…by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor
[ Editor’s Note: This weekend, Trump left the staff in DC when he flew back to Mar-a-Lago. What new president in turmoil dumps his advisors, including national security?
Would it be that he does not trust his staff seeing what he is doing? Are there new guests at Trump by the Sea from foreign countries that he wants no witnesses for? Is Trump receiving “briefings”, and if so, by whom and why? This is what we cover here… Jim W. Dean ]

– First published … March 06, 2017 –
Documents leaked by the Department of Homeland Security, dated as early as July 27, 2016, warn of a “relationship” between an American political “entity” and one or more foreign intelligence services. That entity is the Trump campaign and Donald Trump personally.
However, our own sources not only confirm Homeland Security’s claims but take it a step further, naming the agencies and taking contact into the present, a pattern of contacts between the President of the United States and the intelligence agencies of Pakistan, Israel and Russia — a president seeking blackmail “dossiers” on key Americans for reasons we outline below.
This was published today, based on sources from five national agencies that are tracking this story:

“The day Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak mingled with Trump campaign advisers — including then-Sen. Jeff Sessions — at a conference near the Republican National Convention, the Department of Homeland Security began preparing a nationwide warning about foreign intelligence officials attempting to elicit information from U.S. government personnel at conferences, events, and other functions.
The document, eventually released on July 27, 2016, and reviewed by The Daily Beast, doesn’t specifically mention which foreign intelligence service might be making such contacts. But a senior administration official says that growing concern within U.S. government circles about Russian interference in the election generally — and Kislyak’s presence at the RNC in particular—was “not unrelated” to the production of the DHS intelligence bulletin.
Another source confirms the connection, pointing to a section of the bulletin warning of attempts by foreign intelligence officials “to gather intelligence through what appears to be normal, even mundane, social or professional contact” at events including conferences.”
President Trump may have committed treason, not when he accused former President Obama of illegal wiretapping, not even when he covered up the crash of an Osprey aircraft that was shot down in Yemen with all aboard, not even tied to his efforts to pay off the family of a 13-year-old he is accused of having sex with.
For those unaware, Trump’s claims against Obama and the FBI come from a conspiracy theory put forward by podcaster Mark Levin – and picked up by Rush Limbaugh and later by a blogger named Joel Pollack – who simply made up a longer story, totally fabricated.
The real issue behind it all isn’t just Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ perjury over his contacts with Russia, or the resignation of General Mike Flynn, who also was caught lying. It goes further and is much worse; it involves blackmail, and the President himself turning to foreign governments, and by “governments” we are talking “intelligence agencies” to blackmail Congress.

According to real sources, not podcasters or bloggers, at least three national intelligence agencies, those of Pakistan, Israel and Russia, have been contacted by President Trump personally, asking for dossiers on members of congress, including but not limited to Senators McCain and Graham.
In particular, Pakistan’s ISI has extensive dossiers on American military, political and even diplomatic personnel who have involved themselves in Afghanistan’s web of corruption, a web that often leads to the corridors of power in Islamabad as well.
Sources say Trump’s “concerns” included his allegations that the two senators were involved in money-laundering and drug trafficking in support of terrorism and, more exactly, that they (and former Senator Joseph Lieberman was mentioned as well) had carried “bank instruments” on their official junkets.
These “instruments” are simply printed pieces of paper which can be hidden in a wallet or jacket pocket, typically worth tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars:
Trump knows all of this and more. The question here is this; is Trump looking for leverage to govern in lieu of a corrupt Congress that is sandbagging his foreign policy initiatives, or is he corrupt himself?
Involved are, according to sources, a former Prime Minister of Pakistan, the current and former Prime Ministers of Afghanistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
On the US side, those involved are members of Congress from both parties, including everyone who has been involved or has taken “special interest” in “helping” Afghanistan. Every American officer above one star, general or admiral, not just in Afghanistan and Iraq but naval officers from the 5th Fleet in Bahrain as well, have, according to sources, all been “in the loop” on payoffs:

- A share in drug trafficking between Afghanistan and Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
- Moving heroin processing facilities from the newly established Afghanistan “dry cleaning plants” to traditional and safer facilities inside Turkey
- Billions in cash, entire pallets, intended to payoff Northern Alliance drug kingpins in Afghanistan, more to the Sunni/Baathist Iraqi military who make up the bulwark of ISIS, and to huge rakeoffs from arms sales
- The continual influx of Saudi cash used to push the US into “boots on the ground” in Yemen, into sending SEAL teams into Iran (a very serious issue), cash laundered as “corporate contributions” under “Citizens United”
- Huge kickbacks/backhanders to Pentagon and congressional leaders from weapons sent to Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria, sold on the open market, and often “repurchased” by Saudi Arabia and sent to ISIS
The most serious long term issue is a president who, perhaps rightly so, distrusts the CIA, FBI and Pentagon, who knows congressional leadership in his own party is totally corrupt and who has chosen to turn to foreign intelligence agencies to leverage them.
From recent observations, particularly of Senator Lindsay Graham and his “about-face” on Trump, it is likely Graham and McCain as well, normally political enemies of Trump, have been co-opted and silenced. McCain recently visited Syria; we are getting reports on that now, whom he met, what he promised.
Graham has agreed to back Trump’s seemingly irrational efforts to fabricate a wiretapping case, as outlined above, based on fake-news blogger conspiracy theories. This is very telling, as Senator Graham has a huge closet full of skeletons, including those involving his questionable military service, where the rumor mill at Charleston Air Force Base actually has a chat room to discuss Graham and his sexual peccadilloes with young male airmen.

Security agencies confirm that dossiers are being sought on many — Pentagon officials, congressional leaders, anyone from the Obama administration and particularly on former Vice President Joseph Biden — to feed what seems to be a “presidential hit list” for the following purposes:
- To end congressional “Russo-phobia” through blackmail, and push forward an agenda to end sanctions and move against NATO
- To block any impeachment proceedings, and such proceedings are imminent
- To use Congress freely to run endless investigations as a form of subterfuge
Wikileaks Issue
Russiagate II is more than new and highly illegal contacts between the White House, in actuality the president himself, and foreign spy agencies or even blackmail. The downfall is always conspiracy and obstruction of justice, of perjury and the trail it leads to when weaklings like Jeff Sessions are left open to prosecution. In such cases, a presidential pardon would lead to impeachment quickly, unless of course the leaders of the Senate themselves were being blackmailed, which seems to be the case.

Where the stakes are raised is the issues tied to Wikileaks. Let me explain. Democratic campaign operatives began compiling Wikileaks gaffs, “seeded” or “fabricated” documents placed among the flurry of leaked emails.
The FBI has their own version of this, and these fake Wikileaks documents, proven by intelligence intercepts to be created by a foreign government, are a “smoking gun.”
You see, without an “overt act” of some kind, simply meeting with Russian or “other unnamed country” officials – and we are saying “spies” – may be illegal but not always prosecutable. When those visits are timed to fabricated leaks traced to a foreign intelligence agency – fake leaks intended to interfere with an American election, even when “laundered” through Wikileaks – we approach treason.
Here the evidence does exist, and the irrefutable rationale for a special prosecutor exists. If Trump surrogates met with a foreign intelligence officer, and the Russian Ambassador to the US is certainly that by any legal standard or even “common sense” if such a thing exists anymore, and as a result of this meeting, extrapolated through timing and subject matter of the fake documents, created a probability of a conspiracy to undermine constitutional authority, this is treason.
A prima facie case for treason exists based on not only the visits but the lies already told, and evidence compiled by the Obama administration in their investigation of Russian interference in the US election.
There may well be evidence that more than one nation was involved as well, in fact we are certain of it.
We are also certain that everything required to prove this case exists, and has been known long enough to have provided the rationale for President Trump to turn to foreign spy agencies to block his impeachment through blackmail.
We know what Russia wants; Israel wants the US to move its embassy to Jerusalem; and Pakistan wants Lindsay Graham “put in a box” for his games as well.

Graham, aided by John McCain, joined with “controversial” Pakistani President Zardari to block ISI efforts against suspected Israeli and Indian intelligence efforts to support terrorists inside Pakistan.
These Americans and others, working with Afghani drug lords and said to be aided by both the Mossad and India’s RAW, were seen as a major threat to Pakistan and a source of terrorist funding.
Zardari attended Trump’s inauguration and has approached Trump to support his return to the presidency. Current speculation is that the “road trip” of Saudi King Salman is intended to bolster support for a coalition against Iran, Iraq and Syria, and to smooth over bad relations between the Islamic world and Israel. Part of that effort is to draw Pakistan into a military alliance against Iran — an effort that will involve illegal infusions of cash into Pakistan’s political processes.
As some anonymous person once said, “Welcome to how the world really works”.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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