…excerpts from The Guardian
The Indictment here

[ Editor’s note: The doo doo hit the fan today. We are starting with the Guardian excepts and link to the full article. Mueller and the public got caught off guard expecting that US indictments would be brought first.
One might call this the “indirect” approach. The not mentioning any of the US parties left them twisting in the wind somewhat.
But the terminology of the US participants being “unwitting members, volunteers and supporters of the Trump campaign”, that they did not knowing do so our of criminal intent.
This of course coming out on a Friday is intended to dominate the weekend news. It also gives anyone on the US that has not come in from the cold, that they may only have this weekend to do so.
The other big news is a Daily Beast mention of an NBC story that Bannon was interviewed by Mueller for 20 hours on Thursday, which seems questionable. Nobody gets that treatment unless they are tied to a chair with a cattle prod nearby.
I am just dying to see when the news of US and Western country election interference gets the spotlight. Russia has to have reams of files on foreign support for the opposition there. There should be no reason to hold any of that back now … Jim W. Dean ]
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– First published … February 15, 2018 –
The charge sheet provides powerful new evidence of a Russian plot but does not name any Americans as alleged co-conspirators
- The indictment provided powerful new evidence that a Russian election-tampering plot, which Trump has repeatedly denied, not only took place but involved an elaborate conspiracy going back to at least 2014.
- The indictment supports the US intelligence community assessment that the Russian plot was substantial and is ongoing, and not Trump’s contention last May that “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.”
- The indictment does not name any US citizens as alleged co-conspirators, or assert that any Americans knew of the plot. But the indictment does document contacts by the conspirators with “unwitting members, volunteers and supporters of the Trump campaign.”
- The indictment identifies the Internet Research Agency, a St Petersburg-based group to which millions of impostor social media accounts have been traced, as a primary offender. The indictment additionally charges Russian individuals who funded the alleged election tampering conspiracy or who otherwise took part.
- Charges include alleged violations of election laws forbidding foreign nationals from making certain expenditures in US elections and requiring foreign agents to register as such.
- “Defendants posted derogatory information about a number of candidates,” the indictment says, “and by early to mid-2016, defendants’ operations included supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J Trump (“Trump campaign”) and disparaging Hillary Clinton.”
- The indictment does not contend that Russian tampering swayed the 2016 presidential election, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein said in a news conference following the publication of the document.
- The indictment alleges espionage-style conduct by Russian suspects including clandestine trips to the United States under false pretenses in which Russian agents “posed as US persons and and contacted US social and political activists.”
- The indictment says Russian impostors on social media used election-related hashtags including “#TrumpTrain” “#Trump2016” “MAGA” and “Hillary4Prison.”
- The indictment alleges violations of computer fraud laws in which the perpetrators purchased space on computer servers located in the United States in order to hide their Russian affiliation.

Jim W. Dean is VT Editor Emeritus. He was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. He now writes and posts periodically for VT.
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The GoldFish Report No 196- Country Roads w/ Winston Shrout: True History of Khazars
Too funny we posted at the same time.
I would gladly have Russia install a President here in the USA instead of the Dipshits the Khazarian Jewish Mafia has benn supplying us with. Just Saying.
“Tied to a chair with a cattle prod in the room” that’s great Jim Dean classic. Gov. Scott saw a chance and took a shot.
This Mueller thing is all theater. Huge indictment but no one here is in custody and Russia won’t extradite . He can allege anything he wants to but without a public trial there is no proof. Nothing will come off it .
This just the first step. Next will follow what happens, or does not happen, on the US side. Plea deals are not given without “cooperation”. And “cooperation” means they will give testimony on others above them. People have been questioning the comments from the Intel community about Russian interference without providing any proof. Now they have started laying some cards down for us to look at. Onward we go.
Also remember that these are not FBI charges, not Dept. of Justice ones, but grand jury indictments. The public has a dog in the fight now. But as we published today, They former colonial powers have been interfering in elections for a long long time. Ex-CIA Woolsey ran damage control, admitting that yes we do it for Democracy. I guess he thinks we don’t know that The Gulf States are no Democracies, and neither is Israel as it would let Pal refugees vote in their own country. This is the same Woolsey that signed on to letting Pollard go.
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