Wednesday’s Parkland High School massacre in Florida features several classic signs indicating a likely false flag—as reported in today’s False Flag Weekly News. (Watch it above, and click HERE for story links.)
My first reaction to this event was NOT to suspect a false flag.
After all, there are plenty of real school shootings—one every 60 hours so far in 2018—so I did not initially see any reason why this one shouldn’t be just another typical everyday tragedy. But I have learned from experience that the biggest, most headline-garnering, discourse-hijacking events are often fabricated. So I kept my mind, eyes, and ears open, and soon enough, evidence of a possible false flag began to roll in.
At least two eyewitness reports credibly claim that multiple shooters were involved. There are also credible reports of drills (including one featuring the firing of blank rounds) running simultaneously with the real shooting. And one witness reports that “army people” involved with the drills moved victims’ bodies and hid them under mats as the students were leaving the school. This does not sound like normally expected procedure at a crime scene!
Ironically, Parkland is only 16 miles away from Florida Atlantic University, where tenured Communications Professor James Tracy was fired for questioning the official story of the Sandy Hook school shooting. Professor Tracy recently lost the first round of a court case against his university, but is appealing. How odd that this highly suspicious incident should erupt right in his proverbial back yard.
James Tracy: “My academic freedom fight continues!” (on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio)

Four months ago Ole Dammegard did multiple interviews predicting a false flag operation (a follow-up to Las Vegas) near the Fort Lauderdale Airport. In the past, Ole has accurately predicted other false flag operations, including the Copenhagen Valentine’s Day Massacre of 2015 (a follow-up to Charlie Hebdo).
As I said on False Flag Weekly News, the political motives for Operation Gladio massacres of random civilians are fairly straightforward: terrorize ordinary people into running to the authorities for protection, while promoting a “politics of fear” atmosphere that discourages the rational deliberation that could lead the people to take back money and power from elites.
As long as Operation Gladio (including 9/11 and the rest of the Gladio B program) remains unprosecuted, we are fully justified in suspecting the worst about each new headline-grabbing, agenda-setting massacre.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard-driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN).
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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A MUST READ at this point is Yoichi Shimatsu’s series on the event found at rense. The last one – “March for Our Lives” provides a wealth of connected details, from David Hogg’s father’s employment at Cubic Simulation Systems, to the local Chabad house, and including Nicholas Cruz’spsychologist. Many thanks, Yoichi!
another student telling about her experiance.
min- 1;13. Didn’t know they have special classes just for the holocaust now.
One student claims she was walking w/Cruz when the shots rang out…and, of course, he was unarmed at the time…a handful of students have already claimed there were multiple shooters…AND ALL the students that are being put out there front and center in all their anti-2nd Amendment glory belong to the same theater group at the school…so yeah, they’re liberal wanna-be actors…
“Who are these people that arrange a mass murder at a school? Are they Americans? Who goes into a school to assassinate children in cold blood? If this is our “Government” by the elite, have they become to us a clear and present danger of are we the clear and present danger to them?”
Here are “those people” (if you can call them that):
No matter how many times something like this happens, I somehow, between events, forget that I live in a country that murders its own citizens for politics, or control of a news cycle. I start feeling all patriotic(like calling myself a member of the resistance). I’ve been reading VT for 5 damn years and I still can be lulled into forgetting what really goes on.
I gotta work on that.
Well said, Harry. No wonder JFK wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.” At the same time, the same thing should happen to Israel:, and to really stop them all in their tracks — Americans need to revisit and RECTIFY the enormous fraud that has been visited on them through the non-ratification of the 16th Amendment:
What lawyer ever recommends a client admit to a crime especially if the individual may have mental problems? Cruz has allegedly admitted he committed this shooting in a first interrogation evidently with a lawyer present. If he has mental problems shouldn’t he be examined by a psychiatrist first before anything else to determine his mental abilty to understand charges against him? His “Constitutional” rights have been gang raped from him by the very lawyers whose basic job it is to defend them regardless of his guilt or innocence! This fallure is a shameful disgrace to him and to our Constitution. Here is a quote from the Public Defender’s office”:
“The police found Cruz at approximately 4:15 p.m., where he was arrested “without incident.” He later confessed to his crimes during the initial interrogation and was charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder on Thursday. According to a report on Friday, he plans on pleading guilty to all 17 charges.
“It’s to avoid the unnecessary arduous long painful traumatic reenactment of something that is so horrific the families and the community should not have to relive,” Broward County public defender Howard Finkelstein told CNN. “Everybody knows who committed the crime and that the only question is does he live or does he die.”
Nicolas Cruz has been totally sold out by the corrupt legal non profession. No public defender Finkelstein, Everybody does NOT know who committed these shootings! Shame on you.
The single shooter mantra is required standard operations procedure. It STOPS any further investigation that could trace the participants right back to their controllers. His pre approved lawyer will make sure that he takes all the blame and stays with the proven template for all such operations.
Domestic Operation Gladio, figures, those Mossad/CIA boys just have to stay busy. The Operation Mockingbird MSM is sickening to listen to… Can’t even hear a song without hearing the nonsense every hour on NPR.
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