Seeds of Fascism are Germinating, Wake up World! Or are you ready for a Fourth Reich?
by Ann Diener, for VT

[ Editor’s Note: Ann brings us some timely dot connecting as the political middle begins to erode toward the Left and Right. This is a bookend to Uri Avnery’s piece that I put up this morning.
Ann steps us through the world wide political shift going on, and how selectivity the Right wing threat is viewed. When it is anti-elitist, which it is in the EU now, Western media does its fear porn number of the NeoNazis taking over. But then the NeoNazis are okay in Ukraine if they serve US and EU interests.
The same goes for South America. When the Right Wing is staging political coups Western media has nothing bad to say. On the contrary, economic order is being re-established and the US is fully onboard.
An obvious pea and shell game is being played on all this with corruption of every kind involved, and the public treated with contempt everywhere, including the mindless zoombies who think they might be the winners in any of this… Jim W. Dean ]
Get read for one hell of a ride
As Americans sit at home watching Donald Trump on their TV screens belt out, “Get em’ outta here” to protesters that made their way into his speech in Albuquerque, New Mexico, an entire world seems to be slowly turning towards fascism, waiting for the day Donald Trump will be elected as President of the United States.
The last cog in the wheel, the last piece in the puzzle, Trump with his hateful words for many, who he alleges are different than he is, drives out the last bit of possibility for change in an already well established police state hiding behind the scenes.
This time there are no military parades, at least as of yet, of people saluting the “Fuehrer.” This time there are however still plans to round up millions here in the US for deportation and potentially for detention. Latinos and Muslims share that potential fate if Trump is elected.
He has clearly stated he will deport 11,000,000 illegal immigrants and detain Muslims and Arabs as well as restrict their travel. Perhaps there is a use for the steel prison like box cars manufactured during the late 1990’s after all.
From a lecture given by Philip Schneider in May, 1995, at Post Falls, Idaho.,
“Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day excited, and he told me ‘they’re building prisoner cars.’ He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles.
There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland. He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government. ”
[ Editor’s Note: This 1995 story source is an old one and should have left quite a trail, so we will be looking for confirmation. A large numbers of detainees would never be moved at once because there is not room in the rail system to do it or provide for the ancillary logistics…and…it would not be necessary. And move to where?… and what logistics would be required for where they were going to?…JD ]
This 15,000,000 number is not far fetched when considering 11,000,000 or more illegal immigrants and how many Muslims and Arabic people live in the US, not to mention the numbers of people who would oppose this type of action, as they would probably be included as well.
I recently tweeted at a Trump employee and supporter Lynne Patton who found a way to justify what Trump was saying through a very emotional, captivating video claiming that this vision of deportation and detention is justified.
The video entitled, “Lynne Patton ‘The Trump Family That I Know’ – A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks,” was slick PR. I was one of the few negative comments on both Twitter and Youtube. I asked her to consider the logistics of what he was recommending to take on deporting 11,000,000 plus people. Think about this for a moment, how many uprisings would occur, should an Executive Order commanding these deportations and detentions happen?
How many people would get caught in the crossfire? How many dissidents would be potentially rounded up, saying they were colluding with the enemy, just as those who helped Jews in Nazi Germany were detained? Would the poor be rounded up too, if they sided with these two groups? How about the Black people? Could business go on in America, if this would be happening? What would be the net result on the American economy, should a mass round-up happen?
So here today, we are confronted with a country known as “The Leader of the Free World” with the potential for what could only be described as the second Holocaust, and we sit here and laugh at Trump’s jokes?
We are not alone in this turn towards fascism. We can take a short tour around the world to see how the far Right has virtually taken over key power centers and are using terrorism as a tool.
Thinking about Israel, Ex-Prime Minister Ehud Barak came out earlier this week saying, “Israel Has Been Infected by the Seeds of Fascism,” as new laws towards the death penalty only apply to Palestinians, and they continue the onslaught of killing Palestinians and stealing their land. There is no compromise. The idea of a two state solution is gone, and what is left is condoned genocide of the people, another Holocaust where Palestinians are shot for sport and the majority of Israel’s population believes that it is justified.
Barak continued, “What has happened is a hostile takeover of the Israeli government by dangerous elements. And it’s just the beginning.”
“This government needs to be brought down before it brings all of us down,” he added. “There are no serious leaders left in the world who believe the Israeli government.”
When has this ever happened that former Israeli government officials have spoken out so strongly? Now looking back at Trump and his supporters, Sheldon Adelson supports the current Israeli government in its current form.
Moving on to Brazil, where a corrupt Vice President, corrupt government officials and corrupt media created the atmosphere for a coup to hide their criminality, and there is audio tape that directly discusses this.
Planning minister Romero Jucá was recorded saying ‘We have to change the government’ as the only means to stop a sweeping corruption investigation.” Within days of being put in power, “the country’s interim president, Michel Temer, unveiled a raft of economic austerity measures and introduced a far-reaching constitutional amendment limiting the growth of public spending to the equivalent of the previous year’s inflation.
Temer reportedly is now focused on overhauling Brazil’s pension system, but two of the country’s largest unions have refused to participate in talks, saying they don’t recognize the interim government. Temer has also called for the immediate abolition of funds created to channel oil revenues into education initiatives,” according to Democracy Now!
Fascism and corruption has potentially taken down the democratically elected government of Brazil.
On to Ukraine, where fascist forces have been operating since the coup there in 2014, and most recently in April, our fears have come to life, as the new speaker of the Ukrainian parliament is Andriy Parubiy, the longtime neo-Nazi activist who was a founder of the National Socialist Party of Ukraine.
According to ShadowProof writer Dan Wright,“Parubiy played a significant role in the coup, serving as commandant of the Euromaidan, where he and other neo-fascists helped violently overthrow the democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych. The armed battles with security forces in Kiev were carried out by many people, who would later join the right wing militias that would fight in the Ukraine Civil War. “
People who doubt that 2014 change in the government of Ukraine was a coup, may consult long time Conservative commentator, Pat Buchanan, who wrote recently,
“After persuading Kiev to join a Moscow-led economic union, Putin saw Ukraine’s pro-Russian government overthrown in a US-backed coup. He has seen US-funded ‘color-coded’ revolutions try to dump over friendly regimes all across his ‘near-abroad’.”
Is it any wonder that Russia continues to celebrate Victory Day against the Nazis with such fervor, as the war has seemingly continued to this day behind the scenes.
The covert war has only expanded through alliances and partnerships with terrorism and financial tools seeking to expand its ever growing influence on the world through tactics reminiscent of organized crime.
Looking at the government of Turkey, it has used repression and funded as well as armed terrorists in Syria as well as launched attacks against dissent within its country.
Turkey has arrested academics, as well as closed or taken over newspapers. One recent mass arrest of academics occurred in January 2016 when academics signed a petition against the killing of Kurdsh countrymen inside Turkey.
“The move came after prosecutors launched a vast investigation into more than 1,200 academics from 90 Turkish universities who signed the declaration. Prosecutors say the signatories were “insulting the state” and engaging in “terrorist propaganda,” according to an article, “Turkey arrests academics over ‘Kurdish massacres’ petition,” in the Middle Eastern Monitor. Where have we heard this before?
What is surprising, is despite the totalitarian actions, and also the evidence found that clearly shows Turkey is engaging in support of Daesh including the tracked mass movement of oil trucks in and out of Turkey for profit, that nothing was ever done to stop the flow of oil for Daesh profit across the Turkish border until Russia stepped in. Fascism has been condoned in Turkey.
Fascism is a global epidemic It is fueled by the corrupt and those with delusions of superiority. “Grey Wolves” are also appearing.
“Ukrainian nationalists and activists of the so-called Crimean Tatar Mejlis recently began to receive reinforcements in the face of right-wing members of the Turkish terrorist group ‘Grey Wolves.’ One of the organizers of the blockade of Crimea, Lenur Islyamov, on his blog posted a photo with the Turkish fighters; ‘Turkish patriots from the organization Bozkurtkar Turk Ulkuculeri, people call it — ‘Grey Wolves’, visited us at the blockade. The blockade is compressed’, — signed ‘Islyamov’”
“ ‘Grey wolves’ (Bozkurtlar) appeared in the late 1960s as the youth wing of the far-right ‘Nationalist Movement Party’, which proclaimed the goal of uniting all Turkish peoples in one state. Colonel Alparslan of Turkey led the organization, and was an open admirer of Hitler and Nazi ideas. The Turkish state, regardless of whether it has formally forbidden the ‘Wolves’ or allowed them to emerge from the underground, actively used them to suppress opposition and promote foreign policy. “
There are many other places we could visit on a virtual tour of fascism globally, the question is how much longer will we allow this to continue?
It has taken many years for political leaders in Israel to see fascism creeping in. Many more are seeing this every day, but with little recourse for criminality, for color revolutions, for land theft and theft of assets as well as for the threats made to freedom of speech. There is one cry you won’t be hearing at a Trump rally. It is the cry of truth, and of what will happen if we get a fascist President in the White House. The cry is simple, “Are you ready for the Fourth Reich?”
Ann Diener is the granddaughter of a German soldier who walked back from Russia after WWII

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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