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Tag: New World Order

Putin: Time to Call The Great Satan a Threat

Was Putin right in saying that the United States is a threat to Russia? Ideologically, yes.

The decline and fall of the US world order is inevitable

Unlike Russia, China and many other countries that prefer to follow the world order based on international law and the UN Charter, since early 1990s, i.e. after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in public speeches by American, and by several other Western politicians, there were persistent calls for a “rules-based international order,” representing the so-called exclusively “Western values.”

VT RADIO: ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, The 1000 Year Mission Creep...

VT's Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould share their latest book The Valediction: Resurrection with VT Radio Host Johnny Punish

UN 2030: An Agenda Forged in the Ninth Circle of...

Everything you always wanted to know about SDGs (but were afraid to ask)

Putin: Have They Published “A World Map” and “Marked All the...

NATO and the United States violated virtually every major agreement they made with Russia during the Cold War.

Russia a Threat to Rules-Based Order

Putin denounced the child homosexuality agenda of the US as “satanic.” China has similarly taken a hard stand against homosexuality and feminism, with the Xi Jinping government actually seeking to reduce the already minimal “rights” of homosexuals and women.

Putin on the new world order: Russia reaches out to all...

Putin: "The collapse of the Soviet Union also destroyed the balance of geopolitical forces. The West felt itself the victor and proclaimed the unipolar world order in which only its will, culture and interests had a right to exist."

Vladimir Putin: Pedophilia Is Essentially Satanic

Vladimir Putin: "In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.”

The Closing of the Zionist Mind

Truth indeed will prevail. If Hegel and Solzhenitsyn are right, then there is no need to despair, despite the fact that truth is quite rare in the political firmament. We are the party of truth, and our job is to proclaim the truth loud and clear so that people of reason will finally rise up and dust the lies off their feet.

An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin

The genetic theorists owe people like Brother Nathanael Kapner a serious explanation.

Is New World Order Losing War Against Russia?

Putin is either an aggressive schemer, to be opposed and vilified at all costs, or a wise restrained real-politician balancing irreconcilable forces next door. Which is it?

Putin: New World Order Worships Satan

“It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites..."

Psychoanalysis, the Illuminati, and Sexual Liberation Are Concentric Circles

"Psychoanalysis and Illuminism were, in effect the same project."

Metaphysics of New World Order Revisited

What is essential to the categorical imperative is that it prohibits contradiction and irrationality precisely because it is based on the moral law itself. More importantly, the moment a person violates or denies or dismisses the categorical imperative, that person will soon find himself in a torrent of contradictions, illogical leaps, and intellectual chaos.

We will never forget Israel for 9/11

At least 200 Israelis were arrested. 140 of those were detained by the FBI right before the 9/11 attack. Many of those Israelis “had used cover stories to gain access to sensitive government buildings and the homes of American officials.”

WEAPONS LOBBY. Third World War Warnings! UK, NATO, US & Zelensky...

The international intrigue that revolves around the Weapons Lobby and military intelligence behind the Echoes of an imminent World War III

Are New World Order Agents seeking to assassinate Vladimir Putin?

Will NWO ever succeed in taking out Putin? Well, Putin’s fate is not in their hands.

The “Rules-Based International Order” Is Dead. Washington Killed It

This all continues to highlight how the world is descending into a post-globalization world of at least two blocs: the anti-Russian one and the neutral one.

Russia Seeks to End US-Dominated World Order

US "domination is built on gross violations of international law and under some rules, which they are now hyping so much and which they make up on a case-by-case basis,”

Khazarian Murderers of the Russian Revolution

The Khazarian Mafia initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution beginning in 1788.

Ex-Russian president warns about ‘world order’

“No one should doubt that Russia will use its right [to self-defense] through any means it deems necessary."

Why do Europeans have to sacrifice hot (golden?) showers to ‘stick...

People are urged to eat less, dress warmer to save on heating, give up travelling, supposedly for the benefit of abstract North Atlantic solidarity.

Globalists Fomented War in Ukraine To Establish New World Order Tyranny

It is evident that the Ukrainian people, beyond the issues that diplomacy can resolve, are victims of the same global coup d’état being carried out by supranational powers that intend, not peace between nations, but rather the establishment of the tyranny of the New World Order.

Fight Club: Vladimir Putin Continues to Intellectually Slay New World Order

Well done, Mr. Putin. Please, continue to put the fear of God in the New World Order. Show NWO agents that we are not for sale.

Putin Orders Nuclear Forces on High Alert, Cites Western Sanctions

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday ordered Russia’s nuclear forces to be put on “special” alert in response to Western sanctions and what he said were “aggressive statements” made by NATO countries.

Will Femininity Make a Comeback and Destroy NWO Feminism?

The woman's primary role is to be a wife, mother and homemaker. The man's role is to be a guide, protector and provider. This doesn't mean women can't have careers or men can't cook or change a diaper.

The Road to Fascism: Paved with Vaccine Mandates and Corporate Collusion

The heavy-handed collusion between the Techno-Corporate State and the U.S. government over vaccine mandates is merely the latest manifestation of the extent to which fascist forces are working to overthrow our constitutional republic and nullify the rights of the individual.

The Corona Pandemic and the Cunning of Reason

The wicked oligarchs who orchestrated the crash which the coronavirus conveniently disguised were rewarded with the money they sought so avidly, only to pass, sooner or later, from the scene leaving only wreckage behind. But the course of Logos in human history cannot be thwarted by the designs of the wicked.

Ten Worst U.S. Presidents

Lincoln gave us the imperial presidency; Wilson gave us globalism; F.D.R. gave us socialism; L.B.J. gave us welfarism, gun control, and cowardly churches; and G.W. Bush gave us a burgeoning Police State, perpetual war, and Neocons.

New World Order and Psycho-Political Operatives

We are brainwashed. Will we awake before it is too late? Are we already too craven and venal to act?

9/11 Two Decades Later

“He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” -Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity, FBI

Time to put America back in charge of America

“The Rothschild family and politics have been intertwined for generations, ever since Nathan Rothschild, who founded the English branch of the family business, financed Britain’s war against Napoleon two centuries ago."

Family vs. Feminism: The Battle Line of the New World Order

“Feminism and Judaism go together like Courtney Love and hitting people with microphones while screaming in a drug-addled spittle-flecked nipple-revealing manner.”

The ‘No Second 9/11’ Argument

After twenty years of the War on Terror, $6.4 trillion spent, some 801,000 deaths (including about 335,000 civilian deaths) from direct violence by 2019 (and many more because of factors related to the War on Terror not calculated in war deaths)...

Why Was World War II Waged?

Just as the Illuminati international bankers planned the First World War, they also planned World War II.

Ron Unz’s COVID-19 Bioweapon “Blowback” Theory Is Not Supported by the...

Was COVID unleashed by a botched neocon attack on China and Iran—or by a globalist New World Order elite?

NWO and Khazarian Cult drunk on power and what we can...

By metaphysically rejecting the moral and political order and embracing chaos and destruction, international Zionism has essentially become Satanism.

Make Way for the Snitch State

Even agencies not traditionally associated with the intelligence community are part of the government’s growing network of snitches and spies.

The elites want a world government they control

These elites want a world government they control in its entirety, with global surveillance, military coercion, economic blackmail, control of fiat currency, control of media, and subversion of nation-states and cultures the weapons used to achieve it,

NWO War on Mothers who Embody Selfless Love

It is well established by social scientists and researchers of various stripes that the family is like the nucleus of a nation and that both mothers and fathers play a crucial role in the homes.