This is how the world works. You are brainwashed from an early age to believe you are playing scrabble, but you cannot understand why just when you seem to be getting the hang of it and making some headway for yourself and your family, you suddenly lose everything, and lose badly. That is because those who control the game are playing snakes and ladders. But you have never been taught to play snakes and ladders.
Here is one simple example. They convince you to invest your money in anything from the banking system to the stock exchange with the promise that you will get returns on your investment. So you do.
And yes for a while the system works and everyone benefits.They might keep this going for one generation, many even three, but then slowly, imperceptibly things start going wrong.
But by now you have so much faith in the system and that it will recover, that instead of taking everything out, you still hang in there in the hope that it will recover.
After all, the same people you trusted in the first place, told you it will. But it never does. Because they have been robbing it and finally when there is only an empty shell left, they declare default or bankruptcy but by then it is too late for you, because you have lost everything.
The same goes for any political system. Whether that is capitalism, socialism or communism. It does not matter.
As long as they can brainwash the masses to give of their time, their energy and their money, where the general population in all systems sees a very definite improvement in their lives, education, health, housing, security etc, they will become even more committed and give even more towards it believing that they will get the returns and not only for their family, but that their children and their grand children and their great-grandchildren will benefit for years to come.
But by the third generation it is already too late. Because the hidden government that nobody ever knows about, that controls all the puppets we see in the public arena around the world have already started robbing it from the beginning.
At first imperceptibly and nobody notices the odd million here, the odd million there, disappearing. But by the third generation the “economy”starts doing a downturn, and we are told it will recover. We believe it. We have been brainwashed into believing it.
But it only gets worse. Finally it crashes and they have walked away not with billions but trillions and you are standing empty handed.
By now, with our ability to educate ourselves and most of the world’s population being able to read and write which 85% could not do 100 years ago, our drastically improved health care systems like the UK National Health Service (which is currently being destroyed,) government institutions if run properly and not subject to corruption and degeneration, 75% of the world’s population should have a middle class standard of living. But they don’t.

Instead what small middle class there was, is now also being drastically reduced to poverty level and opportunities are getting fewer not more. And with computer technology and 3d printing, the industrial age of the 19th and 20th century no longer exists. They do not need to employ 100 people on the factory floor these days, they only need 2 to operate the technology, if that.
By now there are the starving masses, the unemployed and the people who have robbed the system will never put back into it or do anything about it.They have moved their wealth to offshore havens where nobody can touch it. Their solution is two-fold.
Engineer social and political riots, get one side of the population against the other side of the population, under any pretext until the whole society has become so ungovernable that martial law is instituted and a fascist police state becomes the social order.
Along with the fascist police state are mass arrests, detention camps and gulags and invariably war. Or as they call it, mowing the lawn to reduce the population. The last thing they ever want, no matter what the political system is, is nation-state democracy, where the time, energy, effort and money put in by the nation goes for the betterment of the society that worked to create it in the first place. It has always been this way.
As Ann Diener has pointed out in her article: Seeds of Fascism are Germinating, Wake up World!
There are many other places we could visit on a virtual tour of fascism globally, the question is how much longer will we allow this to continue?

It has taken many years for political leaders in Israel to see fascism creeping in. Many more are seeing this every day, but with little recourse for criminality, for color revolutions, for land theft and theft of assets as well as for the threats made to freedom of speech.
There is one cry you won’t be hearing at a Trump rally. It is the cry of truth, and of what will happen if we get a fascist President in the White House. The cry is simple, “Are you ready for the Fourth Reich?”
There are a number of variations to this theme. Here is one example. In South Africa they used the acrimony between English and Afrikaans speaking people and the racial issue for social and political dissent. Then installed the Dutch social engineer, Hendrik Verwoerd in order to institute a fascist, apartheid, police state.
The problem was that when the British abolished slavery in 1830, the Dutch farmers did not want to comply. So they went on the Great Trek into the interior of the country taking their slaves with them. Their slaves outnumbered them 3 to 1.
In the first Boer War the European Royalty, mainly the Dutch, were quite happy to support the Boer Republics until they realized that many of the Boers were mixed blood. By the second Boer war they handed it over to the British to take over the whole country and gave the Boers no support. When Kruger left from Mozambique with his gold (Kruger millions) to raise funds for the war and arrived in Switzerland, the Dutch took it and he died in Holland.

The so called “British concentration camps” in the Boer War were mainly women and children of mixed blood, who were servants and slaves that had been abandoned by the more “white blood” Afrikaner on the farms. These were the people that Dame Emily Hobhouse intervened to save.
My great Grandmother was in one of the Boer “concentration camps “in Bloemfontein. When I asked her about it, she said, “Hulle het van hulle eie vuiligheid doodgegaan.” They died from their own filth.
The problem was that when you live in the bush you can use the toilet anywhere. In a confined space and in a camp, not keeping to healthy and clean habits increases the spread of disease, as Florence Nightingale learnt during the Crimean War and gave rise to the noble profession of nursing throughout the world. She was also instrumental in promoting our current sanitation systems with flush toilets and water sewerage.
After the second Boer war The Dutch then sent in Verwoerd to basically separate the “white” Boers from the “coloured” Boers under the Apartheid system which broke up societies and many families. Before genetic testing, the Apartheid system used the “hair comb test.” If you were white the comb did not get stuck in your hair, if you were coloured it did. Having curly hair. became a stigma.
They used the mainly white population in enforced conscription to go to war against Angola so that that country would not be able to make full use of its own oil resources which would have been in strong competition with the middle east.
In exchange for military and scientific technology, including nuclear arms, they took payment in gold from the South African government. South African at one stage had one of the best military machines in Africa, but our gold reserves were drastically reduced.
By the time the border war was over and we had a democratically elected government, they devalued the rand and started smashing the gold price. Today our mines are almost completely bankrupt and the economy has never recovered.

Three generations of white South Africans were traumatized in a senseless war over a 30-year period, as well as the rest of the South African population with the Dutch installed Verwoerd’s social engineering apartheid project.
Without these border wars, deals would have been cut with Angola and the whole of Southern African would have become oil independent of the Middle East, the petro dollar and needless to add, Royal Dutch Shell…
South Africans were playing a scrabble game fighting “die communiss, die terroriss en die atheiss” while they were playing snakes and ladders. South Africa has now slid down to the bottom of the board and they have long since left the game with all the dice.
Most Americans do not believe in foreign entanglements. Most Americans do not want to go to war with Russia or China or anyone else for that matter. The economic and social crisis has been created in the USA in order to put in a fascist state so that they can take the USA to world war and at the same time get rid of all dissenting voices.
It has been a slow process since 9/11. And as Ann has pointed out, the FEMA camps and the trains are already in place to get rid of the unwanted and unwashed masses as well as the intellectuals, those who oppose the system and anyone within the Pentagon who is not on board with the current insanity. The education system has also been reduced by Common Core to mindless Pavlovian brainwashing.
The same goes for the EU, Israel, Turkey and Ukraine. The western fascist machine is designed to create World War III, reduce the population and then rob Eurasia. Wash, rise, repeat. The French nobility, for all their corruption would never have gone on the campaigns that Napoleon did and attempt to take over Russia. They had to be replaced.
The Germans for all the bad economy would never have gone on campaigns across Europe and again attempt to take over Russia without Hitler and fascist Germany funded by many American companies like General Motors, DuPont and the Bush crime family syndicate. It had to be socially engineered.
Today they are behind schedule. Syria was supposed to have fallen by now, Iran and Lebanon bombed into the stone age, all Palestinians genocided and Ukraine used as the excuse to attack Russia… again.
Go back through history over 3,000 years. Nothing has changed. The Matrix remains.

Katherine Frisk is or was an enigma. We know that the amazing world-changing book, Jesus Was A Palestinian, was authored by a “Katherine Frisk” but there is NO other information on “Katherine Frisk”. We don’t even have an active email for her.
Many say that Katherine was Catherine “Kate” Frisk who was born in Malta in 1933 and lived in the USA where she passed away in 2018. But that’s NOT confirmed.
It may be that “Katherine Frisk” is a nom-de-plume. Considering the subject matter in our book, it would NOT be a stretch to imagine that some would take offense to her truth-telling and so going full anonymous would make survival sense. We simply don’t know. And so we cannot 100% confirm her identity.
What we do know is that Katherine submitted over 50 articles to VT and wrote a great book. That all stopped in 2018. VT periodically does a few re-publishes of her work.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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