.[21]

Terrorist activities were reincarnated shortly after the establishment of Israel among the terrorist group Brit Haknaim, whose name meant “Covenant of the Zealots.”[22] After Brit Haknaim, we had Gush the Emunim and the Kahanist movements, two religious and terrorist groups.[23]

The terrorist spirit moved into different zones from the late 70s to the 90s. For example, when the book Confidential was released—a book which showed that both Netanyahu and Peres have been using espionage against the US through Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan—Netanyahu told Milchan to “avoid any public discussion of the book Confidential, asserting that the matter is too sensitive at this time.”[24]

Moreover, Israeli officials have been very skilled at removing their terrorist mantle and placing it on other nations such as Iran. With editorials in the New York Times propagating falsehoods such as “Iran’s program grew significantly”[25] without telling us how significant is “significantly,” some Americans continue to believe the Zionist and neocon propaganda that Iran is the biggest threat in the world today.

In fact, Israeli gangsters continue to say that they would prefer ISIS to Iran.[26] More recently, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon reiterated the claim that Israel prefers ISIS to Iran in Syria.[27]

Propaganda against Iran continued to escalate in late summer 2012 when a bus in Bulgaria with Israeli passengers exploded, killing six people and injuring thirty more. The first country to blame the attack on Iran, of course, was Israel. Netanyahu was quick to respond:

“This is an Iranian terror attack that is spreading throughout the entire world. Israel will respond with force.”[28]

Just like with the recent bombing in Thailand, writers in the Wall Street Journal began to summon conspiracy theories, indirectly tying the act to Hezbollah.[29] As soon as Netanyahu made it clear that both Iran and Hezbollah were behind the act and that both had been committing terrorist acts on the entire world in the past five years,[30] conspiracy theories began to spring up like wildfire.

US officials quickly and carelessly declared that Iran and Hezbollah had teamed up to carry out the attack in order to avenge the Iranian scientists who were killed in terrorist acts.[31] When asked to provide details of how this had happened, the officials “declined.”[32]

On a widely-viewed program on Fox News, Netanyahu declared,

“We know with absolute certainty, without a shadow of a doubt, this is a Hezbollah operation.”

When asked for evidence, Netanyahu declared that it has been shared with “friendly agencies.”[33] Some US officials, such as Pentagon press secretary George Little and White House spokesman Jay Carney, were not convinced this time.[34]

At another point a Pentagon official declared that the incident “does bear the hallmarks of Hezbollah,” yet the Pentagon officially stated that it had “not yet concluded who was behind it.” The Times of Israel admitted,

“There was no independent confirmation of the veracity of the information. The reports surfaced soon after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had publicly accused Hezbollah, directed by Iran, of responsibility for the bombing.”[35]

“We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

So, will New World Order agents in Israel assassinate Margot Wallström? I don’t think that they are that stupid. Such a diabolical act would really destroy their essentially Talmudic plot. But you can never know. Israel is a Satanic state, and no price is too high. Let us hear again from Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld:

“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”[36]

Creveld went so far as to compare Israel to a “mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”[37] The West should at least pay close attention to what Creveld is saying here.


  • [1] Barak Ravid, “Swedish Minister Accuses Israel of ‘Executing’ Palestinian Knife Attackers,” Haaretz, December 5, 2015.
  • [2] Ibid.
  • [3] Adrian Blomfield, “Yasser Arafat ‘Poisoned with Polonium,’” Telegraph, July 3, 2012; Douglas Stanglin, “Tests Suggest Arafat Died of Polonium Poisoning,” USA Today, July 3, 2012; “Tests Point to Possible Arafat Poisoning,” IPSNews.net, July 3, 2012.
  • [4] Blomfield, “Yasser Arafat ‘Poisoned with Polonium,’” Telegraph, July 3, 2012; Justin Raimondo, “Who Killed Yasser Arafat?” Antiwar.com, Jul. 4, 2012.
  • [5] Uri Dromi, “The Pessimist Was Right,” Haaretz, February 15, 2007.
  • [6] Julian Ozanne, “Unflinching Supporter of Greater Israel,” Financial Times, Jun. 30, 2012; Pedahzur & Perliger, Jewish Terrorism in Israel, 18-20.
  • [7] Ibid., 19.
  • [8] Ami Pedahzur and Arie Perliger, Jewish Terrorism in Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011), 21.
  • [9] “Yitzhak Shamir,” Telegraph, June 30, 2012.
  • [10] “Yitzhak Shamir, Former Israeli PM, Dies,” CNN, Jul. 2, 2012; Gil Hoffman, “Former PM Shamir Passes Away at Age 96 in Tel Aviv,” Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2012.
  • [11] Joel Brinkley, “Yitzhak Shamir, Former Israeli Prime Minister, Dies at 96,” NY Times, June 30, 2012.
  • [12] Ozanne, “Unflinching Supporter,” Financial Times, June 30, 2012.
  • [13] “PM: Shamir Saw, Understood Fundamental Truths,” Jerusalem Post, July 1, 2012.
  • [14] Hoffman, “Shamir Passes Away,” Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2012.
  • [15] Ozanne, “Unflinching Supporter,” Financial Times, June 30, 2012.
  • [16] Uri Avnery, “Two Faces: Israel’s Prime Ministers,” Antiwar.com, July 14, 2012.
  • [17] Ibid.
  • [18] Pedahzur & Perliger, Jewish Terrorism in Israel, 23
  • [19] Ibid., 24.
  • [20] Ibid., 26.
  • [21] Ibid., 29.
  • [22] Ibid., 33.
  • [23] Ibid., 37.
  • [24] Grant Smith, “Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring,” Antiwar.com, July 4, 2012.
  • [25] “Sanctions Against Iran,” NY Times, June 21, 2012.
  • [26] Ron Kampeas, “Israeli envoy: Nuclear Iran is a ‘thousand times’ more dangerous than ISIS,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, September 18, 2014; “Nuclear Iran 1,000 times more dangerous than ISIS – Netanyahu,” Russia Today, May 27, 2015.
  • [27] Judah Ari Gross, “Ya’alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria,” Times of Israel, January 19, 2016.
  • [28] Joshua Mitnick, Jay Solomon, and Gordon Fairclough, “Israel Says Iran Behind Deadly Blast in Europe,” Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2012.
  • [29] Ibid.
  • [30] “PM: Time for World to Admit Iran’s Role in World Terror,” Jerusalem Post, July 19, 2012.
  • [31] “US Officials: Hezbollah Attacked Israelis in Bulgaria to Retaliate for Killing of Iran Nuclear Scientists,” Haaretz, July 20, 2012.
  • [32] Nicholas Kulish, “Hezbollah Blamed for Attack on Israeli Tourist in Bulgaria,” NY Times, July 19, 2012.
  • [33] Gareth Porter, “Israel Pins Bombing on Hezbollah to Get EU Terror Ruling,” Antiwar.com, July 25, 2012.
  • [34] Ibid.
  • [35] “Bulgarian Press Names Bomber: Mehdi Ghezali,” Times of Israel, July 19, 2012.
  • [36] Quoted in The war game,” Guardian, September 21, 2003.
  • [37] Ibid.


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