WSJ Story: Trump Pays $130k to Adult Film Star

Payoff made to before election part of massive GOP fraud.  This is the Trump's real mistress and why Melania stayed away from Mara Lago, not wanting Netanyahu threesomes to become foursomes.



Is Trump going to name Stormy Daniels the new Queen of Jerusalem?

Sputnik/Moscow: Sources close to US President Donald Trump have alleged that in October 2016 the president arranged a $130,000 payment to a retired porn star that allegedly had a sexual encounter with him in 2006. The story was broken by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ.)

According to the sources, Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen organized a $130,000 payment to 38-year-old Stephanie Clifford, better known by her stage name, Stormy Daniels. A popular and successful adult film star, Daniels retired from the screen in 2016.

The sources claim that Daniels says the encounter occurred when she and Trump attended a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament on Lake Tahoe. At the time of the alleged encounter, Trump was already married to his current wife, Melania, and had been since January 2005.

Donald Trump and Adult Film Star Stormy Daniels
Donald Trump and Adult Film Star Stormy Daniels

Daniels reportedly said that Cohen was dragging his feet on making the payment and threatened to go to the media, the sources said.

Unretouched, Trump’s massive buttocks draw Marine sneers and giggles

The alleged sexual encounter was consensual — but no less than 16 other women have alleged that Trump sexually assaulted them, with Trump settling out of court with one of them, Jill Harth, in 1992.

A White House official replied to the report, saying that “these are old, recycled reports which were published and strongly denied prior to the election.” They declined to answer any further questions about any agreements or payments involving Daniels or whether Trump had any awareness of the settlement.

“President Trump once again vehemently denies any such occurrence, as has Ms. Daniels,” said Cohen in response to the allegations. He didn’t address the reported payment to Daniels.

“This is now the second time that you are raising outlandish allegations against my client. You have attempted to perpetuate this false narrative for over a year; a narrative that has been consistently denied by all parties since at least 2011.”

This is seemingly in reference to an August 2016 report from the WSJ that alleged that Daniels was in talks with ABC’s “Good Morning America” program to discuss her history with then-nominee Trump. The article added that another, similar incident was alleged, this time with a former Playboy model paid $150,000 to keep silent about her own affair with Trump.

Cohen also sent an email signed by “Stormy Daniels” denying that she ever had a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump or that she received “hush money” to keep any such affair quiet.

Daniels herself did not reply to the allegations when contacted by the WSJ. When Daniels’ lawyer, Keith Davidson, was asked to comment on the case, he refused to on the grounds of attorney-client privilege.


The story has been floating around since October 2011, when gossip columns alleged that Trump had cheated on Melania while she was pregnant with their son, Barron. At the time, Daniels told E!News that the story was “bullshit” and refused to comment further.

Trump has denied all inappropriate seuxal conduct with women. He referred to the infamous “grab them by the pussy” Access Hollywood tape from 2005 as “locker room banter.”

Another adult-film star, Jessica Drake, claimed in October 2016 that Trump kissed her and two other women without permission after the same 2006 tournament that the alleged encounter between Trump and Daniels occurred at. The Trump campaign called Drake’s allegation “totally false and ridiculous.”

“I did not sign [a nondisclosure agreement], nor have I received any money for coming forward,” Ms. Drake said in a January statement. “I spoke out because it was the right thing to do.”

The Wall Street Journal has been one of the few mainstream media outlets to take a generally positive view of Trump. It is owned by News Corp, the same umbrella organization that owns similarly right-leaning outlets such as the New York Post and Fox News. This lends additional significance to the scandal, as it was broken by an outlet that has typically been skeptical of charges of misdoings on Trump’s part.


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  1. Posting the explicit sexual material was just a gratuitous joke. We already know what porn stars do; it wasn’t necessary to titillate us.

    Regarding posting the fellatio photos, that, too,was just a gag.


    Never saw that Trump entered the 2016 Presidential race as a gelding. Life ain’t easy havin’ a pair. Now is the time of the winter ‘jumps’. So what if Trump sees a hurdle as something to be jumped in its season unlike others who balk at his name and only see a hurdle as a conveyance taking prisoners to the scaffold. I’ll wait for the more scintillating tales of trysts from Little St. James Island but unless he (Trump) falls out with Bibi I doubt the Mossad trove of videos will ever see the light of day.

  3. ” He also told the media that carefully removing the sculptures would have cost him an extra $500,000 and would have delayed his project.[59] In a New York Magazinearticle in November 1980, Trump said that the decor of his Grand Hyatt New York included “real art, not like the junk I destroyed at Bonwit Teller.”[60]…”
    “The New York Times condemned Trump’s actions as “esthetic vandalism,”[61] and a spokesman for Mayor Ed Koch said Trump had failed his “moral responsibility to consider the interests of the people of the city.”[54] Scutt was outraged by the destruction, having initially hoped to incorporate the goddess sculptures into the new building’s lobby design; Trump had rejected the plan, preferring something “more contemporary.”[53] Miller lamented that such things would “never be made again,” and Peter M. Warner, a researcher who worked across the street, called the destruction “regrettable.”[62] However, Trump later said he used the notoriety of that act to advertise more residential units in the tower.[60][59]…”
    The above quotes reveal the true character, or lack of it, of Donald J. Trump.

    Quotes from this article:
    “Der Scutt, of Poor, Swanke, Hayden & Connell designed Trump Tower,..”
    “There were controversies during construction, including the destruction of historically important sculptures from the Bonwit Teller store;..”
    “At the time, the Bonwit Teller flagship store, an architecturally renowned building built in 1929, occupied the lot.[4..”
    “The art dealer Robert Miller owned a gallery across Fifth Avenue from the Bonwit Teller Building.[52] When Miller heard the building was to be demolished, he contacted Penelope Hunter-Stiebel, a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In December 1979, Stiebel and Trump agreed that the Art Deco limestone bas-relief sculptures of semi-nude goddesses on the Bonwit Teller Building’s facade, as well as the massive ornate 15 by 25 feet (4.6 by 7.6 m) grille above the store’s entrance, would be removed and donated to the Metropolitan Museum.[4][53][54]Miller had appraised the sculptures at between $200,000 and $250,000.[53][52] In February 1980, Trump wrote a letter to an official at the museum, in which he stated, “Our contractor plans to begin demolition on the exterior of the building in approximately three to four weeks. He has been instructed to save these artifacts and take all necessary measures to preserve them.”[52] …”
    “On April 16, 1980, the grille and sculptures were removed from the building. They were set to be transported to a junkyard and destroyed because…Con’t.”

    • “They were set to be transported to a junkyard and destroyed because, according to Trump, there were general hazard concerns, expense, and a possible 10-day construction delay due to the difficulty of removing them.[4][53] Stiebel rode by taxicab to the building site and attempted to pay the workmen for the sculptures, but she was rebuffed.[56] The workers in charge of demolition told her that she could make an appointment to go see the sculptures, but they then canceled several appointments that Stiebel made.[55] The workers later told her that the building’s decorative grille had been transported to a New Jersey warehouse,[55][53] but it was never recovered, and on May 28, Stiebel was informed the grille had been “lost”.[57][53] On June 5, the sculptures were destroyed.[58][57] Stiebel had received notice of the sculptures’ pending demolition, but by the time she reached the Trump Tower site, the workmen told her that they had been ordered to “destroy it all.”[57] Trump later acknowledged he had personally ordered the destruction of the sculptures and grille.[54] Trump said that these “so-called Art Deco sculptures, which were garbage by the way,” had been informally appraised by three different individuals as “not valuable,” and they had pegged the sculptures’ value at $4,000 to $5,000. He also told the media that carefully removing the sculptures would have cost him an extra $500,000 and would have delayed his project.[59] …Con’t.”

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