Now that we know Omar Mateen was gay, will the whole MSM script be re-written to blame gays instead of Muslims? Will Trump call for a ban on gays? Will he propose forcing all gays in America to register? The FBI apparently hopes not, since they are trying to silence witnesses who knew Mateen was gay, according to one of those witnesses, Mateen’s ex-wife Sitora Yusufiy.
The Guardian reports: “Jim Van Horn, 71, told the Associated Press Mateen was a ‘regular’ at the Pulse nightclub where the murders took place. ‘He was trying to pick up people. Men,’ he said. ‘He was a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men. He would walk up to them and then he would maybe put his arm round them or something … That’s what people do at gay bars. That’s what we do.’
So meet yet another “radical Islamic terrorist” whose lifestyle was radically un-Islamic – like Mohammed Atta, that lover of pork chops, cocaine, whiskey, prostitutes, and gambling junkets, according to many witnesses including his pink-haired stripper girlfriend Amanda Keller.
Maybe instead of having Muslims register at DHS and wear gold crescent moons, Trump should consider forcing them to practice their religion. For it is the non-practicing, degenerate people with Muslim names who are consistently being blamed for virtually every major terrorist attack in the West since Atta and his crew of boozing, whoring druggies who never went near a mosque were (falsely) blamed for 9/11.
A law mandating that all Muslims practice their religion would be just as constitutional as the other Muslim-related measures Trump is proposing. And since statistics show that practicing Muslims are associated with extremely low rates of crime, drug addiction, divorce, alcoholism, suicide, and other negative social indicators – as well as extremely low rates of terrorism, which is virtually always blamed on gay “Muslims,” “Muslims” with pink-haired stripper girlfriends, and other “Muslims in name only” – such a law would be good for taxpayers, society as a whole, and (especially) Muslims themselves.
Maybe Trump could even personally behead any Muslims who commit acts that are considered criminal and/or sinful under Islamic legal systems. Think of the TV ratings THAT would bring to his ongoing political reality show! “Donald Trump presents: The Daily Beheading!” The tens of thousands of FBI agents surveilling every mosque in America could focus on ferreting out un-Islamic behavior by nominal Muslims, capturing the culprits, and delivering them to the sword-wielding Trump to decapitate on live television. (When he talked about things “much worse” than waterboarding, maybe that was what he had in mind?)
Unfortunately, it won’t happen. Instead, the media will continue to use a mass shooting blamed on a gay man to demonize Islam. It makes me so angry I could almost behead somebody. (I wish the Democrats would protect me from myself by enacting sword-control legislation.)
On second thought, in lieu of rushing out in search of a sword and some choppable heads, I guess I’ll just keep venting my spleen on Press TV. Here are my two latest interviews.

Press TV has interviewed Kevin Barrett, an author and Middle East expert in Madison, to discuss the Sunday mass shooting in Orlando, Florida.
A rough transcription of the interview appears below.
Press TV: How dangerous is this mixture of a prevalence of guns in a country and disenfranchised young men who want to jump on this terror bandwagon?
Barrett: Well that is one question but I think the real question we need to be asking is the question that Robert David Steele, a former CIA clandestine service officer, is asking. I have just been in communication with him and published an article at VT about this incident and the first question is, is this yet another false flag event?
There is absolutely no reason why we should believe that one security guard with no paramilitary training would be capable of killing 50 people. This is highly improbable. We just had a week that was an amazing week for everyone who supports Islam and the Palestinians. We spent the week mourning the death of Muhammad Ali, a great Muslim fighter for justice and a defender of the Palestinians. Additionally, this week we just learned from The Washington Post that Obama was planning to push through the United Nations a Security Council resolution that would essentially recognize the state of Palestine and establish the state of Palestine on the pre-1967 boundaries.
This is a very, very dangerous situation for people like Netanyahu and his party, the people who have been behind virtually all of the spectacular so-called Islamic terror attacks blamed on Muslims from September 11th through London, Madrid, Bali and more recently the two Paris attacks of 2015 and San Bernardino. We know all of those events were false flag events arranged by professionals and intelligence agencies and falsely blamed on Muslims. We have no reason to believe the official story of this event. We should assume that this is a false flag event carried out by the supporters of Netanyahu and the neoconservatives who have whipped up the clash of civilizations out of whole cloth through false flag terror events like this in order to pursue their geopolitical agenda.
Press TV: And along that line of reasoning, how do you think that Islamophobia is going to be? Donald Trump has tweeted saying that, ‘Look, I told you guys about Muslims’ and now of course there is going to be a backlash throughout the Islamic community. How do you think Muslims should brace themselves for such a thing?
Barrett: Yes unfortunately we need to work harder to publicize the truth about these shootings which are carried out – these attacks, bombings, shootings, the 9/11 – all of these have been perpetrated by the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Muslims and they have been falsely blamed on Muslims and yet most American Muslims are afraid to speak up.
Polls show that more than two thirds of American Muslims and close to three quarters or more of Muslims worldwide know that September 11th was an inside job designed to smear Islam and launch a permanent war on Islam on behalf of Israeli expansionism. That is what this is all about and yet American Muslims are for the most part cowardly and silent, unwilling to speak up and tell the truth and try to put a stop to this madness. Everyone, not just Muslims, but everyone who knows the truth about this, and poll showed that about one third of Americans know the truth about the false flag so-called war on terror being a complete hoax, need to speak up and lose their fear and get out in public.
We should be seeing demonstrations of hundreds of thousands or millions of people because there are a hundred million people here in the United States who know that 9/11 was an inside job. Where are they? Why are they hiding behind their computers? We are in a state of emergency now, we are very close to a situation where the United States is going to descend into a Nazi Germany-style scenario and the Muslims who are here are going to be in concentration camps and they are going to have ask themselves as they sit there behind the barbed wire, why didn’t we speak up? Why didn’t we tell the truth?
These facts about 9/11 have long since been established by hundreds and thousands of experts, architects, engineers, scientists, researchers have proven that it was an inside job, why were we silent? Are we going to go toward deaths behind barbed wire because we were too cowardly to get active and help spread the truth about this and put an end to this madness?
Orlando shooting conducted by enemies of Islam

The Orlando, Florida, nightclub mass shooting that killed dozens of people on Sunday looks like another false flag operation carried out by Blackwater mercenaries, not by Muslims, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003.
Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11 and founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance, told Press TV on Monday that the shooting was “obviously conducted by the enemy of Islam, not by Muslims.”
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating both domestic and international connections to the massacre that left 50 people, including the shooter, dead and 53 others injured on Sunday. The Daesh terrorist group reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack.
The suspect in the shooting, identified by US media as an alleged Daesh sympathizer named Omar Mateen, is a US citizen of Afghan descent from Port St. Lucie, Florida. He took hostages at the club and barricaded himself in the complex but was later killed by specially trained SWAT units.
Hours after the deadly shooting, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called on President Barack Obama to “immediately” resign from office and suggested Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should suspend her White House bid over the issue.
“If Hillary Clinton, after this attack, still cannot say the two words ‘radical Islam’ she should get out of this race for the Presidency,” Trump said in a statement on Sunday.
“Well, the so-called presidential race … is really Roman bread and circuses, because the United States is not a democracy. It is dumbed down to the point that the American people are at about the intellectual level of maggots, worms, at this point. As Neil Postman wrote in Amusing Ourselves to Death, ‘Television has destroyed the American mind completely. There’s no longer enough critical thought left in the country to have a functioning democracy,’” Dr. Barrett said.
“And the latest example of this is Donald Trump telling Obama to resign and Hillary Clinton to pull out of the race, because they won’t condemn Islam for the false flag nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, which was obviously conducted by the enemies of Islam, not by Muslims,” he said.
“You don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this kind of thing. One thing is true though, Trump is right: Hillary should pull out of the race. Obama should resign and Trump should go dig a hole and lie down and shoot himself in the head because he is too stupid to live. All of these people are either too stupid or too evil to live,” he stated.
“We’re living in a world of Orwellian deception in which these slaughters and in some cases fake slaughters, because in some cases these are theatrical events, nobody even dies…In this case, I don’t know whether or not 50 people really died in Orlando, but one thing I can promise you – and stake of my life on – is that one former security guard did not kill 50 people. It did not happen. There’s no way that happened,” the analyst noted.
“A not very competent individual – by all reports – actually succeeded in killing 50 people by himself? This is ludicrous. Anyone who believes this again I say is too stupid to live,” Dr. Barrett said.
“We do have reports from Orlando that somebody had barred the doors and prevented people from leaving while the shooting was going on. As Robert David Steele, the former CIA clandestine services officer, who himself organized and orchestrated a false flag – he is whistleblower now – he says if they go and measure the bullet trajectories as you’re supposed to do with any kind of shootings, it would be very, very likely that they would find multiple weapons were used,” he said.
“And none of those weapons were recovered, because these were Blackwater type people, mercenaries, used to slaughter people; and then it gets blamed on the patsy as a public relations stunt. That’s what happened in Orlando,” Dr. Barrett observed.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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