Your prayers for Phil Butler much appreciated


Dear VT readers,

Phil Butler was resuscitated twice today... a very bad heart arrhythmia, not like needing a stint put in unfortunately. I had sent him some of his comments on his last NEO, and he replied back.

Can you believe he is still checking email? Incredible. The man is a trooper. I don’t have any family contact info, just his email which is a slender thread at a time like this.

Usually New Years Day is usually an opportunistic one for most of us as we have a fresh 365 days to do what we did not get done last year. Phil’s are pending now.

Cave diving in Crete

Many of us lead very stressful lives as we are engaged with a very stressful world, even if we are in the “rear areas”. We have many frustrations and disappointments, so devoting time to keeping body and mind up can be challenging.

I never thought I would catch myself out power walking and jogging in 20 degree weather in Atlanta, but I was tonight…running for my life, doing some pre-emptive work after years of sitting in front of a computer with zero exercise.

We will hope for the best for brother Phil, and hope that the next email that comes has some better news. This man has done 12,000 articles, and at his age, and the rest of us, our best work is ahead of us as we know a hell of a lot more than we did five years ago.

Jim W. Dean


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  1. Thanks Khalid, all these prayers helped me to get back to my home. And for this, I will never forget you all.

  2. Back with ya brother. And intend rattling this Greece and EU cage. The people here on Crete need Putin to rescue them from the sellouts and the IMF. Good folks, taxed into submission but still smiling.

  3. Thanks MileHigh … your prayers worked I have ZERO doubt. Back with the family and at my PC pecking out these comments. You guys are great man.

  4. JS, I think you are on the trail for this incident. After a couple of days in the ICU they started pumping Magnesium into me like at the gas pump. I was dehydrated a day or two before the incident and was sweating profusely just prior to the attack. With a previous history and an ejection fraction of 35, I was in trouble before I blocked that 20 something dude’s shot 😉

  5. Vit D has a 30 target for folks. I was at 17 when first tested a few years ago, inside all the time and will be staying out of the sun forever after one skin cancer. I have a baby mole sodering tool to get them when they are small and easy to do. But with Vit D, getting a 50 score is much better. The supplements are very inexpensive. I score 43 after being on them a few months.

    I have a good friend, 69, who just beat a really nasty cancer way on the back of his tongue just above the vocal cords. It was mis-diagnosed for a couple of years so it spread to the lymph nodes. He had to do the max of chemo and radiation, and they told him if it did not work, they would have to take the tongue out and maybe his voice box. After eight months of eating and drinking via injecting into to a stomach tube, in two more months he might be back to normal. But he went from 240 to 160. I went from 202 to 160. We are all on defense now so we can stay in the fight.

  6. Wishing Phil makes a full recovery. My prayers are with him and his family. Jim, it’s good to know you’re taking pre-emptive action to avoid such circumstances. I lost an uncle to a heart attack on Boxing Day. It’s crazy how someone can be here one second and gone the next. It’s a stressful time of year for a lot of people and the importance of taking even a few minutes everyday to unwind and relax, cannot be overstated. For some people it can be as important as exercising. Personally, I use diaphragmatic breathing, focusing on nothing other than the expansion and contraction of the diaphragm as I breathe in and out through my nose. I’ve been doing it for years and it works for me. Wishing Phil all the best and hoping to see more articles from him when he is able.

    • Hi Amelius, this is fascinating. Some years ago I had this doctor introduce me to breathing techniques associated with Yoga etc. I shall look into diaphragmatic breathing for the purpose of having better control of all rhythms.

  7. Same wishes from me. Maybe someone wants him better dead than alive ? Remember Direct Energy Weapons possibly used. Wouldn´t be the first and not the last victim

    • Hey Trakkath, since you mentioned this, I’ll admit it occurred to me. The heart seizure came at a relatively calm activity level. But then, sudden cardiac failure can hit healthy people in their 40s.

    • Appreciate it Andrew. As you say, we all have a lot more to do for our world and our families. Strength to all VT comrades.

  8. Harry: Good advice. But make sure to state: Natural Vitamin C. Not ascorbic acid. There is a world of difference in the benefits. A little more expensive but the Natural Vitamin C is a must. Cyruta – a natural buckwheat process, from Standard Process available through your GP, cuts plaque dramatically.

  9. Thanks Eduardo, Been at it for two years now, a heart scan put me in the upper third for my age, a huge surprise, so I launched a full scale attack on all the lifestyle changes. Gordon helped me jump start losing 10 lbs in 10 day, from 202. From there is was a steady progress down to 160-6, power walking to cover the aerobics, etc. Made the food changes at the same time. Blood pressure and pulse came down. I am testing the meds now to bring the LDL way down, to the 50 range. The only success on removing plague has been at those levels. What none of the online stuff covers, focusing on the bigger heart arteries getting blocked, is all the little ones get clogged up first, and you have more of them, and all over. I will be writing about it this year to save folks the research time which can be consuming. The soluble fiber in the beans did the trick to get bad cholesterol done from medium bad to very good. And that covers your protein from cutting back on meat. I wish I had started 10 years earlier, but we can’t go back.

  10. Do not go quietly into that good night Phil Butler, source has given you a task and you have obliged yourself tremendously, And Jim, take care in this cold, Southern natives and the untold millions of acclimated newer residents get clobbered by these temps that are ranging well below average. But 70’s return next week, or so we are told, yea.

  11. Please forward sincere best wishes and prayers for Phil’s full recovery. Reassure him that most heart issues are reversible and not to allow himself stress too much. May the Holy Spirit lay a consoling hand to him and get Phil back on his feet. Rest easy, bucko; rest easy. A long walk ahead yet … And we’ll be with you every step of the way.

    • Dear US, God bless you for your kind words and spirituality. I prayed in the ambulance that Jesus would help me. I was done for and knew it. After they shocked me back the second time in the ER, and on yelling “OWWW” cuz it hurts like crazy, I said my little prayer aloud. The Greek doctors took great care of me and ran every kind of test to determine causes, that are imaginable. There are so many fantastic human beings in the world. It’s our job to protect them from the reptiles (I mean snakes, not aliens necessarily).

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