Uri Avnery – Should the Holocaust be Private Property?

Israel has no oil wells. It has no gold mines. What has it got? It has the ownership of the remembrance of the Holocaust.


DISCLOSURE: VT condemns the horrific tragedy committed by the NAZI Party against Jewish Citizens of Europe during Word War II known as the "Holocaust". VT condemns all racism, bigotry, hate speech, and violence. However, we are an open source uncensored journal and support the right of independent writers and commentors to express their voices; even if those voices are not mainstream as long as they do NOT openly call for violence. Please report any violations of comment policy to us immediately. Strong reader discretion is advised.

Not Enough

by Uri Avnery, … with Gush Shalom, Tel Aviv

My mother became a 16 year old WWII widow when the SS Paul Hamilton with 500 troops was torpedoed with 6000 tons of explosives aboard. The details were classified for 50 years. I think they died in a holocaust, according to the dictionary, a great conflagration. And yes, this is the actual photo.

[ Editor’s Note: Oh my, Uri sails into the forbidden waters, but as a Jew and a Zionist he is allowed to. He can even question aspects of it, or even worse, claim that “other victims” were holocausted, like the several million Christian Poles mentioned below.

That’s what we like about Uri. He does not always swallow the party line whole, especially when the evidence refutes it.

I have always had a lonely holocaust position, that WWII itself was THE Holocaust. Why?… because the 50 million claimed killed seems to me to require a special category created for it.

But what disses me off about the holocaustaholic version, those “victim dependency” folks demand that all non-Jews holocausted in WWII should not only go to the back of the bus, but they want them thrown out the back door under the wheels of the trucks coming behind. 

I also call this “holocaust supremacism”. Liberal Jews will grasp what I am saying, although most will remain quiet about it.

So once again, we have an example where Jews can have an open, even angry debate about a subject like this, whereas the rest of us are to be burned at the stake if we do anything but bow down before the golden holocaust tablets.

Not me! I acknowledge and honor all of those unfortunate victims, including the German civilians roasted alive during the Allied firebombings. Slauhterhouse Five, the book and the movie are a must-read and -view on this “holocaust” topic Jim W. Dean ]

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“The burning of the temple”…by Francesco Hayez

– First published July 14, 2018

The State of Israel has no oil wells. It has no gold mines. What has it got? It has the ownership of the remembrance of the Holocaust.

That is worth a lot. Everyone who wants to clean himself from the stain needs a certificate from the State of Israel. Such a document is worth very much. And the larger the guilt of the applicant, the higher the price of the dispensation. What does that remind us of?

For many centuries the Catholic Church sold “dispensations”. These were documents issued by the pope and the cardinals, which allowed the recipient to dispense with religious duties or to do things forbidden by the church.

The most notorious case is that of Henry VIII, king of England. The pope gave him a dispensation that allowed him to marry a Spanish princess, even though she had a remote family connection with him, contrary to church law. But when he wanted to divorce her in order to marry the daughter of an English nobleman, the Pope denied him the necessary dispensation. The result was the split between the Catholic Church and the independent Church of England, in which the King (or Queen) acts as a kind of pope.

The trouble was that, in time, the issuing of dispensations became a high-class business, from which the pope and lesser priests became rich. This situation caused the rebellion of Martin Luther and the other reformers, who created independent new churches.

Protest the “Nationality Law”

The leaders of Israel, headed by Binyamin Netanyahu, now act like the pope in former times: they sell Holocaust dispensations.

Netanyahu did not invent the business. He inherited it from his predecessors. It started with David Ben-Gurion, soon after the end of World War II, when he made a deal with the German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer.

Ben-Gurion declared that there is a “New Germany”, which is totally kosher, and in return the Germans paid the State of Israel three billion marks as compensation, as well as individual pensions to survivors.

I, too, received a small payment for “lost education”, and my parents received a monthly pension which made the rest of their life bearable.

In the eyes of Ben-Gurion, this was a purely economic matter. The new State of Israel had no money, the German compensation helped it to survive the first years. But behind the deal there was hidden another decision.

Israel, as is well-known, is a “Jewish State”. The government of Israel wears two crowns: it is the government of a sovereign state and it sees itself as the leader of the world-wide Jewish Diaspora. The ideological assumption is that these two tasks are one and the same. But that is a fiction.

From time to time there arises a matter which shows a divergence between the interests of Israel and those of the Diaspora. On all these occasions, the interests of Israel take precedence.

Such a situation has arisen now.

Warsaw memorial

Binyamin Netanyahu, King of Israel and would-be Emperor of the Jewish people, has signed a joint statement with the Polish government that clears, in effect, the Polish people from all responsibility for the Holocaust. It condemns anti-Semitism and anti-Polishism in the same breath.

The document aroused a storm, centered around two questions: (1) is it correct? And (2) why did Netanyahu sign it?

The second question is easier to answer: Netanyahu feels a profound kinship with the regimes in Eastern Europe, which form a new bloc, headed by Poland, and which also includes Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

All these regimes are extreme rightist, near-totalitarian, anti-refugee. One could call them soft-fascist.

In present-day Europe, all of them are in opposition to the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel and her allies, who are more or less liberal, welcome refugees, and condemn the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Israeli settlements. Netanyahu believes that his alliance with the European opposition might deter the Merkelists.

Jewish institutions all over the world see this in a completely different light. They remember that these extreme rightist parties are the descendants of the pro-Nazi parties of the Hitler period. For them, Netanyahu’s cynicism is a betrayal of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

A far more important question is: is the joint statement accurate?

In Israel, Netanyahu’s pro-Polish statement is also widely condemned. The hatred of Poland is far deeper than hatred of Germany. It is a long and complicated story.

In pre-Holocaust times, Poland was home to the largest Jewish community in the world. Very few Jews ever ask themselves: Why? How come?

The simple (forgotten) truth is that for centuries, Poland was the most progressive country in Europe. While Jews were persecuted, killed and expelled in most other European countries – including England. France and Germany – they were welcomed by the Polish kings with open arms. One king had a Jewish mistress, noble land-owners used the Jews as managers of their estates, Jews felt protected.

In the course of time, this changed completely. Poles resented the huge minority in their midst, who looked and dressed differently, spoke a different language (Yiddish) and had a different religion. They also resented the economic competition.

During long stretches of domination and oppression by Russia and other neighbors, Poles became extremely nationalist, and this nationalism excluded the Jews. Anti-Semitism became a fierce force. The Jewish answer was a deep-seated hatred for Poland and everything Polish.

Warsaw ghetto monument in Haifa

The Nazi invasion of Poland created a complicated situation. For most Jews after the war, it was clear that the Poles had cooperated with the Nazis in exterminating the Jews. It became normal to speak about “the Polish concentration camps”.

This made Poles very angry. They recently enacted a law which makes the usage of these and similar expressions a criminal offense.

So when Netanyahu signed a statement clearing Poles of any responsibility for the extermination of the Jews in Poland, it caused a storm of fury in Israel and around the Jewish world.

About a dozen years ago I visited Poland for the first time. It was part of my research for my (Hebrew) book “Lenin Does Not Live Here Anymore”, which described the situation in Russia and several other countries immediately after the fall of Communism.

No country surprised me as much as Poland. I learned that during the Nazi occupation there were not one, but two underground organizations that fought the Nazis. Millions of Christian Poles were executed by the Nazis besides the Jews.

When we returned to Israel, my wife Rachel, who had accompanied me throughout the journey, heard a female shop owner in Tel Aviv speaking Polish. “Did you know that the Germans also killed three million Christian Poles?” she interrupted, still under the influence of what she had heard. “Not enough,” the shop owner retorted.

Ulma Family Museum of righteous Gentiles who saved Jews, Poland (file photo)

During the Holocaust, the first reliable information about the extermination camps that reached the Western allies and the Jewish institutions came from the Polish exile government in London. Thousands of Poles were decorated in Israel for helping Jews to survive, often risking their own lives and the lives of their families.

True, many other Poles helped the Germans to kill Jews, as did local people in all the countries of the Nazi occupation. Also, immediately after the end of the Nazi occupation, there was at least one local pogrom. But there were no Polish “Quislings”. Compared with the other occupied peoples, the Poles come out rather well.

So why were the extermination camps located in Poland? Because that’s where the bulk of the Jews were living, and because it was easy to bring the Jews from other countries there. But they were not “Polish extermination camps”.

There are some exaggerations in the Netanyahu-Poland statement. For example, mentioning anti-Semitism and anti-Polishness – whatever that means – in one sentence. But it certainly does not merit the storm it evoked.

Years ago I read a short story by an Israel writer. It described the invasion of the Middle East by a Mongolian people, who had an obsessive hatred for the Arabs. The occupiers asked the Jews to help them to exterminate the Arabs, promising all kinds of advantages.

How many did so? What would YOU have done?


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  1. Who is the keeper of the official Holocaust Narrative™, and has this been encoded into law in the EU so people do not unintentionally commit the crime of Holocaust Denial™? Or if the doctrine has not been rigorously established, would that not be a defense in Hate Speech™ prosecutions, as secret criminal laws are generally not accepted, even in “western civilization”.

  2. What about all the examples of man’s inhumanity to man since the beginning of time of which many Jews also participated in and do participate in today with Palestinians treated like garbage? What about the Holocaust of about 1.5 million Armenians in 1915? Why is Israel bombing Syria? Why is Israel aiding the invaders in Syria? Why does Israel steal land and build illegal settlements and give their big middle finger to international laws? Why did Israel do 9/11/01 and many other crimes to the U.S. while it seeks to use and abuse the wealth of the United States for its selfish benefit?

    • https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it
      • “Larry Silverstein – is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Silverstein obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. [3] The towers were in fact close to worthless, being filled with asbestos, [4] yet Silverstein “felt a compelling urge to own them”. Silverstein had breakfast in “Windows on the World” restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every morning. [5] but broke this routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. Silverstein’s two children, who also worked in the WTC, were also absent from work that day. Larry Silverstein was paid a little over $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of the WTC complex. [6] Silverstein was on personal friendship terms with Zionist media-magnate Rupert Murdoch, former Israeli president Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such good friends with Netanyahu that, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz he would speak with him on the phone every sunday. [7]
      • Video – Where was Larry Silverstein on 9/11?”

  3. LS…

    Religion is an invention of Yahweh / Lucifer / Moloch or the Devil ! Ore whatever you want to call this nuclear monster from space who some people call god ! Spilling blood and human soles is his main business for him to survive and terrorize the sheep of earth !

  4. Damn, what the heck is going on there ? A flash of lightning hit Avnery ? Or at flash of truth at the end of his life perhaps ?

  5. “Avnery”: condemn the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Israeli settlements.

    Me: Meaning the piece of land where you are squatting is not considered Palestinian land? Tell me how it wound up in the hands of Khazarians like you?
    “Avnery”: Years ago I read a short story by an Israel writer. It described the invasion of the Middle East by a Mongolian people, who had an obsessive hatred for the Arabs. The occupiers asked the Jews to help them to exterminate the Arabs, promising all kinds of advantages.

    Me: What reasons did the Mongolian have to hate the Arabs since they did not live in close proximity? What “Jews”? The Hungarian or the Yemeni or the Ethiopian Jews?

  6. “Avnery”: it sees itself as the leader of the world-wide Jewish Diaspora.

    Me: What is a “Jewish Diaspora”? You – the German – are in “Diaspora” back in Germany but not when squatting on our soil? Take a look here:



    “Avnery”: From time to time there arises a matter which shows a divergence between the interests of Israel and those of the Diaspora.

    Me: What “diaspora”. David Pakman is on video disclosing his DNA at 96.9% “Ashkenazi” and 99.9% European and 0% Middle Eastern. What “diaspora”?


  7. How right you are.I pin most of the blame on the mislead “Christian Zionist” supporters of Israel.The Israeli agents acting as congress would not be there otherwise.

  8. “Avnery”: Such a document is worth very much. And the larger the guilt of the applicant, the higher the price of the dispensation. What does that remind us of?

    Me: Two white Europeans – one Jew and the other Christian were ar war and Arab land was used to remove a totally hated and totally European Jewry to Arab land. I feel only disgust!

    “Avnery”: Ben-Gurion declared that there is a “New Germany”, which is totally kosher, and in return the Germans paid the State of Israel three billion marks as compensation, as well as individual pensions to survivors.

    Me: We the people of the Middle East will pay Germany 100 times as much as it paid to these foreign Jews if it would retrieve its Jews back to Germany. If Germany does not want its Jews, why must we be expected to love these aliens? Does the “Avnery” even realize how alien he looks in our midst?

    Take a look here!


  9. “Avnery”: The State of Israel has no oil wells. It has no gold mines. What has it got? It has the ownership of the remembrance of the Holocaust. Me: yea, the “holocaust” that is supposed to have occurred by a group of white Christian Europeans against other white Jewish Europeans. What have the Arabs got to do with it which gave an excuse for this German to squat on Arab land for 7 decades.

    “Avnery”: That is worth a lot. Everyone who wants to clean himself from the stain needs a certificate from the State of Israel. Me: That “stain” was between two white Europeans. What he hell are yoo – a German – doing on Arab land?

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