General Michael Flynn was considered by military and intelligence insiders and the only guy who really understood human intelligence. He was, and “was” is the operative term, the best and the brightest, the guy who transcended the pack, the one who would make a difference and end the insanity that befell Washington in the wake of 9/11 and the influx of mama’s boys and amateurs brought in by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Our guys loved him, loved what he was going to do at the Defense Intelligence Agency. I had met with the head of the ISI in Pakistan, I knew the score there and why Flynn turned to them when he did. Flynn was right and was punished for it.
But there is a darker side, Afghanistan is a hellhole of iniquity, America’s narco-state, afloat with cash and corruption, ruled by Washington, a city of small men with tiny little hands and a thirst for cash. Flynn’s downfall began in Afghanistan.
We are going to be touching on a number of areas. For insiders, analysis of Flynn in Washington with the DIA as its head, and what drove him until his downfall at the hands of Clapper in 2014. It became clear that Flynn saw his career over, Mattis hated him, Dempsey and Hagel didn’t trust him, this is where questions arise.
… by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor
On July 18, 2016, it was General Mike Flynn who, at the Republican National Convention screamed on camera for his former good friend, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be locked up for corruption. Now we learn that Flynn was paid $530,000 by Turkish intelligence to fabricate those crimes, working with Sean Hannity, fake crimes from fake hero Flynn, who we now learn took $45,000 from Russia as well and lied about that too.
“In an interview with Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff last month, he dodged the question of whether he was paid for the appearance.
Isikoff: Were you paid for that event?
Flynn: You’d have to ask my — the folks that I went over there on behalf of.
Isikoff: Well I’m asking you. You’d know if you were paid.
Flynn: Yeah, I mean I went over there as a speaking event. It was a speaking event. What difference does that make? Did somebody go ‘Oh, he’s paid by the Russians’?
Isikoff: Well, Donald Trump has made a lot of the fact that Hillary Clinton has taken money from Wall Street, Goldman Sachs.
Flynn: I didn’t take any money from Russia, if that’s what you’re asking me.
Isikoff: Well then who paid you?
Flynn: My speakers’ bureau. Ask them.”
Everything about Flynn is fake.
Let’s take a look at an issue that has destroyed so many careers, and that’s phony claims about combat decorations. There is a simple way of looking at this, either you have a combat infantryman’s badge or not or, if you are Navy or Marines, you have a Combat Action Ribbon or not.
I wear a CAR for combat in Vietnam. Other medals like the Bronze Star can be given for anything but if they involve valor in combat, they have an attached “V” device. The following is from an interview with Michael Flynn:
And now we look at Michael Flynn’s awards:
Here we develop what we may say is ambiguity or resume creep or perhaps the use of “alternative facts.” The military lives and dies on these little details, they call it “stolen valor.” The truth, or what we present as the best version available, is far more complex. In truth, Flynn is only, as you will see, an intelligent guy, a man with no moral center, a weak person, a useful tool and someone who had made the kind of mistakes that can help us learn even more important truths.
There is what we know, and what we suspect. There is also what Flynn stands accused of. As it looks now, Flynn was greedy and stupid enough to take money for spreading fake news, the Hillary email scandal, Pizzagate, working with, we are told, Sean Hannity and Kelly Conway, to concoct a bizarre tale of imaginary corruption on anyone’s part but their own.
Let us bring a chicken or two home to roost.
Officially and illegally, Mike Flynn went on the payroll of Turkish intelligence in July of 2016. During that time and until his resignation, firing, and not the first time as we will get into, Flynn used his old Top Secret security clearance as former head, fired former head, of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as rationale to sit in on CIA briefings Trump received as candidate, then president elect and then president. From
“Flynn has effectively been carrying out many of the duties of that role during the transition, sitting in with Trump for highly-classified intelligence briefings and working — along with Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner — to fill key national security positions. NBC News reported that Flynn personally vetoed candidates like retired Adm. William McRaven, retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, and former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers.
Democrats would have lashed into Flynn because he broke with the longstanding tradition of retired officers avoiding direct criticism of presidents they had served.
Republican lawmakers would also likely have grilled Flynn about his decision to do a paid series of events in Moscow that included a speech and an appearance at an anniversary party for RT, a Kremlin-funded TV station, where he was photographed sitting next to Putin.”
Yes, that’s right, Flynn, who was brought into his position at the DIA by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama turned on them as he also turned on now Secretary of Defense Mattis, the one who fired Flynn back in 2010 for violating his security clearance, something Flynn seems good at, perhaps the only thing.
If the CIA knew Flynn were being paid by Turkey, he would not have been allowed in the briefings. Problem is, Trump knew and failed to tell the CIA, according to news stories from March 11, 2017. This is a severe legal issue for Trump particularly if information from those meetings was given to a foreign government with Trump’s knowledge.
Flynn cannot keep a security clearance and work as an agent of a foreign government. But it gets better, Flynn was working for Turkey all that time, meeting the CIA but he failed to register because, if he did, the CIA would have squashed him immediately, certainly had him arrested.
Now with Trump in office, that is impossible. Why is it impossible? This is another legal problem called “obstruction.”
Then we go back to 2015 when Flynn and his son, the twittering fool, went to Moscow and did a total bendover for Russia Today. RT paid Flynn $45k, a horrible decision on their part, making them look dirty. This may well have been the purpose in the first place.
Now we move to inside sourced material that is controversial and not available to the press. First some background. Our new Secretary of Defense, General Mattis, has a long history with Flynn. It was Mattis that fired Flynn back in 2010 for “running his mouth and passing on secrets.” From Daily Caller:
“Future Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis removed former Army Lt. Gen. and future National Security Advisor Mike Flynn from his intelligence role in Afghanistan, according to Army documents obtained by the Washington Post.
Mattis removed Flynn from his position in 2010 after Flynn was investigated by Central Command (CENTCOM) for sharing classified information with Pakistani officials. Mattis took over as head of CENTCOM in August of the same year, recalling Flynn to Washington, D.C., a month later. Flynn was given a temporary assignment as the special assistant to the chief of Army intelligence.
The U.S. military investigated Flynn a second time in 2010 after an anonymous Navy intelligence specialist claimed the general “inappropriately” shared secret information with “various foreign officers and/or officials in Afghanistan.'”
While Flynn was in Afghanistan, someone with organizational talent moved heroin production there to Turkey, taking with it hundreds of millions in profit. Sources say this is where Flynn first got close to Turkish intelligence, a relationship he kept up, we are told, when he returned to the US and one Turkey sought to cash in on when Flynn took over as head of the 17,000 strong Defense Intelligence Agency.
The DIA would be capable of “skewing” American intelligence on Turkish intentions and working to hide Turkey’s involvement in poison gas attacks on Syria, in ISIS smuggling and in broad support of terrorism, that continues to this day.
Just as Flynn claims to have been blind to the restructuring of the world’s heroin supply done on his watch, a project that required assets under his supervision and control, it is also Flynn who is the biggest Obama critic on failures to defeat al Nusra and ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Flynn is on the payroll of the biggest terrorist supporter in the world next to Saudi Arabia.
There would have been no ISIS, no al Nusra without the full complicity of Turkey and, as we see on today’s battlefield, Turkish backed troops confront Americans inside Syria an unreported story, kept from the public by an administration run by a President whose business relationships with Turkish “oligarchs,” read “gangsters” goes back to Bayrock Corporation in 2005, an unprecedented conflict of interest.
Our sources say that Flynn’s relationship with Turkey goes all the way back to 2010 when the key intelligence commands, under Flynn, and working with the Northern Alliance warlords that control the corrupt US backed Kabul regime, ran the global opium to heroin operation, from USAID fertilizer deliveries for poppies to irrigation projects for water to transportation using contact airlines and even GlobalHawk long range drones the size of small airliners.
All the while weapons and cash disappeared in Afghanistan at an unprecedented rate while America was humiliated because of poor leadership and hopelessly bad intelligence.
After the heady life in Afghanistan, living the life of somewhere between Pablo Escobar and Lawrence of Arabia, perhaps the delusional shadow of each more likely the case with Flynn, returning to Washington and politicking next to Obama and Clinton required powerful friends. Flynn on his own had no friends, none except those who wanted a chance to put blinders on the Obama White House and Clinton’s State Department.
Flynn would not have been the only asset, it would have required strong assets at the DHS and, of course, the predictably corrupt CIA. Please note that, despite his love for all things Russian and “Putin,” it was Flynn that pushed for US intervention against Russia in Ukraine.
What Flynn does know is the truth behind MH17, he knows Turkey’s involvement in chemical weapons and terrorism, he knows his own role in working for the sponsors of ISIS and al Qaeda, he knows this and much more. And he shares that information, something he was fired for by General Mattis back in 2010.
What we also know is that he is not on our side.
Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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