By Michael Shrimpton for VT
Introduction by the Senior Editor
Michael ends this piece with a commentary on VT. Let’s be clear about a few things. I learned long ago, maybe even before the first time I was in combat, some 50 years ago, that life is a one way ticket to being dead. You get one chance and you live as best you can, asking nothing, getting less and only honor matters.
Of the people I trust, Michael is right there near the top, he is fearless. I don’t understand everything he does, I don’t know what he knows but I have always had a single fear. What if I joined others in silencing him and then found out he was right all along.
Michael and others, my good friend Ben Fulford, my good friend Lee Wanta or my good friend Robert Steele, and the list gets long, many names can’t be put into print, each holds a key to a world I may never understand, not entirely.
There is a disease out there, the stupid, the ignorant, deciding as such people do, that whatever they choose to believe is real and only that is real simply because they believe it.
And when such people learn they are wrong, but that never happens, they never learn, they only deny.
But then again, we don’t have such people at VT. And I don’t tell people what to think but, at times, I will teach people how to think. That I do know. The results?
From Michael Shrimpton:
So who burned down Notre Dame? I don’t just mean who actually torched this iconic old cathedral, which I visited as a young man in 1975, but who set it up? Regular readers will not be surprised when I say that the operation has all the hallmarks of the DVD.
Firstly there was the sheer nastiness of the operation. You can forget French fairy stories about faulty wiring. There about as reliable as that claim about DC-10 engine cowling bits causing the Paris Concorde crash. I gather that privately the French are saying that it was arson and they’re right. The faulty wiring nonsense is strictly for the public and the credulous French media, who will swallow just about any old nonsense, as long as it’s marked ‘official’. They’re worse than the BBC over global warming.
The plan was clearly to burn Notre Dame to the ground, based no doubt on the theory that its structure was interlocking. It was, but the towers and side walls appear to have possessed more strength than anyone thought possible. The men who designed Notre Dame knew that they were doing.
Then you have the fact that Holy Mass was underway when the fire started. The Germans love nothing more than burning people to death inside churches. The DVD were clearly behind the Easter Sunday outrages in Sri Lanka, where over 300 men, women and children were murdered, many in churches. Happily, everybody got out of Notre Dame alive.
Then there’s the timing. President Macron of France, who thinks he’s a grand fromage but is actually only a petit fromage, had just stood up to Germany over Brexit. The Germans wanted to delay it for a year, in the hope that they could revere the process and keep the UK trapped inside the EU. The French would be quite happy to see us go, and insisted on a delay until October only.
As I point out in Spyhunter the Fifth Republic is basically Vichyist, replacing the Free French Fourth Republic. General De Gaulle was gay and the Abwehr and in turn the DVD had the goods on him.
The old Abwehr operation in Paris is still there, nowadays run as a DVD black agency. The Abwehr by the way planned to blow up Notre Dame in 1944, as part of the strategy of torching Paris. They only abandoned the idea after De Gaulle came on board. German architects studied Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower quite closely after the German occupation of Paris in 1940.
Everything points to our community partners the Jerries having pulled this one off. They had the motive, the means and the opportunity. Of course they will have stayed in the background, as always. The man seen on the roof of Notre Dame just before the fire won’t have been wearing a coal-scuttle helmet. As in Sri Lanka the DVD will no doubt have made use of radical Moslem assets.
Sri Lanka
The media have at least grasped that the Easter Sunday outrages were well-planned and coordinated. Although ISIS have claimed responsibility the organisation is in some disarray following the collapse of the so-called caliphate. I doubt it had the resources to plan these attacks.
It is far more likely that they were planned in Dachau, or in the DVD’s small Colombo station. It looks much more like planning by trained intelligence officers than by a ragbag bunch of terrorists.
I’m not so sure about the claimed connection to Christchurch, although that may have motivated some of the individual terrorists to get involved. I suspect the Easter Sunday attacks were already in the planning stages and would have gone ahead anyway. The suicide bombers are only cannon fodder – it’s a rare suicide bomber who plans his or her own attack. They go where they’re told.
The victims were entirely innocent. The Nicholson family was torn apart whilst waiting for breakfast at the Shangri-La Hotel. Only father and husband Ben survived.
There will be political consequences over these outrages, and I don’t just mean in Sri Lanka. Colombo had ample warning from New Delhi, which begs the question of who chose to suppress the warnings and why. The death toll and the sheer callousness of the attacks will lead to a hardening of opinion against radical Islam in Britain and elsewhere.
The Murder of Lyra McKee
Sri Lanka wasn’t the only venue for a terrorist atrocity over Easter. The New IRA murdered nice lesbian journalist Lyra McKee in Londonderry on Maundy Thursday. This has led to a backlash against the IRA, which should last for at least a fortnight.
What this terrible event will not lead to is a re-examination of police and security dogma over terrorism. The Police Service of Northern Ireland, backed by the Cabinet Office, remain wedded to the idea that terrorist organisations consist of individuals with a grievance. The reality – that terrorism is a state-sponsored phenomenon – has yet to sink in.
Since the IRA in its various guises has always been sponsored by Germany the pro-German, anti-British Cabinet Office has an obvious interest in suppressing the truth. The authorities were caught on the hop by Thursday’s violence because they continue to labour under the delusion that the New IRA are motivated by a desire to unite Ireland. No doubt the foot-solders are but the IRA has always served Germany’s strategic interests first and foremost, with the interests of Irish nationalists a distant second.
It was always likely that Dachau would order a ramp up of IRA activity in the UK in response to Brexit. That doesn’t mean that we should cave in to them. On the contrary it means that we should go after them, hard, and make the link to Germany. Theresa May’s attendance at today’s funeral suggests that she has in fact grasped the point, but she will never be honest with the public. Transparency and honesty are simply not her style.
Whither Brexit?
Brexit is still going to happen, but not until July and possibly not until November. The supine Executive of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee voted yesterday not to change the Tory leadership rules, which is absurd. Sir Graham ‘Shady’ Brady, the chairman, continues to defend Mrs May.
He’s defending the indefensible, frankly. The talks with Labour have gone nowhere. They were always about Theresa May trying to persuade Labour to back her, not about compromise. May and the Cabinet Secretary are obsessed with trying to upend Brexit by forcing through the shameful Withdrawal Agreement, locking Britain into the EU’s customs union and regulations, until we can be forced back in.
The PM has no interest in the Anglo-American relationship, seeing Britain’s role as a mere German client state. I’m surprised that the date for President Trump’s State Visit has finally been set – it should have happened long before now. Your President by the way will be very welcome here. Of course there’ll be a few left-wing nutters demonstrating against him, possibly including John Bercow, but the President would fine demonstrators in Miami or Chicago. The nutters will not represent the true state of British public opinion.
No fewer than three legal challenges to the purported Article 50 extension are now underway. I’ve been heavily involved in one but will not comment in detail until the case has concluded. It’s been lost in the High Court but is on its way to the Supreme Court in a ‘leapfrog’ appeal
Von Mueller’s Report
I’ve not yet had time to plow through all of ‘von’ Mueller’s turgid report, although I’ve spotted a few bloomers already. The man seems to think that he’s un-sackable and is some sort of special prosecutor. Trying to fire him was not obstruction of justice, merely common sense. ‘Von’ Mueller was clearly abusing his position, running an illegal and highly improper political campaign against President Trump from within the federal bureaucracy, based on a crackpot conspiracy theory.
Assuming that no more churches are burnt down or blown up I plan to do a more detailed review in my next column the weekend after next, after I’ve launched my appeal to the Court of Appeal.
VT’s response to the loss of my appeal
My heartfelt thanks to Max Walters for the commentary on my case “Hoax Within A Hoax: UK Bar Slams Shrimpton for Outing Real Nuke Threat”
For the avoidance of doubt I didn’t see the article before it went out, indeed I didn’t even know Max was writing it. There was no reason why I should.
I am sometimes asked why I write for VT, when there are such strong divergences of view between myself and some of my colleagues. The answer is fourfold:
(1) Differences of opinion are at the heart of intelligence work. Any good intel analyst should be able to defend his or her opinion and moreover be willing to change it if good points are made. There is no monopoly of truth.
(2) VT are about the only website in the world with the guts to comment on the DVD. I have no interest in writing for people who are afraid of the truth.
(3) VT have stood by me since my wrongful arrest 2012. That loyalty counts for a lot with me, and earns my loyalty in return, and
(4) VT are very nice people.
The Global Warming Hoax
VT has a smart readership – we’re not the Guardian after all, or the Washington Post! Some of you will be members of Mensa and may be interested in my article on the global warming hoax, just published in the Mensa World Journal (Issue 077, June 2019, p. 6). I hope to reprint it on VT, with permission.
I hope everybody had a happy Easter, in between the shootings and the bombings. I’m still munching my way through my last egg!
Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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…but the President would fine demonstrators in Miami or Chicago….” – MS
“Find” for “fine”?
For anyone that doubts the good Barrister; the proof is simply in the pudding. Look at the attacks he has suffered and ask yourself, why?
I believe pretty much what Shrimpy reports. In my mind though, when he says DVD, I think MOSSAD….works for my world view.
Yes, is is highly likely Shrimpy* codes his articles to avoid blowback – the real audience will have figured this out. But when it comes to opinions (e.g., Thatcher should have been made a hereditary peer), he is likely having us on at times.
*He had to have been called this during his schoolboy days.
“Evidence Based Climate Science”
Dr. Easterbrook, author.
I recommend for further research.
The Chimp with the AK47 is a must see. Hilarious footage.
I truly enjoy reading Shrimpton’s articles and have been made aware of a lot I didn’t know. But often I feel I am a voyeur from another world, a parallel world perhaps, so strange are his interpretations and analysis. I am taken aback sometimes, but glad he can be found here at VT. I am always curious for a different view.
Neither the meal nor foot washing is widely practised in Britain today, traditions that died out. Besides, in Ulster, street protests take precedence over religion.
Not that I trust wiki for anything beyond some essential stat’s and such, but this author’s cred’s appear to be quite-tarnished. If the pedo-porno allegations are true then it’s likely he suffered from child-abuse, himself.
“If the pedo-porno allegations are true…”
Those types of allegations are typically used to silence critics who get too close to the truth.
All those churches were build on places of old woreship of the old forces, Did they really think they vanished ? They are palying w forces they even can handle
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