The Khazarian Mafia Collectively Punished, Liquidated, and Massacred the Palestinians in 2006


…by Jonas E. Alexis & Michael A. Hoffman


Alexis: When the Israeli regime was mercilessly massacring Palestinian men, women and children in 2006, when the IDF was destroying Palestinian homes and livelihood, George W. Bush responded by saying that “Israel has the right to defend herself.” Against who or what?

Obviously Bush meant to say that Israel has the right to defend herself against the civilian population in Gaza. Bush knew better. He knew that Hamas’ fire-crackers could not really obliterate Israeli civilians. But he gave the Israeli regime the greenlight to raze Gaza to the ground anyway. Gaza is now an uninhabitable place.[1]

In the same speech, Bush planted his political feet in mid-air by saying that the regime makes “decisions on their own sovereignty. It’s their decision-making that is what leads to the tactics they chose.”[2]

Because the Zionist ideology clouded his judgment, Bush couldn’t realize that he was making the case for Hamas and Hezbollah.

If Israel has to make “decisions on their own sovereignty,” what about underground organizations and groups which seek to respond to the regime’s relentless torture of the Palestinians? Would Bush grant them that right as well? Once again, it was Israeli historian Benny Morris who wrote that:

“A Jewish state would not have come into being without the uprooting of 700,000 Palestinians. Therefore it was necessary to uproot them. There was no choice but to expel that population. It was necessary to cleanse the hinterland and cleanse the border areas and cleanse the main roads. It was necessary to cleanse the villages from which our convoys and our settlements were fired on.

“The term `to cleanse’ is terrible. I know it doesn’t sound nice but that’s the term they used at the time. I adopted it from all the 1948 documents in which I am immersed. I feel sympathy for the Palestinian people, which truly underwent a hard tragedy. I feel sympathy for the refugees themselves. But if the desire to establish a Jewish state here is legitimate, there was no other choice.”[3]

Morris was asked, “And morally speaking, you have no problem with that deed?” Morris:

“That is correct. Even the great American democracy could not have been created without the annihilation of the Indians. There are cases in which the overall, final good justifies harsh and cruel acts that are committed in the course of history.”[4]

In his study The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949, published by Cambridge University Press, Morris details on page after page that raping Palestinian girls and women was a major issue during that period.[5] Other Jewish scholars such as Ilan Pappe have documented the same thing.[6]

So, 1948 was the year in which Darwinism met Zionism. In other words, it was survival of the fittest. The Palestinians had to be ethnically cleansed and died. Mothers had to weep for their children and poor Palestinians had to make way for “The Chosen.”

But raping Palestinians during that time would not have been possible had England and America proceeded to help Zionist organizations.[7] Christian Zionist organizations also played a big role in building a Zionist kingdom in Israel.[8]

The sad part is that this “survival of the fittest” ideology is still vibrant in the region, where the Israeli regime has created concentration camps in places like Gaza.[9] Back in 2012, Gilad Sharon, son of the late Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, did not hesitate to write in the Jerusalem Post:

“We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing.

“Then they’d really call for a ceasefire. Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant – but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared.”[10]

Now, let us do some thought experiment here. Let’s change Gilad Sharon’s name to something like Muhammad. Let’s suppose that Muhammad proceeds to condemn the Israeli regime and declare that he aspires to flatten all Israel and ultimately destroy its inhabitants.

Wouldn’t the entire Zionist Mafia ontologically and universally condemn Muhammad for saying such disgusting and racist things? Wouldn’t the Khazarian gangsters and hoaxers repeat Muhammad’s words ad nauseam in the media until the masses go deaf or act like zombies? Wouldn’t they ask for Muhammad’s head on a silver platter? Didn’t Zionist whores and sluts like Sarah Palin twist Ahmadinejad’s words so that they could build their political career? Aren’t pinheads like Pamela Geller still walking around and saying crazy things about Muslims?

Yet the Khazarian Mafia and their lackeys were and still are able to get away with pernicious and diabolical things in Gaza. Zionist outlets like the New York Times, as far as I am concerned, never chastised Gilad Sharon for his views. Moreover, precious Palestinians were and are still being liquidated. As Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein has pointed out,

“On the eve of Israel’s so-called war of self-defense, the ratio of total Palestinians to Israelis killed was almost 15:1 and the ratio of Palestinian to Israeli noncombatants killed was a minimum of 8:1…

“Israel loudly protested because Hamas held one Israeli soldier who had been captured in June 2006, yet Israel held more than 8,000 Palestinian ‘political prisoners,’ including 60 women and 390 children, of whom 548 were held in administrative detention without charges or trial, 42 of them for more than two years.”[11]

The so-called self-defense mantra has thrived over the years. But it has no existential or meaningful veracity. Here Michael Hoffman takes a look at what really happened during the 2006 massacre.


Michael Hoffman: From Fisher and Erlanger, NY Times, July 3, 2006:

“The strikes appeared to be a direct response to the instructions of the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, who told subordinates at a cabinet meeting on Sunday that he intended to make the lives of Gazans ever more miserable until the captured soldier, 19-year-old Cpl. Gilad Shalit, was released…

“Mr. Olmert, whose air force has already bombed Gaza’s bridges, crippled its only power plant, shelled the Palestinian prime minister’s office here and subjected all 1.4 million Gaza residents to night after night of sleep-depriving sonic booms, said he had ordered the military and government ‘to do everything in order to bring Gilad back home.’

“…the Israel military has been steadily increasing the pressure, on both the militant groups and Palestinians generally…The message, underscored regularly by Israeli officials, is that Israel would not hesitate to assassinate top Hamas leaders…Israel(‘s)… attacks on the infrastructure in Gaza…the bombing of the power plant, which is partly owned by an American company…still smoking four days after all six of its transformers were hit — was visited Sunday both by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and the United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Álvaro de Soto.

“Two days ago, Israeli warplanes also bombed the entrances to all four access roads to the plant, which is insured by the United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation, or OPIC….” (end quote)

The destruction of civilian infrastructure and property and the attacks on civilians by Israeli forces, constitute, as the Israeli Prime Minister virtually admits, collective punishment of the entire population of the Gaza Strip, a violation of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is now on record at his cabinet meeting declaring “that he intended to make the lives of Gazans ever more miserable.”

This is an astounding public confession of barbarity that even a few years ago would have been concealed behind a smokescreen of humanitarian rhetoric and misdirection. But there’s little need for concealment now.

Answer me: what head of state of which super-power nation on earth, be it Russia, China, the US, Britain or France, could make the following statement: “We intend to make the lives of Judaics in Israeli territory ever more miserable”?

Not one would dream or dare to do so. Any head of state making the preceding statement while his military placed the Judaic population under siege, shutting off their power and water and sending tanks and fighter jets to harass their women and children, would be brought to the bar of history, tarred and feathered, hunted down, lynched, or shot like a dog to the near-universal applause of the West.

Nothing like that will befall Olmert or his generals any time soon. They are immune to war crimes trials. They are above the law which they have established for others. Judaics, according to their sacred rabbinic texts, are a higher order of humanity, and cannot be judged by any outside legal body or nation. Their attitude toward editorials and columns criticizing them is, this too shall pass. Indeed, there was some editorial outcry in the spring of 2002 when the Israelis committed dozens of war crimes and atrocities, also in Gaza, but all forgotten/forgiven now.

When UN war crimes investigators in 2002 attempted to interview Palestinian survivors of that onslaught, the Israelis told the UN to go to hell. There were no repercussions from the UN for that arrogant defiance on the part of a rogue state.

The UN shrugged its shoulders, put its tail between its legs and called it a day. Today, the Palestinian civilians murdered in 2002 are just a statistic compiled by a few record keepers. Otherwise their deaths don’t register. This is the bleakest testimony of the sub-human status of Palestinians under Judaism.

Israelis can do whatever they like to these subject people and there is no discernible punishment for “Israel,” except perhaps for the fact that in an Internet age, every day a few thousand more Westerners finally grasp what the murderous ideology of Judeo-Zionism represents and become morally revolted and permanently turned-off by everything Israeli. But the Israelis obviously don’t care. They are in their supremacist phase and they don’t need to care.

Ehud Olmert is collectively punishing the hapless, trapped Palestinian people according to the doctrine of Chazal, Rambam and the modern halakhic authorities. This is what needs to be exhaustively documented from their own original and unimpeachable Aramaic and Hebrew sources, and then hammered constantly from every housetop, street corner, newsletter and website that we own, control or influence.

The Israelis grow ever more bold. The Zionist New York Times is serving as the Revelation of the Method mouthpiece, no longer even bothering to put up a front, as they have in the past. They openly announce and admit that Israelis are collectively punishing an entire nation of people. They do not fear the repercussions in international law because for Holy People possessed of Divine Blood, there aren’t any.

[1] Eva Bartlett, “UN predictions fall short: Gaza uninhabitable today,” Russia Today, December 21, 2014.

[2] “President Bush Holds a News Conference,” Washington Post, August 21, 2006.

[3] Ari Shavit, “Survival of the Fittest? An Interview with Benny Morris,” Haaretz, January 16, 2004.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 210-249.

[6] Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oxford: One World, 2006), kindle edition.

[7] See Donald M. Lewis, The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013); Stephen Spector, Evangelicals and Israel: The Story of American Christian Zionism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008); Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Danvers, MA: Dialog Press, 1983 and 2009); Timothy P. Weber, On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel’s Best Friend (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004); Stephen Sizer, Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? (Downer Groves: IVP Academic, 2006).

[8] For further research, see Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992); Daniel N. Wojcik, The End of the World As We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America (New York: New York University Press, 1997); Stephen D. O’Leary, Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998); Victoria Clark, Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007).

[9] Ilan Pappe has written a book on this very issue, and the book will be released in October of this year.

[10] Gilad Sharon, “A decisive conclusion is necessary,” Jerusalem Post, November 18, 2012.

[11] Norman G. Finkelstein, This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion (New York: OR Books, 2010), kindle edition.


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