Iran FM: Israel blames others for its own blunders


by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor  … with Press TV, Tehran

Zarif gets to duel with Bibi

[ Editor’s Note: Zarif made short work of Bibi at the Munich Conference, as he took the diplomatic high road, where Bibi was left to his smoke machine.

Everyone in the audience knew that Israel’s multi-decade claims of Iran having a secret nuclear weapons program ended up as one more Zionist lie to the World.

Extremist Zionists never acknowledge being wrong about anything. It’s a supremacy thing they have, although no one likes to use that term, but I surely do, as the shoe fits.

Zarif went a bit overboard in Israel having lost its invincibility with one plane, but his point was not smoke. It really happened. Israel is a casualty-conscious power. Like much of America, Israelis don’t mind the wars too much, as long as the home team folks never die.

The US is engaged in endless war now, and there are no protests anywhere. The condition has been accepted as background noise. Even the wars being funded by debt don’t rile folks up any more. Frankly, I don’t know what the hell happened to them.

Bibi played the the stand-up comic

The US Coalition seems have promised its members that no matter whether ISIS is killed down to the last man, the Syrians are never going to get control over their country again, like it was once upon a time.

I think they want to make an example of Syria that “if we can’t get you one way, we just will do it another way”. And mind you, Joe Biden ran Russia down for undermining American values.

I don’t see any need for outside help doing that, as we seem to have taken a liking to it, in terms of the carnage we have inflicted – the roadside behind us littered with destroyed countries… Jim W. Dean ]

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– First published … February 18, 2018 –

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the downing of the Israeli fighter jet over Syria crumpled the so-called invincibility of the Zionist regime. Zarif was addressing the annual Munich Security Conference.

His speech came hours after the Israeli prime minister used the event to level his previous accusations against Iran. The top Iranian diplomat described as a cartoonish circus Benjamin Netanyahu’s drone stunt in the conference, saying the show did not even deserve the dignity of a response.

Zarif went on to say that the Israeli regime uses such accusations to blame others for its own strategic blunders or maybe evade the domestic crisis it’s facing.

Regarding the Iran nuclear deal, Zarif reiterated that the country would not be the first to violate the agreement but would respond seriously if its interests are not met.



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  1. I gather you spoke rhetoricly about us, the people, when you said; “Frankly I don’t know what the hell happened to them”. It’s rather simple. Turn your TV news on. You will not hear one wordof, or see one video from the wars in the ME. Out of sight out of mind.
    Does America know that President Putin brought the Russian Orthodox Church back to life, along with real family values. Creepy Joe Biden won’t speak of that.
    Our 2nd amendment is under attack with the preferred method being the murder of our kids. There’s many questions about the Parkland shooting that need answers. But first they have to be asked. How did Cruz pull 3 fire alarms within 1 or 2 minutes located some distance apart? Why was the armed school security guard called away that afternoon, and why? It has been reported a gunman was dressed in all black wearing a black mask. Where are those clothes? Was Cruz tested for gun residue? Where are his school records? Where did he spend the past 4 and a half months? I am sure VT has more questions than I can think of.

    • It appears that the characters highlighted by this thread are reading and acting from a script, a Simpsons script from FXX … does it not?

      If yes, then the outcome of this scene in a new Act is predictable. A most interesting development is the posture of the police and military, a brief view of Israeli shadow, “fake news”, military … fiction as well.

      If no … then all is well and there will be no need for a reset … simply more drag and drop fun and games …

      … but, the script is well edited. The reader is massaged in a formulated Simpsons fashion, a successful “fake news” entertaining technique … is it not?

      ;however, these days it is no simple matter to fix that context as outlined in the following blog …

      Ashampoo blog:
      Binge watching – the death of conscious media consumption

      is it not?
      🙂 y eye

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