Explosive: UK Ritual Abuse Coverup Alleged


Submitted by “bulincat”

The following submission covers a scandal blocked by the US media, whether prosecuting two women who claim to be protesting Satanic ritual child abuse in the UK should be prosecuted and imprisoned.  One is sentenced to 9 years already.

Problem is, we have evidence at VT that much of this is true.  We begin with the UK Telegraph article submitted to us.  We republish with limited rights for informational purposes only and take no official position other than to make readers aware of the allegations and controversy involved:

UK’s worst troll’ claimed London school was centre of baby-eating satanic cult – Telegraph

Sabine McNeill at court

An “evil” troll who claimed a primary school in Hampstead, north London, was at the centre of a satanic cult that cooked babies and ate them has been jailed for nine years.

Sabine McNeill’s actions forced innocent children to change their names, carry tracking devices and practise panic drills, a court heard.

The 74-year-old, described as one of the UK’s worst trolls, perpetuated “baseless” allegations about families whose lives had been “ruined”.

Southwark Crown Court heard that McNeill had led a campaign to uncover claims of devil worship, child rape and murder at the school, harassing four mothers who now live in fear of violent reprisals.

Judge Sally Cahill, QC told the weeping pensioner: “This case has to be one of the most serious cases of stalking and breach of a restraining order that there can be.

“The direct consequences of your actions, is that for the four families concerned you have ruined all normal family life.

“The allegations were of murder, cannibalism, satanism and sexual abuse. They could not be more serious or vile.

“The children’s lives have been blighted forever. In my judgment you are an arrogant, malicious, evil and manipulative woman.”

Material relating to two children who claimed that they had been abused by paedophiles and were part of a satanic cult was “published and re-published widely” on the internet, the court heard.

When police investigated, they concluded that the claims were “utter nonsense” and that the children, aged eight and nine, had been tortured into concocting accounts of “horrific events” by their mother and her partner.

Photographs, film clips and personal information relating to both children were uploaded online and viewed by more than four million people, causing them “incalculable” harm as campaigners sought to expose the non-existent cult.

The father of the two children was falsely accused of being the leader of the cult, whose members were said to include a school head, a teacher, priest, social workers and police.

The judge criticised those who had republished and circulated the claims “with flagrant disregard” for the welfare of the children,” irrespective of whether or not they were true.

McNeill, from Camden, north London, was convicted of four counts of harassment and six counts of breaching a restraining order.

Miranda Moore, prosecuting, had told the jury she was “an online troll of the worst kind, making the lives of innocent families a misery”.

source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/10/evil-troll-claimed-london-school-centre-satanic-cult-jailed/

Online troll Sabine McNeill who accused parents of satanic sex abuse jailed for 9 years – The Times

Will Humphries  January 11 2019, 12:01am, The Times
Sabine McNeill claimed that mothers were members of a cult who cooked and ate babies

Sabine McNeill claimed that mothers were members of a cult who cooked and ate babies

A woman described as “an online troll of the worst kind” has been jailed for falsely accusing primary school parents of satanic abuse and cannibalism.

Sabine McNeill, 74, led a campaign to uncover baseless devil worship and child abuse at a primary school in Hampstead, northwest London.

She harassed four mothers, who cannot be named, claiming they were members of a cult who cooked and ate babies. She also made allegations of murder, Southwark crown court heard.

It forced the parents to take their children out of school and use fake names, tracking devices and panic alarms. The jury was told that one parent was approached online by a paedophile looking to abuse her child.

Police put the families under “special measures”, which included planning…

but who in their right mind would pay to read more lies?

source: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/online-troll-sabine-mcneill-who-accused-parents-of-satanic-sex-abuse-jailed-for-9-years-mq2rfzgfz


Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse Hoaxer Sabine McNeill Convicted …

  1. 18 Dec 2018 – A pensioner described as an ‘online troll of the worst kind’ is facing jail for accusing innocent parents of satanic abuse. Sabine McNeill, 74, led ….
17 Dec 2018 – A pensioner who accused innocent parents of organising a Satanic child abuse cult is facing jailSabine McNeill, 74, claimed she had …


Hampstead SRA: Sabine Mcneil was sentenced to 9 years at Southwark CC this afternoon 09 Jan. 2018 + archive

Posted on January 9, 2019by butlincat

Sabine Mcneil was sentenced to 9 years at Southwark CC this afternoon.

I have been told that “Belinda McKenzie’s case will be heard on Thursday 10 Jan. 2019″ Friday 11 Jan. 2019  – subject to confirmation.


See the  archive post on SM’s arrest in Dec. 2017 here:


more soon…

The Arrest: Sabine Mcneil remanded in custody – 09 Dec. 17

Posted on December 9, 2017by butlincat

Received: 09 Dec. 17: “Sabine Mcneil, remanded to Bronzefield Prison. Hopefully by Monday the bail will be met and we can get her out. “. She next appears at Southwark Crown Court on 5th January. She has been charged with further … Continue reading 

Hampstead SRA: Sabine Mcneil Trial: “Pensioner, 74, ‘made lives of innocent families a misery…” etc DAILY MAIL – 27 Nov. 2018 + archive

This, below, from a major UK tabloid is sadly lacking so much of the true facts regarding the entire Hampstead SRA [Satanic Ritual Abuse] case which began to be reported publicly during 2015, before going viral with many arrests [n.b.: … Continue reading 

The Hampstead SRA archive is here, with interviews with the children’s parents, and more, as recorded at the time


from the archive earlier:

HAMPSTEAD SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE: “ANATOMY OF A COVERUP” – based on The IPCC Appeal document  01 June + Ella interviews

!. ELLA ABEReceived 01/06/16:

“This is based on The IPCC Appeal document and we would encourage supporters to contact the IPCC with thoughts or something along those lines.


What exactly did the medical reports state?

The police initially attempted to undermine the findings of Dr Hodes and now state that they never received the reports until January 2015 and therefore were not aware of it’s findings. Is it feasible that the findings of a police instructed doctor are not communicated to the police? The police were fully aware of the contents of the medical reports and the conclusive findings. To understand the position of the police, it is important to know what is contained within the reports as that would explain why it is necessary for the police to keep their position of undermining / ignoring the findings and stating that they did not receive the reports until January 2015, as it did not support their “investigation” strategy.

The examinations of the children by Dr Hodes were on 15th and 16th September 2014, after the children were kidnapped /taken into police custody. During the police “investigation”, Dr Hodes prepared 3 reports dated 15th, 16th and 22nd September respectively.

Conclusion of reports dated 15th September 2014, examination date 12th September 2014.

Both the reports dated 15th September 2014 are addressed to a Chantelle Stevens of Family Services and Social work. The fifth and final page of both reports has an address blacked out. This is the address of the police and the name of the person this report was sent to in the police department. The police have claimed that they did not receive this report until January 2015 .

The medical report states;

“(G) In both the general physical examinations of G today, there are physical signs that are consistent with the allegations given by both G and A. The scar in the anus is from a healed fissure, secondary to the application of a blunt penetrating force that he has alleged. In summary, G has physical signs that support his allegations of both physical and sexual abuse”

“In general physical and genital examination of A today, there was evidence of findings consistent with the allegations given by A. These were of inflicted physical injury – physical abuse and insertion of a blunt penetrating instruments into her anus. The scars in her anus are from healed fissures, secondary to the application of a blunt penetrating force that she has alleged”

Report dated 16th September 2014, examination date 16th September 2014.

This report, drafted after Dr Hodes attended strategy meetings on 8th and 15th September 2014, has details of how both children have been repeating their allegations to the foster carers. Upon seeing Vaseline in a shop, G says “is that what they put on my bottom” referring to abuse “from their dad and his friends including Mr. Hollings“

Within the report;

‘A’ described a ‘plastic willy’ to the foster carer and that their ‘dad makes them in his shed’.

‘A’ describes how “’Vaseline original’ in a square container was used on their ‘bottoms and willies’” and sometimes they inserted “plastic willies in her bottom” but sometimes “real willies”. Both children said it hurt less with real willies but that the perpetrators wanted it to hurt them so they used a plastic willy”.

“They also said that they did not want it to hurt so much that it scarred otherwise their mother might discover this when she bathed them” This suggests that the perpetrators took active measures to ensure that the abuse was kept secret and hidden from the mother, Ella Gareeva.

“They both experienced bleeding from their bottoms afterwards…given a wet tissue to wipe it with. They described how they wiped blood or sometimes ‘white stuff’ that came from willies’.

“When asked why they did not tell their mother whilst this was happening, they said they were too scared as their father had told them that he would kill their whole family if they told”

The report describes how the children have nightmares of their “dad killing them” and G said “that he suddenly remembers what happened and his eyes go blurry. He then sees monsters and if he closes his eyes he sees ‘a picture of his dad killing him”. We cannot begin to imagine the amount of pain and fear G must have been going through when he was hoping that the “good policeman” would believe him and his sister.

“G described that when he stayed at his dad’s house for two or three days
his dad did not let him go to sleep at night” by being “scary” and putting a “monster costume so that he could not go to sleep”

Summary of findings

“Evident that his (G) experience of abuse has had a significant impact on his emotional well-being.

Further general examination today confirms the physical findings of a scar in the anus from a healed fissure, consistent with inflicted injury from a blunt penetrating force that he (G) has alleged”.

In respect of A, the report states “Based on today’s assessment, it is clear that G and A’s experience of abuse have had a significant impact on their emotional wellbeing. Physical findings today FURTHER CONFIRM the allegations of inflicted anal injury from insertion of a blunt penetrative force, and ARE CONSISTENT with A’s allegations of Sexual abuse”

Medical report dated 22nd September 2014

This report was drafted after she attended strategy meetings on 8th and 15th September 2014 (the appendices 1-2 attached to the report contained notes of the strategy meetings but the local authority and the police failed to provide us with this), supervised the consultations for both children on 12th and 16th September 2014 and spoke to Camden Social workers who informed her of the ABE interview on the 17th September 2014.

The report concludes in respect of A:

“The physical injuries found on her (A) skin are consistent with her allegations of physical abuse..

In the absence of a history of constipation, medical illness and accidental trauma ACCORDING TO THE GP NOTES, the anogenital findings of the scar and the RAD are consistent with her allegations of the application of a blunt penetrating force to her anus..sexual abuse.”

The report concludes in respect of G:

“The physical injuries found on his (G) skin are consistent with his allegations of physical abuse..

In the absence of a history of constipation, medical illness and accidental trauma ACCORDING TO THE GP NOTES, the anogenital findings of the scar and the RAD are consistent with his allegations of the application of a blunt penetrating force to his anus..sexual abuse. “
Police interpretation of Dr Hodes findings by choice of words

Please note the medical report’s use of the words that physical injuries “confirm”, “are consistent” and “evidence of findings consistent with” the allegations of sexual abuse as opposed to the police manipulation of the words to describe and deliberately attempt to undermine the findings of Dr Hodes, such as;

1. CRIS report entry by DS Fernandez 13th September “can be the result of a large solid poo” 
2. Police initial response dated 8th July 2015 “could be consistent with allegations of sexual abuse” and 
3. Current response dated 24th March 2016“may have been caused by physical abuse in the absence of a medical explanation. The discussion DS Fernandez had with Dr Hodes were such that she verbally reported inconclusive results on the 12th September 2014”

It is clear, that the police have attempted to undermine the findings of Dr Hodes on several occasions by misrepresenting her findings. This is a tactic we are now familiar with as they have endeavoured to do the same throughout the attempted cover up. 
Even IF the medical reports had stated or used the phrase “could be consistent“ with allegations of sexual abuse, ( which they do not ) this does not negate the duty for the police to investigate further. In fact, it still provides support to the allegations of sexual abuse, as it does not rule it out and therefore is evidence that should be acted upon during the police investigation. 
It is a note of interest that the police report dated 24th March refers to “absence of a medical explanation”. In the medical report of 22nd September Dr Hodes reviewed all GP notes and noted that there was no past history of constipation or other medical condition that could explain the injuries to the anus area of both children. Therefore, Dr Hodes had reviewed the children’s medical history and confirmed there is no other explanation, other than what the children alleged, as to how the injuries to the anus could have been caused. 
In fact, the GP notes attached to Dr Hodes report of 22nd September 2014 confirm that that their Mother was concerned about A’s behaviour on 17 January 2011 as the notes state;

“Mother concerned re A’s behaviour. Father given visitation rights last 3 weeks, sees them weekly. Since then A acting strangely, wakes mid sleep at night in hysterics, cries uncontrollably, clinging to mother, sometimes wakes and throws all bedding off the bed”


The race is not for the swift.”

See the official site: http://www.hampsteadcoverup.com



29 Feb.2016:

“Whilst Americans and some Europeans deal with the challenges faced by survivors and the families of Ritual Abuse and Trauma Based Mind Control.
The U.K. and other European Governments engaged in Mind Control programs (involving the ritual sacrifice of countless infants) of their citizens,and children within schools and churches persist in denial. The HAMPSTEAD COVER UP is their Black Swan. The captured lame stream media keep the public sedated, distracted and deceived.

The State and their minions have been caught red handed covering up a case of State sponsored mind control program involving Satanic Ritual Abuse. All the guilty concerned are attempting to ignore the problem whilst hoping that it will eventually go away, yet like a cancerous cyst the problem grows daily with the story now reaching a critical mass of concerned citizens world wide. The lost souls have embarked on yet another offensive, due to the increasing public awareness of the case, particularly by Americans who have their own documented history of SRA/TBMC, The Franklin Cover up, The McMartin Pre School scandal etc. Numerous blogs/websites with information from psychotherapists and survivors who far from remaining in denial, are organising regular conferences where they exchange research information regarding solutions and ways to help survivors and their families. The Sun yesterday put out a 3 page hit piece on SRA siting the Hampstead Cover up and a young Nurse named Carol Felstead ?

Regarding the DA Notice. Ella has been in contact with a researcher from Australia who shared that information with us, and apart from the usual suspects’ smear campaign reflecting Pauffley’s fraudulent judgement in March last year this is the first lame stream media coverage of the case in the Sun yesterday. The site the False Memory Syndrome disinfo.

Regarding the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Columbia Journalism Review stated:

“Rarely has such a strange and little-understood organization had such a profound effect on media coverage of such a controversial matter. The [False Memory Syndrome] foundation is an aggressive, well-financed PR machine adept at manipulating the press, harassing its critics, and mobilizing a diverse army of psychiatrists, outspoken academics, expert defense witnesses, litigious lawyers, Freud bashers, critics of psychotherapy, and devastated parents.”493

The FMSF has repeatedly cited a study presented at a Harvard conference where researchers were repeatedly able to implant the false memory of mundane tasks like grocery shopping, into their subjects using techniques such as hypnosis.494 It has been championed as proof that memories are easily manipulated. However, research has shown that memories of abuse function very differently than average memories.

“However, leading memory researchers such as Dr. Bessel van der Kolk of Harvard Medical School maintain that traumatic memories, which typically are engraved in the sensorimotor processes, are not subject to the same kinds of contamination that can affect normal memory. Traumatic amnesia, described in the DSM-III-R as psychogenic amnesia, is a phenomenon which has been known to mental health professionals for more than 100 years. The clinically observed characteristics of traumatic memory formation and retrieval match precisely the patterns of memory recovery exhibited by SRA [Satanic Ritual Abuse] survivors, and strongly confirm the reality of their cult abuse.”495

Denial serves no one. Neither victims nor perpetrators.
This is not a war. This is an awakening.”

IPCC Upholds Ella Draper’s Appeal [for a 2nd time too – in Jan 2017!]
Posted on February 5, 2016



After that interview, this from Ella + Abraham:

“We have been aware of David Shurter as a cointel disinfo shill for a while.http://www.dysgenics.com/tag/lying-fraud/ This was confirmed when he lied about knowing Tavitrained Charlotte Ward/Jaqui Farmer, & then staged a fake public falling out with her in a “secret” Facebook group in order to ingratiate himself with us . They worked together on a video in January 2013.


We played along in order to give him enough rope (hemp of course.) He once again exposed his intent, when after arranging an interview with one of his “contacts” a certain Steve, they both persistently attempted to locate us by encouraging us to record the interview via landline. We recorded the interview via Skype, with Shurter and Steve dominating the conversation. We had discussed sharing with their audience the part hempseed nutrition played in the children’s disclosures, but they expressed concern. We explained that the nutritional aspect was an integral part of the case, and they became agitated, so we agreed not to mention it.
Cathy O’brien explains that Cannabis/ Hemp/Marijuana deletes and prevents mind control.
We did NOT argue for an hour and 20 minutes as implied in their latest attempted hatchet job where they expose their obvious intent. We weren’t pleased with the interview, but were grateful for the chance to introduce the case to the American audience. Shurter then organised another interview with Doug Miller, another known F.B.I./C.I.A. agent, which we declined. Shortly after Shurter arranged yet another interview, this time with Ed Opperman.
Opperman obviously knew little of the facts of the case, repeatedly referring to Pauffley’s fraudulent judgement of March 19th 2015. However it wasn’t until we exposed the Trauma Based Mind Control element of the case that he showed his true colours, at one stage denying the veracity of our disclosure by saying,”..but that’s not true”
After the 2 hour show , he requested we do a further hour which we did . We agreed that he would air the show on Christ mass day. He however posted the video on his YT channel on the 22nd of December, and then accused us of leaking the show after 2222 found the show on his YT channel and reposted it. He threatened 2222 with copyright infringement, along with a tirade of verbal abuse insults and accusations.
2222 explained that because Opperman had posted the video on his YT channel it was considered fair game in Child Abuse cases, particularly in this case, where the guilty/State have been attempting to control the narrative and prevent the TRUTH from being revealed. We did tell 2222 & another supporter who were scheduled to interview us that we would do the Opperman interview first as he was waiting and eager. We also recorded the interview using a new mike, as listeners had complained of sound quality of previous interviews.
Ed Opperman seemed genuine, but has accused us of leaking our version to 2222. That is an easily disproven lie, as our vocals on our recording are much clearer due to the new microphone. Why would he do that, and why would we jeopardise the opportunity to reveal the TRUTH to his extensive network of listeners ?
Ed Opperman did express upset at the comments from Dearman’s 40 or so sock puppets,( he created some new socks for Christ Mass)
Youtube pulled 2222’s version but we still have the comments that show Opperman’s true colours.
Neither Opperman nor Shurter have replied to polite emails attempting to resolve what ‘could’ have been a misinnerstanding.
They have however recorded two shows where they blatantly and clumsily attempt to discredit us,( Abraham particularly )
They have been in a Tavispin since we publicly exposed the Tavistate/ British Intelligence, C.I.A. Trauma Based Mind Control aspects of the case, and these accusations are their attempt to discredit us, and control the narrative of the case. They obviously don’t want this info revealed to the U.S. public, and have staged this charade as an excuse not to air the revealing interview.They, (Shurter particularly) are concerned that they are unable to contain the story of State sponsored Mind Control Programs in schools to create an army of New Word Order slaves.
They are unaware that the Hampstead Cover Up is a poisoned chalice to ALL who come with ignoble intent.
The use of Occult practices, Luciferian/Satanic/Wicca, hypnosis, drugs etc. are all elements of State sponsored Trauma Based Mind Control programs, that are used to mislead & cover up the TBMC programs that have infested schools and pre schools/nurseries around the world,so no we haven’t dismissed the occult element in favour of MK Ultra/ Monarch, State sponsored Trauma Based Mind Control programs.We are merely explaining how they all fit together. Their lies and Tavispin are transparent and they are merely the latest to be exposed by the Metaphysics of the Hampstead Cover Up.
Apologies for the length of this explanation, but these agents have dug a rather deep hole which they have proceeded to fall in.
Respect and Best wishes for the New Year.
e & a “

David Shurter: Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor , Hampstead Theories – “After my Interview… 

David Shurter: “After My Interview with Ed Opperman on the Hampstead Case in the UK” – see more: http://www.davidshurter.com/?p=5511

Mother Ella Draper Witness Statement 21 March 2015

A.L. Webre: Part I: Ella Draper & Abe Christie’stestimony on Hampstead pedophilia the UK High Court excluded 31 March 2015


Posted on June 16, 2015by butlincat

HAMPSTEAD COVER-UP on WorldBeyondBelief w/Ella and Abraham

Witness and Victim G.

March 11th, 2015.

Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims.

The medical reports end any debate regarding the fact that children A and G were the victims of child sexual abuse in Hampstead and underline the criminal nature of the police interviews of September 17th, 2014. The question now is who is being protected? Who has the influence and power to cause the British police such an obvious and inexplicable mid investigation rethink? Clearly there is much more than a Z grade actor and the reputation of a school at stake here. Neither would logically merit the police choice to destroy this investigation and cover up these heinous crimes.

Background Chronology

September 5th 2014.
“A referral was made to the Barnet CAIF by (mother’s partner’s) brother in law who is a special constable. Following a disclosure by A and G that they had been sexually abused by their father and “teachers” and were part of a cult. This disclosure had been made when they were in Morocco over the summer. And the parents stated they were unsure who to inform as many people seemed to be involved, (including allegedly police and social workers.)
Initial police interviews conducted.
8/9/14. Initial strategy meeting held.
10/9/14. Visit to family home ahead of ABE interview.
11/9/14. Emergency Police Protection Order issued after the ABE yesterday evening during which witness A, witness G and witness E (mother) were interviewed separately.
Allegations of physical abuse from the mother’s partner towards both children and sexual abuse against both children by their father and “teachers”. They are now in Emergency Foster Placement.”

Police conduct the retraction interviews in transparent attempt to bury the truth and vandalise justice.
Interviewing officers clearly bully false retractions from the children for unknown reasons that can only be sinister.
22/9/14. Police inform the mother E that they have found that the crimes against the children cannot be confirmed. The investigation is over.
22/9/14. Dr. Hodes writes the second medical report affirming the veracity of the sexual abuse allegations despite the retractions. Dr. Hodes cites a specific research finding that found that 16% of victims will retract the allegations and affirming therefore that the physical evidence of abuse should outweigh the retractions.

Lindsay C Malloy, MA Thomas D Lyon JD, and Joia A Quas
Fillal Dependency and recantation of Child Sex Abuse Allegations.
J.Am Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry. 46:2, 2007.

These statements were made without reference to the disgraceful performance of the interviewing officer in the retraction interviews, which only strengthen Dr. Hodes’ assertions.

The Medical Reports. Who wrote them and are they authentic?

There are two Medical Reports, one dated September 15th, 2014, the other September 22nd. Written on the stationary of the University College of London in a way that leaves no doubt as to their authenticity. Background checks on the names of the people who signed the documents end any doubt . To illustrate this I will cite the best known of the Doctors who have signed these reports Dr. Deborah Hodes (FRCPCH) Consultant Community Paediatrician. A cursory internet search indicates that Dr. Hodes is employed in that role at the University College London and is an expert in the field of child abuse having more than twenty years experience.

Dr Deborah Hodes


The first report dated September 15th appears to have been written by Dr Harriett Gunn (SHO Senior House Officer)* but is also signed by Dr. Hodes, The second Report of September 22nd appears to have been written entirely by Dr. Hodes, as she is the sole signatory.

The Medical Examiners are highly experienced and well qualified.
This does not mean that they are infallible, of course, but these medical reports have been signed by medical practitioners considered to be authorities in the field with decades of experience.
Dr, Deborah Hodes, part of the examination and assessment team that physically examined the children on several occasions is absolutely unequivocal, even after the retraction interviews that the children have physical injuries, that substantiate their claims of physical abuse at the hands of the mother’s partner and more importantly the sexual abuse at the hands of the father and cohorts.

A Brief Overview of the Facts that Emerge from the Medical Reports.
The counter narrative states that the children’s stories were coached and fed to them by their mother’s partner who was himself guilty of minor physical abuse of the children.

The police retraction interviews tried to construct a narrative that the children had been denying the actions of the mother’s partner whilst making the claims against the father and school, yet the Medical Reports show that the children made the claims concurrently and were concurrently examined for both the injuries related to the minor physical abuse at the hands of the mother’s partner and the extremely serious sexual abuse at the hands of the father and staff at the school.
The male has one scar on his anus consistent with blunt force trauma, the female has several and has actually been physically damaged by the abuse in ways that really do not bear mentioning suffice to say that she has multiple injuries “consistent with the application of a blunt instrument.”
They could not be clearer. Someone has been doing deeply unpleasant things to these children, the more lurid claims relating to this case may be exaggerated, but there is a very simple and unmistakeable truth expressed in those medical reports.
After they were taken into Foster care, the children were heard to discuss the use of Vaseline as a lubricant their abusers used on them. They are no longer in the presence of the mother’s partner, there is no need for any story to be told, yet they were speaking about it in a matter of fact way.

The children independently told their story on multiple occasions to numerous Doctors and other disinterested parties and were consistent in their claims against both parties. There was medical evidence to support the claims that were made against both parties.

Both children were observed to be suffering the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Both children complained at their treatment at the hands of the mothers partner, yet it was absolutely clear to the examiners that it was the father they feared. Each child independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them, one had nightmares about it. Expressions of fear do not get more profound than that.

The details outlined in these reports are deeply unpleasant. Unfortunately it is necessary to do this and I will ensure that only the completely necessary information is included. There is a duty to attempt to spread the truth in a matter of gross injustice such as this case represents and I have sought not to identify anyone by name other than the Doctors whose role appears to have been an honourable one.

Key Excerpts from the Two Medical Reports.

September 15th, 2014.

“Witness G “does not report any history of constipation or diarrhoea . However he does report that it does often hurt and he has often bled when opening his bowels although this had decreased significantly in the past two months which his sister says is because it is two months since they have seen their father. (the children were also removed from the school). He opens his bowels everyday and reports that his stool is soft. “( a detail that is unfortunately necessary due to later events)
Physical Abuse.
“Both G and A report that they have been hit multiple times with a metal spoon by mother’s partner over the head and the legs. They also report they have been pushed into walls. They also allege that mother’s partner holds his hand over their mouth till they “can’t breathe.” On a recent visit to Morocco over the summer witness G explains that he was hit on the ear by the mother’s partner in the left ear which caused his ear to bleed and his left eye to be swollen and bruised. G and A said that G was then not allowed to leave the holiday home until the bruises had disappeared.”
(Note: the details contained here completely destroy the notion that these allegations were made as the result of coaching. Did the mother’s partner also coach the children to make all these detailed and specific allegations against him? Of course he didn’t. The fact that these allegations against the mother’s partner were made at the same time as the allegations of sexual abuse is clearly overwhelming evidence that these children spoke the truth to the best of their ability about both issues and were not under external control of either party to a custody dispute as they made the allegations.)

Sexual abuse allegations.

“ A has explained that at school a teacher named Mr. H calls children over and makes them take off their underwear. A explained that she and other children including G are made to bend over and a “plastic willy” is inserted into the anus. Whilst Mr. H holds onto their hips. A also stated that Mr.H “makes noises” while this is done.

Of note, she says that he gives them a refresher bar to eat as a reward and to chew on while this is happening so they “can’t scream or make a noise” and they are asked to face forwards and not look backwards. G has said that the same thing has happened to him. G says that after this has happened he has bleeding from the anus and subsequently. it is very painful when he opens his bowels.”

Victim G Physical injuries described.
His (G) anus was examined in the left lateral position using gentle buttock separation for 30 seconds. He had one anal fissure scar at 9 o’clock on examination of the anus. There was no reflex anal dilation.”

“In both the general physical examination and the genital examination of G today. There are physical signs consistent with the allegations given by G and A. The scar in the anus is from a healed fissure, secondary to the application of a blunt penetrating force that he (G) has alleged.
In summary, G has physical signs consistent with his allegations of both physical abuse and sexual abuse. “
Dr. Harriett Gunn (SHO) to
Dr. Deborah Hodes.
Medical Report Dated September the 22nd 2014.

The report begins with Dr, Hodes outlining her extensive experience in the field. Twenty four years worth.
Dr.Hodes states that she was present at two strategy meetings and two physical examinations relating to this case. In addition Dr. Hodes has spoken to Camden area social workers and also reviewed the photographic evidence pertaining to the children’s injuries.

Victim and WItness A on September 17th 2014. Victim and Witness A during a Police interview.Summary of Relevant Evidence Victim A..
“She alleged that lubrication was used prior to the insertion of the penis or plastic penis and identified and discussed this with her foster carer.. She also told me about having had an injection. She alleged that bleeding occurred after the event and then had pain on opening her bowels.”
“She told me that she has difficulty getting to sleep and she has bad dreams including dreaming of her father killing her ”
Physical Findings.
“Below is a list of injuries found in a physical examination of A shown in body maps and the police photographs.”

1.“3 x 4mm abrasion to the pinna of her left ear and 3mm laceration posterior to her left ear overlying the mastoid, A alleged she was pinched and picked up by her ear on Morocco.”

2. “7mm longtitudinal abrasion (excoriated) on the right lateral aspect of her right ankle. A alleged she had been pushed against an outside wall and “had picked it” when she was in Morocco.”

3. “2.0cm x 0.5cm healing abrasion on the left side of the chin. A alleged that she was hit across the face with a metal spoon while in Morocco.“

Below is a list of injuries found on ano-genital examination of A recorded in the DVDs.
(Warning Note: This is deeply unpleasant and awful and a quick summary is that there are multiple and in my opinion horrific injuries to A’s nether regions)
“1. In the left lateral position with gentle buttock separation there was anal laxity and a brief view of the rectum. In the knee chest position with gentle buttock separation, there was reflex anal dilation (RAD) after 5-10 seconds. The reflex anal dilation continued and there was a view into the rectal ampulla and there was no stool present.
2. There was a healed scar in the ruggae at the 10 -11 o’clock position extending from the anal orifice to the anal verge. It was seen in both the left lateral position and the knee to chest position. The abnormalities in the ruggae at the 4 0′ c;ock and 5 o’clock positions may represent healed scar tissue or variation in the ruggae.configuration.”
There are between two and four injuries, with two undoubted and two speculative.
Conclusions regarding the allegations.
“The physical injuries found on her skin are consistent with the physical abuse she described.
In the absence of a history of constipation, medical illness or accidental trauma according to the GP’s notes, the anogenital findings of the scar and the RAD are consistent with her allegations of the application of a blunt penetrating force to her anus (2); sexual abuse.”
She has described symptoms of post traumatic stress.”

Summary of A and G by Dr. Hodes.
“In my opinion A and G are suffering significant harm as evidenced by the following:-
1.Both children have physical signs of physical abuse that support their allegations.
2.Both children have physical signs of sexual abuse that support their allegations.
3.They have symptoms of post traumatic stress.
4. It is now understood from a 2007 substantiated study of child sexual abuse that retraction occurs far more commonly (16% in this series) than previously thought.
5. In my opinion, the extensive and detailed accounts given by both children that were repeated to different professionals contain details of sexual acts that such young children would need to have direct experience of.” (Note: in order to be able to describe them is the unwritten implication.)

To put it simply, Dr. Hodes is stating that there is physical evidence in support of both sets of allegations which really highlights how farcical the entire “they were coached” counter-narrative really is. Because children who have been coached to make false allegations in order to influence a custody battle we are told, were not even coached to lie about the minor physical injuries they suffered at the hands allegedly of the mother’s partner. What kind of coaching is that?
It really shows the desperation to protect that this preposterous and absurd notion was even floated as the counter-narrative. It is pathetic and insulting. Truly laughable.

Dr Hodes signatureDr. Hodes signs off on the September 22nd report. She plainly rejected the retractions.Ethical and Legal Issues.

The leaking of these documents may constitute a criminal offense, I honestly do not know, but it is obvious that these records have been released in the broader public interest in order to oppose and expose a clear and outrageous injustice. These are exceptional circumstances in which otherwise unethical or even unlawful actions are necessary and just in my opinion.

Why is this happening?

It beggars belief that this investigation was curtailed and destroyed in order to protect a Z grade actor or even the Staff and Institutional reputation of the school and church involved. Something far more important is being protected here, but it is completely unclear whom or what have managed to engineer the stunning travesty that led to the Investigating Police coaching and bullying retractions from the child victims, Witnesses and Victims A and G.
The real mystery at this point is who is protecting this and why?
The way it is being covered up you would almost get the on it’s face ludicrous idea that this was some type of mad, satanic leadership induction program. The people involved may believe they are doing what is right for their children in some sick parallel universe sense.

We Are Living in a Twilight Zone of Serial Denial.

It is completely possible that elements of the stories the children tell that do not relate to events they actually witnessed may be embellished or even incorrect. There is sadly no doubt that whatever the veracity of the claims the police made a decision, a bizarre and inexplicable decision to destroy the case and conduct a cover up. Unless and until the police have a rethink as is inevitable but may take decades, there is little that can be done to even begin to seek justice for the Hampstead victims beyond trying to expose this to enough people that it causes an uproar that requires an immediate police rethink.

We seem to exist in a bizarre twilight zone where anyone with any connection to power can apparently do what they like to children and expect to suffer only the infamy of the grave. As long as you are not fussed about your reputation when deceased and you are connected you do not even have to be discreet. Once you die it will all emerge of course and your name and reputation will be destroyed but other than that there is no penalty.
While it has become clear again and again that the unthinkable has actually been rather routine, that these unbelievably evil crimes have been happening for decades and yet when confronted with a genuine contemporary cover up, the entire “official” British media have literally not a word to say.

Other than the Hamptead and Highgate Express. The local weekly paper had their say recently, they covered the story from the point of view of the alleged perpetrators, predictably, so the reference to the case was rather incidental, but telling.
Google under fire after leaked personal details of Hampstead residents remain on web – Crime & Court – Hampstead Highgate Express


The real story is instantly dismissed thus “The claims, which the mainstream media is barred by court order from reporting on, are said to have been investigated by police and found to be baseless.” Which I think can be fairly claimed to be a downright lie. Perhaps gratitude is the right response to the total lack of mainstream news coverage. Please note the brazen hypocrisy of the Hampstead and Highgate Express stating that “ which the mainstream media is barred by court order from reporting on” before continuing “are said to have been investigated by police and found to be baseless.” Clearly reporting (and indeed completely mendaciously and inaccurately) without naming or even alluding to a source, let alone any evidence to back up their dishonest claim. I hope they are proud of their work at the Hampstead and Highgate Express. Their efforts in support of evil will be rewarded in the deserved manner eventually I am sure, one way or another. It’s only a matter of time.

Return #WhistleblowerKids and #AbuseSurvivors to their Russian Family!

Sources + Important Links=

14 09 15 Medical report.pdf – Google Drive


14 09 22 Medical report.pdf – Google Drive






Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead to be investigated over links with Jimmy Savile – Health – Hampstead Highgate Express


PLAYLIST of 45 videos re #Whistleblower and #WhistleblowerKids | ‘Whistleblower Kids’ in the Court of Public Interest


JUSTICE DENIED: Live Recording as Police raid Pedophile Ring Whistle-blower kids mum’s home


Abusers Online | ‘Whistleblower Kids’ in the Court of Public Interest


‘Whistleblower Kids’ in the Court of Public Interest | From Child Snatching and the Secrecy of Family Courts to Forced Adoptions, Child Sexual Exploitation and Satanic Ritual Abuse


JOINING Video Dots with #WhistleblowerKids: Exposing World run by Powerful #Paedophiles | ‘Whistleblower Kids’ in the Court of Public Interest


Dr Deborah Hodes


FORWARD UK on Twitter: “FORWARD Trustee, Dr Deborah Hodes, announces opening of the first specialist #FGM clinic in London

ZeeklyTV – Anonymous’s Channel


Dr Hodes Sources.
Lindsay C Malloy, MA Thomas D Lyon JD, and Joia A Quas
Fillal Dependency and recantation of Child Sex Abuse Allegations.
J.Am Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry. 46:2, 2007.

Bradley Ar, Wood, JM, How Do Children Tell?
The disclosure process in child sexual abuse.
Negl. 20 881-891. 1996

The British Medical Association Confidentiality Guide for Staff.(called the confidentiality toolkit)



Excerpts Relevant to this Case.

1. The duty of confidentiality
Confidentiality is an essential requirement for the preservation of trust between patients and health professionals and is subject to legal and ethical safeguards. Patients should be able to expect that information about their health which they give in confidence will be kept confidential unless there is a compelling reason why it should not. There is also a strong public interest in maintaining confidentiality so that individuals will be encouraged to seek appropriate treatment and share information relevant to it.

Using and disclosing information
3. data should be anonymised wherever possible .
occasionally, when it is not practicable to obtain consent, information may be disclosed where the law requires or where there is an overriding public interest, eg where child abuse is suspected
• disclosures should be kept to the minimum necessary to achieve the purpose
5. Anonymisation
Information may be used more freely if the subject of the information is not identifiable in any way.
Usually, data can be considered to be anonymous where clinical or administrative information is separated from details that may permit the individual to be identified such as name, date of birth and postcode. Even where such obvious identifiers are missing, rare diseases, drug treatments or statistical analyses which have very small numbers within a small population may allow individuals to be identified. A combination of items increases the chances of patient identification.

When anonymised data will serve the purpose, health professionals must anonymise data to this extent and, if necessary, take technical advice about anonymisation before releasing data. Whilst it is not ethically necessary to seek consent for the use of anonymised data, general information about when their data will be anonymised should be available to patients.


*S.H.O Senior House Officer A junior doctor in the pre Modernising Medical Careers era (pre-2007) of training in the UK, in the 2nd post-graduate year–i.e., immediately after the PRHO–pre-registration house officer year, which is now designated Foundation Year 1–FY1. SHOs are now called FY-2. Some SHO posts still exist and are taken as a prelude to certain specialities–e.g., surgery, but are no longer a standard year in training schemes for junior doctors in the UK

source: http://crimesofempire.com/2015/03/11/hampstead-leaked-medical-reports-end-all-doubt-about-sexual-abuse-claims/


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  1. False memory is absolutely possible. This is an area of grave concern for me as I have seen how it works.
    The study of it, requires knowledge of the individuals who are inserting the memories and the time.
    Ready for this ? There are certain people, consciously or not, who have the ability to insert false memories into strangers or people they know well, through casual conversation. If these people become conscious of the ability, it can be disastrous. If agencies or groups become knowledgeable of this , it could be a national security threat. 9/11 is one of my examples where this occurred and is not discussed. I am not saying the timing was planned to facilitate it, but timing had a role.

    • I am not suggesting anything other than false memory is possible, and it can be implanted by persons who do not even realize they are doing it.
      As for the case of abuse, I have not looked into this particular case. Eating babies seems like a reach, but then again war is hell,. I must say unlikely but not unheard of. Rare cases come up, where people eat people, but it does not spread like religion, but instead is situationally based specifically in isolated situations like the infamous Donners Pass,…

  2. 9 years in prison for this 74 year-old. Looks like someone doesn’t want her to come out and talk again.

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