Is Crown Prince Salman’s death being covered up?


… by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor

The VT search for Crown Prince Salman continues. Here is the translation of the report of his death from the update link that we published last week. We can vouch for the accuracy of the translation, but not the veracity of the internet scan of the document.

It is a bit hazy, which prevents comparison to the known typical style of such documents. It is a semi-clue, best used to spot a fake than to verify the real thing, as a high quality forgery could not be spotted with a visual on-screen review.

I have just seen your email and per your request I have translated the document as follows, [square brackets are my comments]:
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Royal Court
[Handwriting illegible]
[To:] His Royal Highness the Minister of Interior
[Reference] Royal Ceremony
In reference to your Highness’ cable number 1/6/53177 dated 20/8/1439 [or 5/7/2018.  Today’s Hijri date is 16/9/1439] in which you also reference to your cable number 1/7/60297 dated 19/8/1439 [or 5/6/2018], concerning the internal arrangements for the transfer of the body of the Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, may Allah show him Mercy, from the Military hospital to the private burial site. Based on this, we wish to notify your highness that all arrangement are ready and under secrecy.
May Allah show Mercy to our dear Amir and inspire us with patience and acceptance.
Head of the Royal Court
Private Secretary to the Servant of Both Shrines.
[End of translation]


So why are we continuing to cover the story? That is simple. Saudi Arabia is covering something up. The Crown Prince was not in Trump’s league as a publicity hound, but he had been constantly visible in building up his reputation as “the man” that is transforming Saudi Arabia. For him to virtually disappear is news – big news.

Clue number two, we are not the only smart people in the world. Plenty of others can see that something strange is going on, but no one is asking any questions publicly.

Clue number three, corporate media (Israel) will not touch it.

What else do we know for sure? Well, if there was a coup attempt, it was unsuccessful, as there has not been any hint of a change in the Saudi government other than what is inferred, that we have a pouting Prince who will not come out of his room.

Do we take this alleged official letter above as solid proof? No, it is just another clue – not only to what might have happened, but if it is phony, who went to the trouble to conjure this up and why?

And last, we know we are monitored by the Saudis and their partners the Israelis; so fellas, if the Crown Prince is still with us, why don’t you hold a press conference to put this controversy to bed?

If the Crown Prince is recovering from wounds in a coup attempt, so what. That there was one would not shock the world, long used to such things. And speaking of press conferences, we would really enjoy seeing someone in SA step up to the plate to have real ones, where real questions could be asked.

Dear Saudi Arabia, You claim to be due the status of a regional power, with great wealth (relatively), but run your public relations like a banana republic. You deserve better.

VT published your ambassador to Russia’s interview comments yesterday, that Saudi Arabia is seeking a political solution to the Syrian and Yemen crises. Excuse me, but VT sees no evidence of this whatsoever. What we see is a mirage, a desert kind.

This is why we need those press conferences that I mentioned above. You could prove to the world that you are a real country, not a tribal fiefdom that had the good fortune to be sitting on an ocean of oil.

Great things await you if you can pony up to the table, step through the veil, and into the modern world. This thing of your seeming to want to be top dog in an Arab mafia war is really below you if you really want to be what you claim to be.

Look at America, the phony pretender of being the protector of freedom and democracy. If you are not careful, you will end up like us, or as some now would say, you already have. If you think the Israeli model is better, think again. The Zios are on somebody’s string, too.


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  1. When we were living in Jeddah, we knew of the clash between Nigerian Takroonis and the Saudi police/military back in 1979. It was never published as news, but the word got around. There were many insignificant people people working in the airlines & at Jeddah Airport who saw bodies being sent back to Nigeria. Local Pakistanis will most certainly be up-to-date on what’s going on right now. It’s another matter if they will ever talk to Americans or to most Arabs.

    The battle between unarmed Takrooni women & the Saudi police took place outside the City of Mecca (1979? 1980?). The Takrooni were settled there since Ottoman times, but were not extended Saudi citizenship. Hence when the police started cracking down on Third Country Nationals (TCNs), they made the mistake of raiding Takrooni homes (shaped like kraals) when their men were not present. The women, whose average height is 6 feet, beat the crap out of the police for violating the sanctity of their homes. The police returned; this time armed. By then, the Takrooni men had returned. They beat up the armed police and forced them to withdraw. The army was brought in & the ensuing action resulted in hundreds of Takroonis being killed. Interesting part is that for 46 years I could not find anyone to corroborate who these Takroonis were. Eventually (36 years later) I met a Hausa who told me they were a people in NE Nigeria whose women carry daggers strapped to their thighs.

  2. I always look for clumps, and the Russian journalist makes this two, and one more is needed to make a clump.

    • I could perhaps count the Skripals as the other one, since nobody knew if they were alive or dead, but have to wait another month or two without any similar incidents to make the clump. If the clump is already there and consistent, then he is alive. If he is dead, it would still be a clump, but the consistency would be the unknowing nature of it.

    • also Melania has not been seen for 22 days in public, since her medical procedure that coincided with the US embassy move

  3. Funny how the lack of story is the story. Only on VT; otherwise it’s just utter silence. The silence noted is something like a shout. Similar to Jacob Rothschild.

  4. It would be a big deal depending on what it was that they were hiding it, or is their a power struggle going on that they want to settle quietly rather than in public, and then announce it. Every week that goes by with no public appearance by the Prince, will feed into not only something has happened, but what and why. And for people like us, why is it not a bigger story already.

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