Russia: More Fake News and Racist Drivel from Sputnik? Why? VT Says “Mossad Infiltration”


Introduction:  VT has worked with Sputnik News for many years.  We have seen them do odd things, side against Russia over and over on key issues like Skripal and MH17 but they have been consistent on one thing.

They love the American extremist right and they have their heads so far up Israel’s ass they will never see daylight again.  What we believe is their editors are among those long ago put on the CIA payroll when cash flowed into Moscow under Yeltsin.

The crap below includes twisted quotes, outright lies and is not just fake but insultingly so, shamefully so.  With a president married to a Slovenian whose personal history is hidden by millions in legal fees, a woman who met Trump through Jeffrey Epstein, this is Sputnik digging themselves further into the Israeli asshole by attacking Michelle Obama, officially the most popular woman in the world.

She may not be a cheap Eastern European whore, not saying that we know anyone that is, but she also never said anything Sputnik is saying she said here below.

Problem is, Sputnik now does this every day, cheap tabloid “girlie” material, outright Zionist propaganda and a publication that many in the world depend on now totally “in the toilet.”

“Michelle Obama Raises Eyebrows by Boasting ‘Queen Not Smarter Than You’ During Meeting With Students” (ANOTHER FAKE QUOTE)

During the summit, Michelle Obama suggested that students shouldn’t feel intimidated due to thinking that their classmates are more knowledgeable then themselves.

Former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama has managed to raise quite a few eyebrows online due to a certain remark she made while hosting her annual #BeatingtheOdds Summit held as part of her Reach Higher initiative.

Addressing the students who attended the event, Obama advised them not to feel intimidated by other classmates, arguing that “they’re not smarter than you” and then making a reference to her own dealings with world leaders and royals.

“You always think that somebody else knows more than you do. I’ve been at probably every powerful table there is to be at. I have been on boards with some of the top CEOs. I’ve had dinner with the frickin’ Queen! I’ve been to the summit of world leaders”, she said as quoted by the Daily Express. “They’re not smarter than you. I’ve met these people”.

Her remark, however, apparently did not sit well with some social media users who retaliated with disparaging remarks about Michelle Obama herself.

​A number of people, however, claimed that the former FLOTUS’ remark shouldn’t be regarded as a snub.


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  1. Some more BS from Trump’s Zionist Supremacist base but why go after Melania? This whole Michelle is a man comes from the same as the birther crowd who bought the BS about Obama. The source of this disgusting rumor was actually Hillary’s PUMA faction who promoted it during the ’08 primary.

    The cracker crowd picked it up later.

    • You see, what we are finding now is that Israeli intelligence assets like Jeffrey Epstein and others are arranging marriages for key Americans, Chelsea Clinton, Ivanka Trump, maybe even Caroline Kennedy and many others to puppet zionists.
      Then we find that Trump met his wife through Epstein and Maxwell and we begin to ask questions…especially when we talk to our friends in Slovenia, Hungary and Serbia who tell us of the efforts that have been made to erase any history of “this person” and her family.

    • Definitely explains a lot about Trump’s sudden and treacherous pivot toward Israel after promising to put “America First”. I hope RDS is right for Trump’s sake because his base (not the Zionist Supremacists) but the ones who believed him about disentangling from entangling alliances particularly with the parasitic terrorist state of IsraHell will eat him up for lunch and make Bush I’s defeat look like a Sunday picnic.

  2. Or maybe it is that You are somewhat afraid, that those cheap Eastern European whores will screw Your American exceptional exhaust pipe with their alleged big balls. Michelle sounds a very nice person, but I think she’s addicted with dope (testosterone, EPO etc) and I’m certain she’s addicted with European white supremacism. Exactly those elites and Queens on important tables.

    I think She is equally bad role model as closet republican Colin Kapernic, a millionaire to whom Trump gave tax cuts, resulting to a such heavy paycheck, that he had to take knee position while National Anthem. They both speak about racism and make listeners to think, that the top of the food chain is in their hands. Well it’s not, just empty promises and lies, ordinary black or white will never be at the top 10 NFL players and none of them will meet the Queen. Why is it so hard to them to talk about ordinary people like farmers, bakers and truck drivers who keep the nation working and are heroes for their under 10 yo. kids.

  3. You’re right. Unfortunately, a huge number of Russian Internet media portals have recently begun to issue a large amount of informational garbage, unverified or unreliable information. Stupidly picking up the news from an unverified original source. A large number of so-called “experts” appeared in all branches. I have long stopped watching TV (central channels). There is sheer chatter and rubbish. Alas, but it is.

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