Bin Zayed, Bin Salman Intimacy and their Ambitions to Reign over UAE and Saudi Arabia


yaserOn his Facebook page, Yaser Abu Hilala, Director General of Al Jazeera network, quoted a post from Sultan bin Khalifa about the alliance of Mohammed bin Zayed and Mohammed bin Salman to devise a plot against Sheikh Khalifa.

In a special session, Sultan bin Khalifa leaked information on the role of UEA and Saudi intelligence service for launching a coup against his father, Abu Hilala said.

The Facebook post is as follows:

“After Mohammad bin Salman being appointed as the deputy Crown Prince, his confidential meetings with and Mohammed bin Zayed have been increased which indicates that there is an intimate relationship between these two royals. I have information that proves there are many reasons for joint treaties between Saudi Arabia and the UAE,” he wrote.

“The UAE support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict followed the Saudi Arabia’s hollow promises on conceding the sovereignty of Eden to the UAE. But after liberating of the region, not only Saudi Arabia did not fulfill the promise but also devised a ruse and led UAE forces to the Marib and killed them,” he added.

Following bin Salman’s visit to the UAE two month ago, Saudi Arabia pulled out of Al Udeid in favor of the UAE. It is not concealed for us that for gaining support for himself and assuming the throne, bin Salman and bin Zayed brainstormed to find a way to remove the Sheikh Khalifa from power, he wrotes on his post.

In concluding his remarks, he said, the failed plot against his father was a scenario played out by UEA and Saudi Arabia intelligence services plotted to make Sheikh Khalifa step down from power. At the end he called for ending his father house arrest.


bahrainNewly released Department of State documents reveal that the Crown Prince of Bahrain was given an audience with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after he donated $32 million to the Clinton Foundation.

The documents, released Monday by Judicial Watch, included emails between Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band and former Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin that appear to show that Abedin acted as a middleman between Clinton and her foundation’s donors.

Band and Abedin’s email exchanges show that Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman had to go through the Clinton Foundation in order to set up a meeting with Clinton after the former Secretary of State declined to meet after official requests were made.




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