Address and Manage Your Fears and Obsessive Thoughts


Health Editor’s Note: Two more excerpts from Stan Popovich’s  “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods”. Stan’s managing fear book has become very popular with over 300 positive book reviews and counting. Please read the many book reviews of Stan’s popular book by going to Stan’s website at

The Importance Of Getting Help For Your Fears And Anxieties

By: Stan Popovich

Getting professional help for dealing with your persistent fears and anxieties is the single most important step in your recovery. Many people are reluctant to get the help they need for various reasons. Making excuses of not getting the treatment for your anxiety problems will not solve the problem. Here are a few reasons on why getting help is important.

Getting professional help can lead to additional insights and suggestions to your stress and anxiety problems. A professional counselor can give you many ideas on how you can manage your fears and anxieties. This is important in getting better.

Most counselors and psychologists know of ways to get rid of your fears. They can recommend certain treatments that will make you feel a lot better. The only way you will get access to these treatments is if you go talk to a counselor. Ask your primary care physician if he or she knows anyone that can help you.

You can not manage your fears all by yourself. Our anxieties and fears can be extremely difficult to manage and more than likely you will need some help. Remember when your boss or your coworkers showed you how to do your job. You needed help from someone to learn the ins and outs of doing your current job. This concept applies to managing your fears. Do not feel ashamed that you are getting help. We all learn new things from others on a regular basis.

As your work with a professional you will improve on your skill sets in managing your stresses. You will become better in time which will benefit you later on in your life.

Do not be ashamed to ask for help. We all have to learn new things in life and learning how to manage your fears is no different.

Managing Your Fearful And Obsessive Thoughts

By: Stan Popovich

There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their fearful and obsessive thoughts.

The first thing a person must do is not to dwell or focus on the fear provoking thought when it comes. The more a person tries to reason out the thought or focus on the fear behind the thought, the stronger the thought becomes. The next time you encounter an obsessive thought, get into the practice of not dwelling on it.

A person should visualize a red stop sign in their mind when they encounter a fear provoking thought. When the negative thought comes, a person should think of a red stop sign that serves as a reminder to stop focusing on that thought and to think of something else. A person can then try to think of something positive to replace the negative thought.

Sometimes, a person may encounter a lot of scary thoughts coming at them all at once. Instead of getting upset, remember that these thoughts are exaggerated and are not based on reality. From my interviews with various professionals, I’ve learned that usually it is the fear behind the thoughts that gets us worked up. Ignore the fear behind these obsessive thoughts, regardless how the strong the fear may be. If you ignore the fear behind these thoughts, then the thoughts become easier to manage.

Remember that the difference between an obsessive thought and a regular thought is that an obsessive thought is based on fear. With this in mind, try to find the source of the fear behind the thought. Once you find the source of the fear, learn to manage it. If you do, the thought becomes easier to deal with.

Learn to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

A person should keep a small notebook of positive statements that makes them feel good. Whenever they come across a positive and uplifting verse that makes them feel good, write it down in a small notebook. A person can then carry this notebook around in their pocket and whenever they feel anxious, they can read their notebook.

Although I am a Layman and not a professional, I have interviewed many counselors and I learned that there are many ways to deal with these kinds of thoughts. If you have trouble, definitely seek the services of a professional.



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  1. An example of wave forms as causation of emotion is the days today and tomorrow. If a person wakes up with fear and dread in the morning then you may want to know what day it is. Today for example, it would not surprise me to find out that many people woke up with contention or fear of conflict. That is not the person, but the day. The schedule of wave forms. If anyone does not know the schedule of wave forms, and the persona of the day, then they will be lost most of the time. This is largely due to burning and looting of knowledge and items, left behind by elders, to inform the future people. Psychologists are among the most curious about these things outside of academia, and would lose their jobs if they advocated the knowledge. That to me is sick. I know many and feel bad for them.

    • A simple experiment that gives knowledge about the importance of the day of birth and Fear, is May 1rst through May 10th. Ask them if they had nightmares, or were drawn upward in a vortex or vacuum. Ask them if they had experiences that changed their lives. When they were young.

      Of the 20 days, Kame breeds the most fear energetically. Ajpu spreads the most, but Kame displays it. WHO is born on Kame and it can clear out a diamond rich area in a few hours. Tomorrow is Kame. If you wake up with dread, wait and it will pass by the next day. The next day is Kej, and it soothes. Saturday, people will in general sleep good.

    • Friday is Kej, so pay attention to sleep Friday night into Saturday. A nap will be a wonderful thing on Saturday morning or afternoon.

      Most fear is externally generated, by periodic wave forms, but attributed to whatever the conscious mind can formulate as the cause. Know the day. Keep track.

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