UK Loses ‘Measles-Free” Status


Health Editor’s Note:  According to Ian Greenhaugh, loss of status in the UK has been due to two factors -” recent immigrants refusing to have their 
children vaccinated (mostly Moslems) and other parents reading anti-vax 
crap on the internet so not getting their children vaccinated.”  I agree…..Carol

The UK has lost its World Health Organization ‘measles-free’ status

by New Scientist Staff and Press Association

Three years after the measles virus was eliminated from the UK, the country has lost its “measles-free” status with the World Health Organization, following 231 confirmed cases of the infection in the first quarter of 2019.

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for health leaders to renew their efforts to ensure 95 per cent of the population have had two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Current data suggests only 87.2 per cent of children receive the second dose of the vaccine, down from a high of 88.6 per cent during the 2014 to 2015 period.

“Measles is one of the most infectious diseases known to man – only one person travelling back to an area with lower vaccination rates can lead to an outbreak,” says Mary Ramsay, of the government agency Public Health England. “Anyone who has not received two doses of MMR vaccine is always at risk.”

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  1. Ms. Duff: About four months ago you posted two articles on measles. One had no comments while the other had 8. Mr. Greenhalgh was quick to label some posters “Crackpots” if they questioned the vaccination programs of government. Since this is an ongoing debate, and you agree with him, I urge you to post this article documenting serious criticisms of this program: This is a recent article published about a week ago. I think after you read this article you would not label the author a crackpot. I also posted two references recently documenting an alternative method to cure viral diseases by the late Fred Klenner, M.D. His efforts have been criminally stonewalled now by the FDA and other authorities for about 70 years and counting. As a medical professional yourself I am sure you would agree it is always better to have more than one way to solve problems. My post was deleted which is your prerogative but I urge you to post this one. Thank you. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

    • wjabbe, VT’s health policy is that it encourages vaccinations against disease. To not vaccinate can harm and even kill not only the person who is not vaccinated, but also anyone who is too young to be vaccinated, the debilitated, etc. You have no idea what the earth would be like without vaccines against polio, tetanus, hepatitis, measles, meningitis, etc. The cost of lives would be astronomical and the cost to treat someone for these diseases would bankrupt any family. An unvaccinated child in Oregon developed tetanus from a cut on his forehead and after the boy spent 54 days in hospital — 47 of them in intensive care and 17 more days in rehab, it took three and one half months for him to be back to his normal. The $811,929 bill did not cover air ambulance, rehab, and subsequent treatment. Money does not grow on trees…tetanus is a horrible disease, look it up for what the disease really does to the body, and most will not survive as this child did. The parents, after all the child went through, still opted to not vaccinate him. As per usual, having a disease will usually give you an immunity, so maybe no more tetanus illness but there are all those others out there. We wear seat belts to try to minimize deaths from car accidents. It is the law that you must wear a seat belt. The human body is frail and subject to all sorts of diseases, infections, etc. Vaccinations save lives. When you hear someone speak against vaccinations, he or she is going to try to capitalize on their misdirection. Carefully look into any of these individuals and you will find an agenda and it is usually based on greed…the almighty dollar. I can really say no more than vaccinations save lives….

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