US war and trade policies are hurting everybody but the Deep State crowd


How US sanctions on Iran can help Russia win trade battle with European rivals

[ Editor’s Note: Finally we see a mention of the obvious today, that once you are under sanctions, new ones pose no problems. The midnight oil is being burned now for figuring out all kinds of ways to get around sanctions extortion.

The EU knows this, and I am sure is reflecting with some possible regrets at getting sucked into the US sanctions on the Ukraine mess which costs them money, especially the southern EU countries with high unemployment.

The US State Department issued it horrendous report on Iran, blaming it on having the economic boot on its own people, when virtually all of that hardship was caused by US sanctions by people here who don’t give a hoot about the Iranian people.

The creeps even threw out the 25% unemployment figure. So let’s take a quick look at the EU southern countries, how they are doing in the free world, and just looking at the youth unemployment, a key indicator.

In Greece it is 45%, Spain 35%, Ukraine 23% (an EU candidate), France 21%, Portugal 21%, Slovakia 18.4%. Mind you they have not been hit with the Trump sanctions yet.

The banksters forced austerity on these countries after seducing them with easy credit. And the cure just made it worse with austerity because the cuts, especially in public sector employment just pushed the economy down further in a downward spiral.

The trade and manufactured war conflicts only threaten the world economy even more. So who can benefit from all the orchestrated chaos, and we all know who that is, so time to get the cannons aimed at the right people instead of shooting our own … Jim W. Dean ]

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Iran and Russia trade should see a boost at EU expense if it does not save the JCPOA

– First published … June 02, 2018

Russian companies working in Iran have an advantage over European rivals – they are already under US sanctions, so they have nothing to lose, TeleTrade Chief Analyst Petr Pushkarev told RT.

“Russian companies will continue doing business in Iran as if nothing happened at all – in oil, gas and nuclear energy. They have this advantage over the Europeans, who, like Total or Airbus, have major businesses in the US and are listed on American exchanges,” Pushkarev said.

Companies from Russia can simply ignore Washington’s threats of imposing fines for trade with Iran or for conducting projects in Iran, the analyst says. Russian trade with Iran accounts only for $2 billion, but it can grow significantly, Pushkarev notes.

“This is quite real because Russia and Iran are natural allies in Syria. Rosneft has preliminary agreements with Iran worth up to $30 billion, and even if only a small part of these plans are implemented with Russia, and not with European partners, it can be a significant gain for Moscow,” he said.

Another possible sphere for boosting business ties between Moscow and Tehran are contracts for the delivery of civil aviation aircraft, Pushkarev says. Iran planned the purchase of 100 aircraft from Boeing, 80 from Airbus and another 20 from the Franco-Italian ATR.

“Russia will have a chance to deliver its MC-21 jets, if Iran agrees to wait for a couple of years, since  the aircraft is just on the way and ends the testing phase,” he said.


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  1. Time for a reset?? Of course the Deep State would like for you to believe that they aren’t hurting. Of course they have plenty of their shills to tell us all that. Be careful who you listen to!!

  2. The U.S. is one of the most vulnerable countries in a trade war. After all, the U.S. is bankrupt morally and fiscally. The debt is so massive no one even wants to mention it anymore. Obviously these crooks under Israeli control never intend to pay this debt anyway. So they are spending money like a drunken sailor. Boycott the dollar in all transactions. Do not buy anything from the U.S. or Israel. Do not sell anything to the U.S. or Israel. Then just wait. These bullies will be on their knees begging you to deal with them. If they do a military attack that will only make things worse won’t it! Israel lover Trump is even dumber than we all thought. The impending financial collapse in the U.S. could come at any minute without warning because the U.S. is bankrupt right now.. Also imagine what chaos would develop if someone caused a massive power outage in the U.S. by hacking the computers which control everything. This would likely cause a revolution in America. No war is even necessary to destroy this country of fools and idiots. Without electric power, no gas pumps will pump any gasoline period. No air conditioning or refrigeration in stores or homes. Everything comes to a screeching halt pronto, instantly. Why have a nuclear war when the fools in the U.S. can be brought to their knees by simply shutting down all electric power? Trump and his military henchmen are total idiots and fools.

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