by Charles Bausman, Russia-Insider.com
The paintings used as illustrations in this article are taken from the website of Ilya Glazunov and can be seen full-size in HD here and here. Russia Insider published a long profile of him and his work in 2016. Much of his work, both paintings and books, dealt extensively with the Jewish role in Russian history.
A Jewish bolshevik disrupting an Easter midnight service. Detail from a larger monumental painting by Ilya Glazunov.
1. Introduction
Most people know about, but few are willing to condemn, the strict taboo in the media, of criticizing Jews as a group, using that term. One cannot even criticize a small subsection of Jews, a miniscule percentage of the Jewish population, even when they richly deserve it.
Obviously, this is a ridiculous way to run a publication whose object is to get to the truth, so I am writing this to explain why, from now on, the pages of Russia Insider will be open to articles which fairly and honestly address the influence of Jewish elites, including pointing out when it is malevolent, which it often is, and try to understand it and explain it, with malice towards none.
I have become convinced that unless we break this taboo, nothing will improve in the human catastrophe unfolding in geopolitics. Millions have died over the past 30 years, and if we want it to stop that trend and avoid a cataclysm which seems to be approaching inexorably, we have to have the freedom to criticize those responsible. It is very clear to me, as it is to many others, that much of the guilt for this comes from Jewish pressure groups, particularly in the media.
A detail from the monumental painting ‘The Great Experiment’ (1990) which has many references to the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution
I can see as an editor, that much of what is written about geopolitics in the ‘public square,’ admirable though it may be in other respects, makes itself irrelevant by tiptoeing around this crucial issue.
I am a newcomer to the media world, unexpectedly thrust three years ago into the role of owner, publisher and editor of this fairly widely-read publication. We get about 10 million visits per month across all of our platforms from a sophisticated audience, and we are widely followed by so-called ‘influencers.’ We’ve made a big mark in a short time, and we did it by saying what others were not willing to say. Many subjects which we were the first to speak about on a major platform have now entered the mainstream.
Russia Insider is a grassroots phenomenon, and sometimes resembles a political movement as much as it does a publication. We exist solely because of small donations from readers. We get no funding from major donors, not to mention governments, foundations, or other organized groups. It is all private individuals. Our single largest donation over the past year was $5000, and the median gift is $30. We raised about $80,000 last year. This gives us the freedom to pretty much say what we want, something that can be said of very few publications, even in the alternative media space, most of whom are beholden to large donors.
I see every day how one can influence the public agenda by addressing or ignoring certain topics. One really can make a difference, and I have tried to have a positive impact, as I understand it. It has been a remarkable education in the power of the media, even of our relatively small Russia Insider.
But this taboo is the great exception. It really is quite extraordinary to realize that you can publish about just about anything, except that. As I said, just about everyone knows about the taboo, and I did too in my previous career in business, but it is another thing altogether to enforce it — which I felt, until recently, compelled to do — and to have your nose rubbed in it every day when trying to make sense of world events.
2. The euphemisms
Some try to skirt the taboo with euphemisms. A veritable cottage industry has emerged, ever inventing new ones. Indeed, this is the new trend in the alt-media. We hear a lot about ‘Zionists,’ ‘elites,’ ‘global elites,’ ‘globalists,’ ‘neocons,’ ‘liberal interventionists,’ ‘the war party,’ ‘the Israel lobby,’ ‘the deep state,’ ‘bankers,’ ‘new world order’ (I’ve never understood what that is, actually), ‘Bilderbergers’ — sounds like a nice man from a central-European fairytale. My friend the Saker goes with ‘Anglozionists.’
But none of these terms work, do they? They all obscure the issue, actually enhancing the taboo’s inherent deceit.
Zionists? Really? I’ve never heard anyone describe themselves this way, or even other people describe them – ‘Have you meet Max?, he’s an enthusiastic Zionist!’ I’ve never seen it mentioned as an interest in a social media profile (perhaps Facebook should include it as an Emoticon). Maybe Rachel Maddow IS a Zionist, what do I know, although as far as I understand, Zionism was a political movement that lost its urgency once the state of Israel was well on its merry way. Elites? Well, no, I would reckon many Jews are elites, but more Jews are not, and more elites are non-Jews, so no, that doesn’t work. Well, you get the idea. These are attempts to slip past the ever-zealous censor, and they serve to maintain the confusion and deception.
No, the only trait that these people have in common is their Jewish heritage. Some are liberals, some are conservatives. Some are religious, some are not. Some are mixed Jewish heritage, some are not. Some care about Israel, some do not. Some support Israel others criticize her. They are politicians, journalists, academics, comedians, actors, or, businessmen. Some stem from Western Europe, others from Eastern Europe, and others from the Middle East.
3. Hostility to Putin’s Russia is largely a Jewish phenomenon
Russia Insider’s mission is to explain and describe Russia and her role in the world. As soon as you begin to drill into how other nations relate to Russia, and Russian history, it becomes obvious that the unreasonable hostility towards Putin’s Russia, particularly coming from the US and the UK, is very much a Jewish phenomenon, and has been for centuries.
And yes, ‘Jewish’ is the only term that accurately describes it, and not one of the many euphemisms we frequently see used.
The most vitriolic and obsessive Russia-bashing journalists in the media are mostly Jewish. The publications which push these writers most energetically are ALL Jewish-owned, and as a publisher, I know very well, that is where the buck stops.
On the policy side, the neo-conservative movement, Russia’s harshest foe, was conceived of, is led by, and consists mostly of, Jews. And their trouble-making extends far beyond Russia – they are responsible for America’s disastrous debacle in the Middle East over the last 20 years – where their crimes have been stymied by precisely one country – Russia. The psychotically anti-Russian recent UN ambassadors, Nikki Haley and Samantha Power, were put there by the Israel lobby, and given an independent brief, in other words, they answer not to their presidents, rather to their Jewish sponsors.
In Congress the biggest Russia-Gate tub-thumpers are noticeably Jewish – Schiff, Schumer, Cardin, Blumenthal, Franken (although not as overwhelmingly as in the media). The Israel lobby routinely enforces legislation hostile to Russia. Bill Browder with his Magnitsky Sanctions – is Jewish.
4. The media
But let’s talk about the media – for this is where the real power lies. All other levers and branches of government pale in comparison when it comes to real political influence.
At the two leading newspapers of the land, the New York Times and The Washington Post, both very Jewish in ownership, editors, and staff, have been waging an all-out jihad against Putin’s Russia, and are guilty of the most grotesque dishonesty, slander and journalistic malpractice – exhaustively catalogued by one of the most authoritative and admired veteran journalists in America, Robert Parry, winner of the Polk award, among other accolades. You can see an archive of his extraordinary work criticizing these two publications, particularly in relation to Russia, here.
PBS, with its lily-white image as purveyor of Masterpiece Theater and other highbrow offerings, is wholly dependent on donations from wealthy Jews. Like some Gentile starlet submitting to Harvey Weinstein, that station has allowed itself to be used, churning out a relentless stream of the most ridiculous anti-Putin propaganda that would be funny if it wasn’t so effective among the gray-haired, non-flyover denizens of America, and their deep pocketbooks. CNN, a deeply Jewish company, has been pushing Russiagate like a religion, to the point where their brand has suffered severe damage.
Rachel Maddow, the nation’s most popular and influential liberal political show host is Jewish. She has gone so overboard demonizing Russia and pushing Russiagate that she has become a figure of fun. On the print side, the list is the same – the ones shrieking the loudest are mostly Jews, and disproportionately female – and there is an important lesson there too – Masha Gessen, Anne Applebaum, and Julia loffe, to name a few.
The refrain from the male chorus is no less strident. David Remnick, David Frum, Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer. Even comedy news hates Russia – John Oliver, Jon Stewart (previously), Bill Maher, all Jews, go to great efforts to convince Americans that Putin’s Russia is, quite literally – and this term is frequently used – ‘Hitlerian.’
Jewish-owned high brow magazines have been leading the charge against Putin – the Newhouse’s New Yorker, the NY Review of Books (the management of this venerable magazine is obsessed with the subject). The New Republic, Newsweek, The Atlantic, and the Rothschild-owned Economist pump out story after story full of what can only be called lies, in a massive campaign to demonize Russia and Putin.
Timothy Snyder, the Yale historian, and Michael Weiss, the neocon firebrand whose website, The Interpreter, is funded by the exiled Jewish oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, are two more prominent figures in this phenomenon.
The Economist deserves special mention with Ed Lucas leading the charge (previously), (he is the great nephew of Charles Portal, allegedly Jewish chief of the air staff in Britain during WW2 who was allegedly a relentless proponent of fire-bombing German civilians and is thought to be behind the burning of Dresden). I suppose having a purported war criminal in the family means never having to say you are sorry. Equally vitriolic are the writings of Ben Judah and his father, Tim.
But to draw attention to all this, or to investigate whether there is something about their Jewishness that makes them so hostile to Russia, is simply, verboten. Inevitably, when I point out this overwhelming ethnic imbalance, people say, well what about the many critics of the hostility to Russia who are Jewish? – the eminently admirable Glenn Greenwald is a prominent example, and there are many others. The answer is, that the exception to a trend doesn’t disprove it, and can often serve to mask it.
5. A de facto violation of free speech
The truth is, that in a nation which frantically pats itself on the shoulder for enshrining ‘free speech’ in its national credo, and ceaselessly lectures others on the subject with pompous sanctimony, speech is not de facto free on this crucial and world-threatening subject, a remarkable, and dangerous, state of affairs. I will not be clapped into prison for publishing this article, but the taboo works like a charm to keep the topic out of public discussion. Who needs repressive laws when you can con people into censoring themselves? In Germany, the dominant power in Europe, and in other European countries, I could be locked up for it – another shocking thought, for this son of Germany.
The Jewish dominance of the Russia-bashing phenomenon is far more extensive than I can convey in a couple of short paragraphs, and I urge someone to do this in a more systematic way. I will be happy to publish it.
6. Shutting down an honest examination of Russian history
One of the most spectacular aspects of the taboo is how it whitewashes one of the most extraordinary events in the history of mankind, the Russian revolution.
Many White Russians fleeing the revolution believed that it was mostly a Jewish coup d’etat, financed by wealthy bankers in New York and London who were sworn enemies of Christian Tsarism. Indeed there is strong evidence to suggest that this is true. This view argues that the terror visited on Russia during the civil war and its aftermath, continuing well into the Stalin years, for he could not really control it either, was a Jewish one. Cursory evidence also suggests that this is so, if only because so much of the Bolshevik leadership was Jewish, in particular, Trotsky, but also many other vicious personalities, especially in the secret police which so terrorized the Russian people.
Henry Ford was heavily influenced by this view, which he heard from Russian emigres, augmenting his anti-semitism, and it has been well-documented by liberal mainstream historians that the German National Socialist movement became radically more anti-semitic in reaction to this interpretation, which they adopted, strongly influenced by an influx of White Russians finding refuge in Europe. But one doesn’t hear a whisper about all this in mainstream historical articles, even to debunk it, presumably because someone might have their ‘feelings’ hurt.
This all reverberates to this day. The virulent and entrenched anti-semitism in today’s Ukraine is a direct heir of this White Russian view. This is because the Nazis had long-standing subversive programs implemented by their White Russian allies inside Ukraine and the Baltics, which were heavily German in ethnicity. The famines of the 30s increased the sentiment. When Hitler invaded, this work paid off magnificently, and Western Ukraine enthusiastically welcomed him and fought with his armies, as did many in the Baltics. After the war, German intelligence, in return for clemency, traded this network to the CIA, which continued the program to destabilize the USSR, and these programs, representing significant financial and institutional support continued right through the cold war, and into the present day.
What happened in 2014 in the Ukraine had a 100-year provenance, and is inextricably linked to alleged Jewish culpability for the revolution. But for all the gallons of ink spilled about the events of 2014, this crucial background is left largely undiscussed, even in the alternative media (I of all people, can attest to this).
Such is the reach and devastating effect of this taboo.
The enormity of the omission is mind-boggling. The suffering of the Russian people in the decades after the revolution was extraordinary – and here there is little agreement – modern revisionists insist that the revolution and its aftermath claimed perhaps 2 million victims, others say it reached into the 10s of millions. And it is not just the number of people, but the way it was carried out – families ripped apart, fathers hauled off in the middle of the night, churches blown up, priests tortured and subjected to ritual murder, phony confessions beaten out of innocents, summary executions without trial, an enforced culture of snitching, millions sent to slave labor camps – a nation was held in terror for decades, traumatized to this day. If there is even the slightest suspicion that this was in essence, a Jewish pogrom against ethnic Russians, surely it deserves some public examination.
But no, it seems people think observing the taboo is more important.
We try on Russia Insider to give exposure to this view of events, which I believe deserves a hearing – I am not enough of an expert to say whether it is correct – but so effective is the taboo, that there is little of quality available. There is a very substantial body of work available about this in Russian, most of it written since the fall of Communism, – in contrast to the West, this is a widely discussed view inside Russia – so the heavy lifting has been done – it just needs to be rendered into English.
7. The best alt-media journalists are neutered
One of the things we do at RI is to scan the alternative media for what we think are the best articles about Russia, and republish them with a link to the original. We also keep an eye on what we think are the most dishonest articles – and critique them, and it is this comprehensive surveying of the writers and the publications that gives me such a strong understanding of the Jewishness of the hostility. The casual reader’s awareness of it may be anecdotal – I can assure you, it is more pronounced than people realize. When you read, catalog, analyze, track, and critique this river of thought 8 hours a day it becomes starkly obvious.
I am routinely and happily amazed by the fantastic writing about Russia, left, right, and center, in the alternative media, which comes from a most impressive cast of characters, the bulk of it about geopolitics. The intellectual heft and scholarship is extraordinary. Borrowing from this brilliance, we put out a deeper and more thorough analysis of things Russia-related than news organizations with 20 times our budget.
Some of these men are true heroes, speaking truth to power, fighting back against a system gone horribly wrong, brave, selfless, often sacrificing career and financial well-being – but there is one line they won’t cross.
8. Much of what is written about Russian relations and history becomes meaningless and deceptive
Sadly, a lot of what they write, is, meaningless, and almost amounts to professional malpractice, because the Jewish push for confrontation with Russia is, by far, the most significant factor. Excluding it from a discussion of geopolitics is ignoring the elephant, not in the corner, rather the one dancing a Mazurka in the middle of the room. We should not forget that willful omission is a species of lying, and is recognized as such in a court of law, and this case is no different.
The omission is misleading, and sows endless confusion, for it compels writers to place blame where it does not really belong – the list of culprits is endless: ‘Democrats,’ Liberals,’ sometimes it is ‘America did this,’ or ‘Americans did that,’ or it is Trump, or Obama, or Hillary, or Rex Tillerson, or John McCain, or the Military-Industrial-Complex, the Deep State, the Intelligence Community, and on and on. Yes, these individuals are complicit, (except ‘America,’ it is a ridiculous notion that we 350 million souls collectively agree on anything) but it is not their spineless treachery that is of prime importance, rather the powerful Jews in American politics and media who so easily compel them to dance to their tune.
9. A lesson in relevance from the Alt-Right
The Alt-Right is helpful in understanding Russia, because it has intellectual heft, and produces a lot of good writing about Russia and Russian relations, much of which is spot-on. We follow the Alt-Right media and republish the occasional article, and they are invariably very popular on Russia Insider – largely, I think, because they are offering a fresh point of view, and talking about vitally important issues others refuse to address.
The Alt-Right is a youth movement. Its leaders are mostly in their 30s, and the rank and file, which is large indeed, running, by some estimates, into the 10s of millions globally, seems to mostly range from mid-teens to mid-20s. Much of the Alt-Right has completely discarded this taboo and revels in flouting it, indeed, trampling on it, as is the wont of young people regarding the more tedious and preposterous conventions of every era.
It is axiomatic, I think, that one way youth benefits society, is that they question what the old men are saying – shake things up a bit, make them examine their assumptions. It is no coincidence that in the Emperor With No Clothes children’s story, it is a child who points out the obvious, what the adults are so desperately pretending not to see, because it will impair their material well-being.
Pointing out the pernicious effects of the influence of certain Jewish elites on many aspects of American and European society and politics, as the Alt-Right does, greatly assists in understanding how politics really work.
If you doubt this, then I highly recommend that you listen to a couple of episodes of the most popular Alt-Right podcasts, like Fash the Nation, or Richard Spencer’s Alt-Right Politics, easily accessible by smartphone. The Fash the Nation hosts are two Beltway policy wonks who sound like they are in their late 20s or early 30s, who spend a couple hours each week talking politics. In their analysis, when relevant, and not over-stating it, they point out when Jewish interests are at play, when politicians, journalists, lobbyists, publishers, publications, foundations, or their main funders, allies, spouses, and backers, are Jewish. The gang at Alt-Right Politics does the same. It becomes very clear what is intuitively obvious – that blotting out any mention of this hampers any serious discussion.
(For Fash the Nation, I recommend episodes with Marcus Halberstram, like this one, and for Alt Right Politics, the year-in-review episode was a good one. The Fash the Nation hosts use obscenity on their show, which unfortunately detracts from their credibility, but don’t be put off by it, put it up to youthful ignorance – they are worth listening to.)
By blowing up this taboo, the Alt-Right is making itself relevant, and those who cling to it, irrelevant. A taboo only works if it is universally observed – if a sizable number of people begin ignoring it, everyone else begins to look increasingly ridiculous. Liberals spend an inordinate amount of time wringing their hands about the Alt-Right. By refusing to openly and fairly discuss Jewish influence, they are handing them a powerful competitive advantage.
The Alt-Right is doing society a service by addressing an issue that urgently needs sunlight, and by providing an ecosystem of websites and podcasts where authors can be published and critiqued, and points argued back and forth. Much of the discussion of Jewish influence in the Alt-Right is very scholarly, fair and balanced, i.e. the work of Kevin MacDonald or Michael Hoffman.
I believe the Alt-Right will continue to gain traction, simply because they intelligently discuss two sacred cows – the Jewish Question, and, closely linked to it, racial equality in terms of abilities, and the desirability of mixed-race societies. As long as they are addressing these two crucial issues, and no one else is, they will grow.
10. Malice towards none
Another pernicious effect of taboos is that they can lead to angry outbursts. When problems are not addressed, they tend to fester and worsen, until they become intolerable, and then there is sometimes a sudden and violent reaction. You can see this dynamic in the public discussion of the malevolent influence of Jewish elites. Some people, when they finally perceive its reach and harm, having been misled by people they admired and trusted, lash out in anger – a common reaction when you find out you’ve been deceived about something vitally important. This, I believe, is another reason to be rid of this taboo as soon as possible – it has a way of making things worse.
Obviously, this discussion should be done without any hatred or anger to Jews as a whole. The Jews who are causing the trouble – the ones at the pinnacles of political and media power, are a small group indeed. Anyone who has grown up with and knows Jews well, as I have, knows that they are like people everywhere – basically decent, and this has been my overwhelming personal experience. It is their elite institutions that for some reason are clearly malevolent, and this demands public examination, not the least by Jews themselves.
What I am calling for is criticizing the elites who have given their nation a very bad name, and figuring out why this pattern repeats itself throughout history.
11. The problem extends to all areas of public life
The ongoing sex scandals which grace our front pages seem to provide an exclamation point to the phenomenon. Across the board, from Hollywood to entertainment to media to Washington, the poor sods being called out by the screeching harpy mob tend towards a certain ethnicity, not to mention the leading men in the spectacle. For all the talk and blather and belly button contemplation that the drama is evoking, no one, outside the Alt-Right, mentions this obvious fact, for it would be impolite.
The problem seems to arise when Jews get into positions of influence, i.e., when they join the dreaded ‘elites.’ Then, for some reason, regardless of their political sympathies or other particulars, they get up to no good – and something goes seriously wrong. Maybe the powerful Jewish institutions – the media, the banks, the movie studios, the music industry, etc, are in the hands of degenerates who demand bad behavior as the price of admission, and then enforce it. I really don’t know, but obviously, the question begs for an examination, as the evidence suggests that much of human enterprise dominated and shaped by Jews is a bottomless pit of trouble with a peculiar penchant for mendacity and cynicism, hostility to Christianity and Christian values, and in geopolitics, a clear bloodlust.
Hollywood and TV dramas? A completely Jewish-dominated industry, and a soulless spiral of depravity and cynicism, which only worsens with each passing year. Financial markets? – ditto – just watch the movies The Big Short or The Wolf of Wall Street for a particularly vivid illustration. Pop music and the rap nightmare? – ditto. The state of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians? – more of the same. American foreign policy? – an unmitigated disaster which has murdered millions and squandered trillions over the last 30 years.
And I think ‘murder’ is the right word here – I think if you would ask the relatives of the 2 or so million Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Yemenis, East Ukrainians, or Serbs who died in the wars instigated by the largely Jewish-dictated US foreign policy over the past couple of decades, that they would back me up on that.
In each of these cases, one sees a tendency towards dishonesty. Indeed the whole ‘Fake News’ phenomenon, is fundamentally Jewish. It is the Jewish-owned American and European media which churn out an astonishing quantity of what can only be called lies.
12. We need serious scholarship and analysis
Yes, 1900 years after the exasperated Romans scattered the Hebrew tribes to the four winds, the ‘JQ’ is still a huge, messy, unsolved problem, and in our age, it is reaching yet another crisis. I can only speak with whatever expertise on a subject I might know a lot about. Western foreign policy towards Russia, and Russian history, and the Jewish influence there, is nothing short of an extinction-level threat to the entire planet. I am sure experts in Middle Eastern politics would confirm something similar.
All this needs scholarship and serious inquiry, to finally get to the bottom of this ongoing tragedy, a tragedy for both Jew and Gentile alike. Some writers have made important inroads, like Kevin MacDonald, but much more needs to be done to understand the problem.
One serious writer, Michael Hoffman, in his book Judaism’s Strange Gods, argues the problem is with modern Judaism, which has changed radically from the religion of the Old Testament, effectively hijacked by various Jewish sects such as the New Testament era Pharisees who inspire misanthropic behavior among elites. I really can’t say, but it is precisely this kind of inquiry which is needed to figure out, as our president likes to say ‘what the hell is going on.’
13. Low expectations from the existing alt-media
I know that many writers and editors in the alt-media, and the alt-lite, privately agree with what I have written here, but we should not expect many of them to break the taboo anytime soon. The reason is that they mostly barely hang on financially, and often work for tiny wages, and any such change in editorial policy would knock out a certain part of their funding (not to mention some of their better authors), making their financial situation untenable. Some are beholden to foundations or governments who would pull support. The needed intellectual work is going to be done on the few platforms whose support base will tolerate it – and this will mostly be on the Alt-Right, or publications that can buck the tide, like Russia Insider.
14. A call for articles and support
I met strong resistance to the ideas expressed here from colleagues, staff and columnists who contribute to RI. I’ve discussed it at length with many of them. Some of the best writers on the site, and some of the most articulate critics of America’s inane policy towards Russia, are Jewish. Some agree with me privately, but say that to do so publicly would so damage their careers that they cannot. Some do not agree.
Russia Insider depends heavily on reader contributions, and I suppose this will curtail donations from some, so if you agree with this article, then now would be a good time to click on the donate button.
Discussion of the Jewish problem (and ‘problem’ is the right word here) is obviously not going to be the focus of Russia Insider – we try to be primarily about Russia, but I am willing to give space to this issue, and not just as it relates to Russia. I invite all writers, including from the Alt-Right, to get in touch with me directly at charles@russia-insider.com with article ideas, proposals, or anything else, and yes, we will publish articles which use (((echoes))).
It is my great regret that we are not in a position to pay authors for articles. If anyone reading this is in a position to help provide funding to pay writers on this important subject, that would be helpful, because it immediately raises the quality and depth of the writing. If you are interested, please get in touch with me directly.
At the end of the day, I don’t care whether other people agree with me on this or not, whether I lose or gain authors or donations, traffic or influence, or whether the big tech platforms try to hush us up (they are already actively doing so). I started this site in the Fall of 2014 to call out a terrible crime, a whopping lie being told, by the media, most vociferously by Jews in very influential Jewish-owned publications, (Andrew Kramer and the editorial board of the New York Times being the prime example) about the conflict in the Ukraine. I didn’t see it as a Jewish problem then – I just knew it wasn’t true. I knew relatively little about Jewish influence at the time. But after three years of immersing myself in political analysis and media criticism, it is as plain as day that this is the case.
Russia Insider earned respect by doing our best to tell the truth, and calling out flagrant dishonesty in the media.
We’re not about to stop now.
Anyone is free to republish, copy, and redistribute the text in this content (but not the images or videos) in any medium or format, with the right to remix, transform, and build upon it, even commercially, as long as they provide a backlink and credit to Russia Insider. It is not necessary to notify Russia Insider. Licensed Creative Commons.
About Author: Charles Bausman is the founder and editor of Russia-Insider.com
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French national council of transition : Message to all mankind
Predating ghettos and secularism jews and or Judaics would they be Hebrew which is a very potent written and spoken language. Hving a copy of the learned elders of zion in Russia during the occupation Notsholveks or caananites or Kagans or Khazarist, was also taboo. Simpsons Donkey is good at this.
There is only one way in my view to cleanse ourselves of this influence of the Jews , totally debunk the Holocaust narrative. The only way to do that is in an American or Russian court , call all the experts and destroy the fiction once and for all. Then the Germans can sue Israel for all the money it defrauded from the German people and state. It will cost a lot of money , Spielberg and his cronies put up $13 million for the Irving trial, we would need at least $30 million for the debunking trial. It’s a pity Henry Ford is gone there must be some rich Christians able to fund it. Here in the UK it’s almost impossible to say much against them thanks to our draconian hate speech law ,put forward by a political party with 80% of it’s MP’s registered as friends of Israel and a prime minister who attends Balfour Declaration parties in the Royal Albert Hall with NetandYahoo.
If you want a good volume on the malign influence of these people try from Dr E Michael Jones the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit .
It’s illegal to question the Holocaust in Russia. That was Stalin’s gift to them. Despite which they conspired to get rid of him through a nexus of the CIA, the Fourth Internationalists (Trotskyites) and the Jews in Russia.
Actually the biggest taboo by numbers is Islam. Judaics are few in number due to the bloodline thingy. Christianity and Islam and Judaism all condemn non-believers. They all support one another.
Jews have the corner in rhetoric and proclaimed persecution, but the Christians are right behind them.
But no Islam country tolerates criticism of Mohammed. There is plenty of criticism of Jews.
How about if I take on the Abraham and Mohammed bullshit story ? Political control is all these things do.
The strongest controlled opposition I see is Islam. There are points I agree with in their society, but what happens if I question the bullshit story ? Can I say it ? Mohammed and Abraham are bullshit stories of archetypes ? And where does the money go ? The guys I see flashing it are Islam. Like bank robbers spending too soon.
In the US, a person can call for the destruction of primarily Muslim nations or even the genocide of Muslims with little to no backlash. But the mildest criticism of organized Jewry labels the person as the worst sort of racist who deserves to be punished with death.
I just need a number of world population, that can criticize. How many people can criticize Jews and how many can criticize Islam. All we are talking about here is “flip out” factor. Properly placed controlled opposition is one layer away and takes the heat. 1 .. 2..3 is the Nipple, cross, and the cube. They are days 11 , 12, and 13 in the 20 day round. The nipple is of course the last free meal you get. What does the cube do ?
The fatal flaw in Islam is the acknowledgement of Jesus Mary and Joseph. I haven’t even read the Koran, do I need to ? I’m pretty sure once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. And please, spare me the wisdom that can only come from spirit, because then we have to talk about Confuscius and Paine and the presence of wisdom without deity. And how you need to explain how that didn’t come from spirit. Man is not meant to nurse the nipple throughout all life.
The 11th day is Judaism. Imox is the ancient name for the day. Chaos in the family when the mind has lost control. Potential hypnotists, and subtle hypnotism is verified. Even memory can be changed and influenced by people born on the day. Without them knowing. They are senders. Alcoholism is listed, and the guy who started AA drank his last drink on that day. Casey Anthony and Jody Arias have been compared, both born during that trecena. 9/11 happened on that day. The people believe. Isn’t that weird ? Read the stories. In Genesis it is chapters 20 and 40. In the I-Ching it is # 11. It is the day in Exodus chapter 11. Stare at it. Isn’t that weird ? Howard Hughes was also born on that day. Marianne Faithful too. So many more.
Trump is born on the 13th day, Aqabal. Bernie Sanders too, and John Kasich, and Wyatt Earp and Frank Loyd Wright and Zahi Hadid. Hillary was born on day 12, the day of Christianity, and the preferred day for papal ceremonies of all types. Including but not limited to, Francis rushed papal ceremony and the installation of the Jesuit general. The public is not notified. Put that in your cantaloupe and stew on it.
One of the hallmarks of the shill acting for Jews is that they pretend to be atheists and anti-religion then level all their criticism upon Islam, Muslims and all the older Christians churches, that have not succumbed to Jewish control. [The Assyrian Church is particularly hated since it has linguistic, geneological and cultural continuity with the Canaanite founders of Jerusalem]. They reveal their Kabbala associations by bringing up numerology, significance of dates (altogether idiotic, since the Justinian calender is contrived) intertwined with philosophies of the incoherent semi-literate. They should go to a real free state and smoke some marijuana to organize their thoughts and to open up the Doors of Perception.
Jaffer, The simple point is, if Abraham and Jesus and Mary are myth turned to history, and another religion adopts the story as history, then it is complicit in Pious fraud. If I tell a lie with five components all lies, and a group disputes 3 and keeps two, then the lie finds a path forward. I am not against religion, just Pious Fraud.
Especially when it contributes to destabilization of a populace. The root is the alliance between Catholics and Jews, Islam came later. All three support a common historical falsehood and all three use Pious Fraud as historical documentation. What happens to the branches if the root is removed ? The Jews are unique because they tied the pious fraud into lineage. And the other two support it.
HagiogrDavid, Hagiography is not the same as history. That does not mean that it loses it’s significance, nor that it is a myth. aphy is not the same as history.
3. Antisemite – A person organized Jewry does not like.
It would be naive in the extreme to imagine RI taking the lid off Pandora’s Box for which see Tinder Box. There is the 1900 years of anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish hysteria all over Europe and theirs is a history replete with suffering on a vast scale. My initial thought would be to ‘leave well enough alone.’ However, such is the scale of the Jewish control of the United States and Europe since WW2 it is clear an agenda exists for full flown domination of world affairs and worse. I was taken by how well Jewish organizations in New York – allied to professional and corporate interests, were run. It seemed every circular, memorandum and letter had the President’s direct telephone number, fax number and internet address. This I thought was how to organize and they proved incredibly adept at it.
Today, as you rightly point out, Jews dominate politics, the media, much of the business world and keep Israel afloat – that country with so many disparate internal factions vying for control of their own corners let alone the greater problem of Palestinian reality tugging relentlessly at their hair; hence hair-trigger diplomacy and hair-trigger diktats. Constant Jewish over-reach in the shadows cannot be seen for occasional yet widely publicized hand-wringing because like you stated – “ that exception to a trend doesn’t disprove it, and can often serve to mask it.” There is an anti-Russia agenda and it is primarily Jewish driven by Jewish drivel.
It’s a fallacy that the European Jews have suffered for 1900 years. European Jews are Khazar.
I read about complete villages of Jews that would make it unsafe for travellers in the Ukraine. I can’t find that article anywhere now. I also read about a US Congressman who had travelled, between 1903 – 1913, to the Carpathian mountains where a mining community of undetermined ethnicity lived, working in mines owned by Jews and purchased their only entertainment, liquor at high prices, from Jews. The only time they could eat meat was if they were to go to Budapest and work around Christmas, from which they would bring home a leg of ham. Can’t find that article anymore either.
The problem is not Jews as individuals, but rather organized Jewry; and we can include anti-goyim Talmudic Judaism (Judaism 3.0) and Kabbalistic/Talmudic Judaism (Judaism 4.0). The single-reed jazz musician would agree with me on the organized point (if I have interpreted his writings correctly), and Israel Shahak on the Judaism point.
• “Larry Silverstein – is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Silverstein obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. [3] The towers were in fact close to worthless, being filled with asbestos, [4] yet Silverstein “felt a compelling urge to own them”. Silverstein had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning. [5] but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day. Larry Silverstein was paid a little over $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of the WTC complex. [6] Silverstein was on personal friendship terms with Zionist media-magnate Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such good friends with Netanyahu that, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz he would speak with him on the phone every sunday. [7]
• Video – Where was Larry Silverstein on 9/11?”
I will not smile until the perpetrators of 9/11/2001 are convicted of treason.
Win, every time you write this I break into a smile. Keep it going the cockroaches hate the light,
The Zionist Organization of America proudly uses the term. Yet as Biden once publicly quipped “you don’t have to be jewish to be a zionist”. So if jew doesn’t very well fit with or describe being Judaic then separate the two to be more discernible.
The term “Jew” is problematic since it originated in a time where a person born a Jew had a choice of staying in the shtetl and practicing Judaism (enforced by the rabbinical courts), or leaving which required a conversion to Christianity – then he/she would no longer be considered a Jew. So no confusion as to who a Jew was.
Post emancipation the phenomenon of secular Jews occurs, leaving no single word to describe only a religious Jew or only a secular Jew.
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