By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh, Managing Editor
John F. Kennedy memorably stated that he was going to smash the CIA into ‘a thousand pieces’, he had very good reasons for doing so; half a century later, it can reasonably be assumed that similar phrases are being darkly muttered within the corridors of power about the FBI.
President George W. Bush “lost” 22 million emails, many involving criminal investigations, and the FBI has said nothing, though the emails involved the White House used an illegal private server owned by the Republican Party for official government business.
The FBI is out to get Hillary Clinton, it’s not Director Comey, Obama put him in there to clean up the mess, they’ve been after Obama for 8 years. The ‘birther’ hoax began, no we aren’t kidding, inside the FBI – it was the FBI that originated the wild rumour that Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster and that President Obama is not only a Muslim but many in the FBI actually say he’s the anti-christ.
Legal Analyst Paul Callan of CNN just published the following:
Lately, the FBI, while acting without the customary supervision of the Justice Department, appears to be a runaway train on a collision course with the concept of fairness in next week’s presidential election. Democratic Senator Harry Reid and former White House ethics counsel Richard Painter have accused FBI Director James Comey of violating the Hatch Act by illegally using his office to influence the election.
While the claim of a Hatch Act violation is a stretch, the appointment of an independent prosecutor and the replacement of Comey are nonetheless urgently required, if not outright overdue. The tangled relationship between the Clintons and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should have prompted appointment of an independent special prosecutor long ago..
Here’s what Callan knew but wasn’t able to write. The same informants that went to Callan also came to us and what they had to say was frightening. Here is how it began; an FBI insurrection and this is the exact term used by sources deep inside the FBI cabal, an FBI insurrection against, Comey, Hillary Clinton and Obama can no longer be safely ignored. This is why Senator Harry Reid has called for a criminal investigation of the FBI for violation of the Hatch Act.
The FBI, and this isn’t Comey, it is the rank and file, the insurrectionist rank and file, a very powerful organisation that includes case managers, deputy directors that run not only counter-terrorism but financial crimes as well have not only targeted what they see to be dangerous liberal and progressive leaders, including of course the American president, but have continually protected criminals from prosecution as well.
Those they have protected, possibly including names like Adelson, Trump and Romney, are funding moves against the US government, moves against American foreign policy and may well actually be funding recognised terror organisations as well, we have been specifically told this by sources within the FBI.
This insurrectional group within the FBI, which we are told includes the majority of FBI agents, has little idea what they have gotten into, some are aware they are taking orders from the shadowy Federalist Society, that ‘right-wing conspiracy’ Hillary Clinton referred to so many years ago as trying to bring down her husband’s presidency, but it goes deeper, it gets scarier; it isn’t just ‘birthers’.
The public face of this is blocked court appointments and a government in paralysis, but it’s far deeper and far more threatening, it all became possible when two branches of government fell under the control of organised crime. It took a five/four rigged Supreme Court and a rigged election in 2000, covered up by the FBI, to subvert for all times the independence of America’s legislature.
Rigged by Richard Mellon Scaife, funded by Sheldon Adelson, a cabal calling themselves ‘Neocons’, in reality a front for organised crime, reapportioned Congressional districts across the US in clear violation of equal protection provisions of the constitution and backed by five mob-controlled members of the Supreme Court.
Bolstered by vote flipping software from the CIA, control of the legislative/investigative branch of government was permanently placed in the hands of a minority, destroying any hope of separation of powers and undermining all constitutional protections. Any hope of Americans influencing their own destiny disappeared with a rigged legislature running endless witch hunts and a mob-controlled Supreme Court backing them up.
Making it worse, so much worse, was the creation of a massive security bureaucracy, the Department of Homeland Security, laws authorizing torture and illegal surveillance and the destruction of the FBI. No public scandal can be investigated, no regulation enforced, no-one is left to speak up, no-one is safe from illegal arrest and imprisonment, a nightmare from the pages of Kafka become reality, all this has become clear in the last few days.
When a prominent US senator calls for the prosecution of America’s national police force, is it perhaps time to take note? There was a reason the constitution prohibited the creation of the national police force, just as the constitution prohibited the creation of a central bank; there is no mechanism capable of controlling a central bank, as the failures of the Federal Reserve board and a cursory study of American history since 1913 will establish.
Similarly, no provision was established within the constitution to regulate or oversee a national police force, it didn’t take long for the FBI to become the Cheka within a short period after it’s creation, J. Edgar Hoover, turned ‘the bureau’ into a monstrosity blackmailing politicians and cozying up to crime figures while Hoover’s FBI chased ‘commies’ both real and imaginary, it protected not only the mafia but powerful international crime cartels as well, becoming the real ‘Murder Inc.’ Taxpayer financed strong-arm thugs supported by a disinformation campaign.
Hoover gained control of the press almost immediately, keeping files on his press enemies, threatening and blackmailing; some of this was to protect his own secrets – mob ties and his notorious penchant for sexual deviance, now long in the public domain, but it went further – it was all about power.
‘Mary’ Hoover liked to dress as a woman and was infamously covertly photographed along with his longtime companion and lover Clyde Tolson in flagrante delicto; those photographs came into the possession of mob kingpin Meyer Lansky, thus ensnaring Hoover, and by extension the entire FBI in a dangerous marriage with the mob. There is no evidence they ever got divorced, though from time to time the relationship may have been somewhat rocky.
Simply put, given these facts, any sense of surprise at FBI misconduct or calls for investigating or even disbanding the FBI, should be no surprise to anyone. Nearly every current television series that features scenarios involving the FBI invariably focuses on FBI corruption, the FBI’s illegal involvement in politics and gross incompetence.
Sit at a table and have lunch with the FBI, it can go one of two ways – you can have brilliant, dedicated and relentless law enforcement officers who complain about being shackled by a corrupt bureaucracy. Or likely as not, you can have a pack of delusional nutcases mouthing wild conspiracy theories and ranting about dangerous liberals.
Neither group, though widely divergent, make a case for the survival of the FBI. Then when you realize the Dept. of Homeland Security is entirely composed of conspiracy nutcases and other agencies are worse, it becomes clear that Harry Reid’s demand to clean up the FBI is far from enough.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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