Vets Betrayed: Trump’s Gangster Buddies Run VA from Mara Lago Whorehouse

How Marvel Entertainment chairman Ike Perlmutter and two other Mar-a-Lago cronies are secretly shaping the Trump administration’s veterans policies.


Editor’s note:  Trump and his friends have been robbing the VA blind while veterans are being bankrupted in a Trump backed scheme partnered with big pharma and his Wall Street Kosher Nostra cronies:

Three of President Trump’s cronies from his Mar-a-Lago resort, including the reclusive Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter, have been quietly pulling the strings at the Department of Veterans Affairs for months, according to documents and interviews cited by ProPublica on Tuesday. Documents obtained by the news site via the Freedom of Information Act reportedly show the three men exercising unprecedented influence over the VA, including by shaping policies, making personnel decisions, and speaking with top VA officials on a daily basis. Perlmutter, a longtime Trump acquaintance, is reportedly joined by a lawyer named Marc Sherman and a Palm Beach doctor by the name of Bruce Moskowitz in leading the behind-the-scenes VA operation. None of the three men hold any government post that would explain their involvement in VA policies, nor are any a veteran. According to the report, their influence on the VA is well-known among administration officials, and some officials have traveled to Mar-a-Lago on taxpayers’ dime to speak with the men about their desires for the VA. “Everyone has to go down and kiss the ring,” a former administration official was quoted as saying.

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  1. Trump sold out the Vets right from the beginning. His appointments were insider cronies. He promised instant action to protect Vets. I realize it took this long to develop a documented case against him. His actions are totally consistent with him being an Israel lover, liar, con artist, draft dodger cheater, bully and despicable piece of human garbage who has sold out the country to Israel. No one should join our totally corrupt military of traitors today. How did these traitor four stars do on 9/11/01 when they didn’t lift a finger to defend the country? All should be in jail right now not retired on lavish pensions. Do not waste your life joining our totally corrupt sold out military today. It is not worth it. Trump is a virtual dictator. Look at how he hopes to start WWIII with Iran. Israel did 9/11/01 but sought to blame Muslims.

  2. Why should the billionaire draft dodger president bone spurs
    care about Veterans?
    I cannot believe so many Veterans voted for this charlatan.

  3. What investigation is needed. Jews are majorly involved. There’s the problem and solution is self-evident.

  4. If this allegation is true it certainly deserves further scrutiny. It also appears a safe bet to assume the 3 men mentioned are all Jewish. So, who do they take their marching orders from? Bibi? The VA admin has the ability to be a gigantic cash cow for anyone in position to milk it. Next to our Treasury, and the military budget, I can’t imagine a bigger source of cash. Yes, this topic deserves a proper investigation.

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