…by Sajjad Shaukat for VT
During and after the presidential election campaign, taking note of the US new President Donald Trump’s religious bigotry, racialism and extremist statements such as calling a “ban on Muslims entering the United States”, “Islam hate us”, opposition to the Muslim refugees, especially from Syria etc., some writers, researches and bloggers, including American politicians have called him a “crazy person”, while some called him a “mad man.”
In fact, American President Donald Trump is neither a “crazy person” nor a “mad man”, as he is acting upon the extremist agenda of Israel and India (Under Prime Minister Modi) without bothering for its dangerous consequences which could envelop the entire world, including the US herself.
When he took oath as the American president, it was expected that being the president of the superpower, Trump would soften his attitude and would behave with responsibility. But, no such a change has emerged in his political character, as he seems determined to follow the Indo-Israeli extremist agenda against the Muslims and the Islamic World.
In this respect, through the executive order, President Trump on January 27, 2017 blocked visas being issued to anyone from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Trump also announced strict conditions for the citizens from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon. In his first interview with the ABC News, President Trump elaborated, “We’re going to have extreme vetting in all cases. And I mean extreme. And we’re not letting people in if we think there’s even a little chance of some problem.”
However, the executive order which he stated was part of an extreme vetting plan to keep out “radical Islamic terrorists…the very threats our soldiers are fighting overseas”—also established a religious test for refugees from Muslim nations, especially from Syria. Trump also ordered that Christians and others from minority religions be granted priority over Muslims.
President Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim order faced severe criticism inside America and around the world, particularly Europe in wake of protest-rallies.
In this regard, a memo signed by 900 of the State Department diplomats opposed Trump’s ban on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the US has been delivered to top officials, as CNN reported on February 1, 2017. The memo warns that such a policy will not keep America safe, but it will harm efforts to prevent terrorist attacks—the ban will not achieve its stated aim of to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer, when asked about the memo at a press briefing, told the federal employees who backed it to “either get with the program or they can go.”
Besides the resignations of some high officials, Donald Trump relieved the acting US attorney general Ms. Sally Yates, after she told justice department lawyers not to defend his executive order banning entry for people from seven Muslim-majority countries.
While, world leaders, especially those of American European and western allies, EU president and prominent figures including human rights groups have blasted US President Donald Trump’s travel ban from the seven Muslim-countries from entering the US as divisive, illegal, insulting and discriminatory—violation of the US constitution and the United States’ obligations under the Geneva Convention on refugees.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “The necessary and decisive fight against terrorism in no way justifies a general suspicion against people of certain beliefs, in this case people of the Muslim faith or from a certain origin…these actions, according to my beliefs, are against the core idea of international aid for refugees and international cooperation.”
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault stated that welcoming refugees was “a duty of solidarity…terrorism doesn’t have a nationality; discrimination is not an answer.”
In response to Trump’s ban on Muslims, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that those fleeing persecution, terror and war would be welcomed in Canada. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek also expressed similar views.
Pakistan’s Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar denounced Trump’s travel ban, saying, “it won’t affect terrorists. Instead, it will increase the miseries of victims of terrorism.”
British Prime Minister Theresa May who took a harsh anti-immigrant stance in her former position as Home Office secretary and was now leading Britain’s exit from the EU had refused to harshly condemn the ban and revoke her invitation asking Trump to make a state visit to the UK. In response, Britons launched a petition calling for the invitation to be suspended, which has since garnered over one million signatures, and thousands marched in protest of Trump’s executive order and May’s inaction in cities throughout the U.K. May has compelled to clarify that she believes Trump’s policy is “divisive and wrong”.
Human rights activists also denounced Trump’s actions, describing them as officially sanctioned religious persecution dressed up to look like an effort to make America safer. And the American Civil Liberties Union described it as a “euphemism for discriminating against Muslims.”
Despite criticism of the new immigration policy to discriminately target the Muslims and his Islamophobic intentions, US President Trump remains firm on his extremist stance.
It is well-known fact that since the creation of the state of Israel through the Balfour Declaration (1917) which was a conspiracy of the Zionists, the British government and the US against the Palestinians, America has been supporting the fundamentalist regimes of Israel at the cost of the Muslims.
In this context, American various presidents encouraged Tel Aviv’s state terrorism on the Palestinians, occupation of their regions, including those of Syria and Jordan.
Once Henry Kissinger stated “legitimacy is not natural or automatic, but created.” Under the cover of the 9/11 tragedy, the US President George W. Bush who was in collaboration with the neo-conservatives and the Zionist Jews, orchestrated the drama of global war on terror to obtain the illegitimate interests of Israel by targeting the Islamic countries and persecution of the Muslims. Bush who used the words, “crusade against the evil-doers” adding to the perception that the ongoing ‘different war’ against terrorism is actually a war against the Muslim.
By justifying the unjustified war on terror as part of the anti-Muslim approach, and with the assistance of its Western allies, American President Bush and President Barack Obama deliberately created chaos in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria including other Islamic countries such as Somalia, Yemen etc. where Washington was indirectly involved to obtain the religious, political and economic interests of the Zionist Jews and Israel through illegitimate tactics.
During the phony global war on terror US-led Western forces killed millions of innocent persons in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria. In connivance with the Israeli Mossad, Indian RAW, American CIA utilized a global network of secret prisons, foreign intelligence agents and torture centers in various Muslim countries, including Belgium, Bagram (Afghanistan), Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and ships where torture was conducted directly by the CIA and FBI operatives.
Besides encouragement to the Israeli brutal tactics on the Palestinians and those of India in the Indian occupied Kashmir, CIA conducted Shia-Sunni violence in Iraq and Pakistan. Now, terror-attacks on sectarian lines could also be noted in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Syria, while, CIA which created Al-Qaeda, also formed the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS and ISIL) and Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front in accordance with the double game of America.
If dual strategy of Bush franchised Al-Qaeda, Obama’s double game franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS in advancing the extremist agenda of the Zionist Jews, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives.
Meanwhile, since September 2015, unexpected developments such as Russian-led coalition with Iran, Iraq, the Syrian army-the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Lebanon-based Hezbollah in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, retreat of the CIA-supported rebels and mercenaries after their failure to topple the Assad government, proving links of Al-Qaeda’s Al-Nusra Front and ISIS with America and Israel, Russian President Vlamir Putin’s clear-cut statement, indicating the Zionist regime in the US and Israel for their “phony war on ISIS” surprised the Israel-led America and some European countries who wanted to oust Assad.
When Russian-led Syrian forces stared retaking cities, especially the Aleppo by defeating the rebel groups and the ISIS militants who began fleeing, Israel and America were greatly disappointed. Particularly, the agents of Mossad who were in collaboration with some of the CIA operatives and ISIL militants arranged terror attacks in Paris, Brussels, Orlando, San Bernardino, Nice, Munich and Berlin.
Besides obtaining a number of sinister designs such as getting the assistance of Europe for US in relation to the Syrian civil war, persecution of the Muslims, creation of chauvinism against the Muslims in Europe, propagation of the so-called threat of Islamophobia etc., Israel’s main aim was to ensure the victory of the extremist President Donald Trump in the presidential race, who manipulated various terror assaults in the US and Europe in fueling anti-Muslim racialism to get the sympathies of a majority of the ordinary Americans who did not have much time to go into depth-analysis and had been instigated by his emotional speeches, statements and false hopes.
Another major aim of Mossad was to give impetus to the far right-wing parties and nationalist entities in wake of “Stop Islam” movement in the West, especially in Europe, which are becoming popular by largely attracting their people—have also made electoral gains.
After facing defeatism in Syria by Russian-led forces, in retaliation, Mossad also conducted several terrorism-related attacks in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and elsewhere in the world through ISIS. While in case of Somalia and some African countries—splitting away of a hardliner-faction Al-Shabaab which is an offshoot of the Islamic Courts Union, though the US defined Al-Shabaab as Al-Qaida’s ally, claimed responsibility for several terror assaults on the Christians. It is what extremist regime at Tel Aviv wanted.
Notably, when, Obama’s anti-Muslim policies were clearly exposed, before the end of his tenure, President Obama wanted to rectify his blunders. In this context, on December 23, 2016, the US abstained and allowed a UN Security Council resolution, condemning Israeli settlement construction in the occupied territories of the Palestinians to be adopted, defying extraordinary pressure from the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government which was already in alignment with the President Donald Trump who harshly criticized the Obama’s policies on the settlement issue and reiterated his support for Israel, while questioning the effectiveness of the UNO, saying, “it’s just a club for people to have a good time.”
President Trump who remains firm to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, is supportive of settlers by pledging that the Palestinians would no longer have a platform at the UN when he becomes president on January 20, this year, said, “We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S…the beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!”
On the same day, US Secretary of State John Kerry had also disclosed reality and issued a desperate final warning to Tel Aviv by pointing out, “The settlement building policies being carried out by Israel’s government on occupied land and applauded by Donald Trump were destroying hopes for peace between Israelis and Palestinians…is jeopardizing Middle East peace.” He explained, “The two-state solution is now in serious jeopardy…if the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, it cannot be both…the most extreme elements” of Israel’s Right-wing were shaping the country’s future and strangling the prospect of a two-state solution.”
It is noteworthy that in accordance with the extremist agenda of Israel, Trump administration has imposed sanctions on Iran on February 3, this year. Earlier, the hardliner President Trump had stated that he would abandon the Iran nuclear deal. However, Tehran responded by saying that the sanctions were in violation of the nuclear agreement, calling them illegal and extraterritorial.
As regards South Asia, by pursuing the double standards of the US in its worst form, President Trump also intends to favour India, while opposing the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. True to his own extremist and fanatic approach, Trump has brushed aside the ground realities that Indian extremist Prime Minister Narindra Modi led by the ruling fundamentalist party BJP has been implementing anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan agenda, while encouraging Hindutva (Hindu nationalism).
He ignored the facts that besides Muslims, BJP and other extremist outfits have also been targeting the minorities, especially the Christians and their places of worship. Trump is also silence over Indian moves like promotion of religious and ethnic chauvinism in India, creation of warlike situation with Pakistan, perennial atrocities on the innocent Kashmiris in the Indian-occupied Kashmir.
Taking cognizance of maltreatment of minorities by the fanatic Hindus, and forced conversions of Christians and Muslims in Hindus by the extremist Hindus, in the recent past, more than 200 Indian writers, authors, scientists, artists, filmmakers, film-stars etc. decided to return their national awards in protest to rising Hindu extremism, while more than 100 persons have returned their rewards. Former Indian military personnel have also started returning their medals, criticizing the policies of the BJP government.
President Donald Trump is also silence over the facts that under Modi rule, New Delhi accelerated unprovoked firing at the Line of Control in Kashmir and Working Boundary across Pak-Indian border, as unresolved issue of Kashmir remains a nuclear flashpoint between Pakistan and India.
Undoubtedly, the US President Trump seems determined to fulfill extremist agenda of Israel and that of India. As part of the double game, based in Afghanistan, operatives of American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad which have well-established their secret network there, and are well-penetrated in the terrorist outfits like ISIS, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and their affiliated Taliban groups are using their terrorists to destabilize Tibetan regions of China, Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan and Pakistan’s Balochistan by arranging the subversive activities.
In this connection, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is their special target. Especially, in the recent past, ISIL claimed responsibility for acts of terrorism in Pakistan’s Balochistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, which are part of the same scheme against the Muslims.
It is of particular attention that it is due to the Islamophia, created by the anti-Muslim and racist President Trump that on January 28, 2016 a mosque in Texas was destroyed by setting to blaze by cause unknown. It shows that more assaults on the Muslims and their places of worships, including their buildings are expected under Trump’s presidency, as Israeli Mossad is availing the opportunity.
In this regard, six people were killed and eight wounded when gunmen opened fire at a Quebec City mosque (at the Islamic Cultural Centre) in Canada during prayers on January 29, 2016 in what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called a “terrorist attack on Muslims”, and condemned the same. The shooting came one day after Trudeau said Canada would welcome refugees. A right-wing French-Canadian student Alexandre Bissonnette who was known for his activity on social networks in support of Marine Le Pen, a French nationalist politician who opposes Muslim immigration was identified who opened fire at the mosque.
It is worth-mentioning that addressing the US Congress on September 24, 2015, Pope Francis said, “No religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism…we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetual in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system…every life is sacred.”
Taking note of America’s non-acceptance of the Syrian refugees, Francis reminded the law-makers by remarking that the United States “is part of a larger whole on America in the Americas, where immigration is a deeply rooted part of history…we, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.”
At this crucial juncture, some American and western political leaders should stop irresponsible statements by equating the war on terror with war on Islam, and acts of Al Qaeda and ISIS with all the Muslims. Their media should also be brought under control through appropriate legislation or law, as freedom of expression does not mean the introduction of dangerous socio-religious dimension in their societies by dividing world politics on cultural and religious lines with the negative projection of Islam which is a religion of peace, and prohibits any kind of terrorism like other religions.
If not checked in time by the peace-loving Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews and Buddhists, the rigid and racist policies of the President Donald Trump who is completing the extremist agenda of Israel and India are likely to result into more recruitment in the militant outfits, particularly in the ISIS group, inspiring the extremist Muslims for more terrorism-related attacks. This Mossad-RAW-Trump cabal could also culminate into civil war in the US who is already facing multiple internal crises which are owing to the prolonged war on terror (And in Afghanistan). While the world has already been radicalized on religious lines, this cabal can bring about a major war between the Muslim and the Christian worlds.
Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
Email: sajjad_logic_pak@hotmail.com

Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is the author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations and can be reached at sajjad_logic@yahoo.com
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