Ben Shapiro, the Pussy Riot, and Vladimir Putin

We are certainly living in an irrational world, and it is the kind of world that people like Ben Shapiro are attempting project onto all of us.

Crimean people react at the Lenin Square in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 18 March 2014.

…by Jonas E. Alexis

Shapiro has been an intellectually and morally creepy Neocon clown from the very beginning of his ideological career. He has recently defended political whore and Israeli puppet John Bolton by saying that his firing from the White House was:

terrible… Bolton was correct about the Taliban; State wasn’t. Bolton has been a hawkish voice for a tough national security policy, and his ouster likely signals that Trump’s approach will be significantly softer from this point forward.”

Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say that Bolton should never have been in the White House in the first place precisely because he always wanted to drink the blood of precious people in the Middle East. He totally supported the disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. He also wanted America to bomb Iran for Israel. Remember the title of his article in the New York Times way back in 2015? “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran.”[1]

In any event, Shapiro is a classic example that shows that both the so-called “Left” and “Right” are meaningless political categories. Why do I say that? Well, Shapiro often summons “morality” in order to buttress his essentially Talmudic ideology.[2]

In his book Porn Generation, Shapiro even condemns Hollywood for selling sex to young and naïve teenagers. He writes: “Hollywood has embraced the graphic elements of pornography, [and] the moral relativism behind these themes has become an implicit message in nearly every major mass-market films. For films targeted at youth, these messages are often explicit.”[3]

So far, so good. But the interesting thing is that Shapiro supported the Pussy Riot in Russia,[4] a Trotskyite group that ended up producing pornography at the Moscow Zoological Museum.[5] Even Jewish lesbian Masha Gessen, who seemed to have never forgiven Russia for passing a law which implicitly challenges same-sex couples when it comes to raising adopted children,[6] admits that members of the Pussy Riot “had sex in the Biology of Museum and videotaped it. The action was called Fuck for the Heir Puppy Bear, a play on Dmitry Medvedev’s last name…”[7] The Guardian reported the same thing.[8]

So why in the world would Shapiro even remotely suggest that the Pussy Riot was acting according to the dictates of democracy and freedom? Why would he unequivocally support the band’s sexual act in a sacred place such as a cathedral? Well, if you go by the “Right” vs. the “Left” in America, Shapiro’s position is intellectually inexplicable because he claims to be a conservative. One has to go beyond mere political categories in order to understand the metaphysical issues here.[9]

Let us briefly say that Shapiro, like his intellectual grandfather Irving Kristol, is still imbibing the Jewish revolutionary spirit. So in order to fully understand this spirit, we must briefly talk about the subversive substratum that the Pussy Riot embraced. The Moscow-based newspaper, The eXile, which according to co-editor John Dolan “was conceived in sin,” declared that members of the group literally “stripped off their clothes and started fucking in the middle of Moscow’s Biology Museum in an act they called ‘Fuck For Medvedev!’ They managed to gather a few photographers and a banner, popped a bunch of Viagra, and fucked on the floor for about 10 minutes before getting thrown out.”[10]

Dolan, who wrote his Ph.D. thesis on Marquis de Sade at the University of California, couldn’t be more explicit.

Some of the members of the Pussy Riot were part of a group called “Voina,” which means “war” in Russian. Voina ended up “painting a 60-metre penis on St Petersburg’s Liteiny Bridge just in time for it to be raised in mocking glory over the town’s FSB (ex-KGB) headquarters. Entitled Dick Captured By the SFB, it remained in raised position for hours.”[11]

Members of the Pussy Riot

Voina has been called “Russia’s art terrorists” by the Guardian,[12] and other mainstream sources declared that it is “the most famous political artist group in Russia.”[13] The group was founded by two young Jewish revolutionaries, Oleg Vasilyev and his wife Natalia Sokol. Voina called the pornographic act in the Biological Museum “Pre-Election Orgie in Biological Museum.”[14] Voina, as the Guardian itself implied, got their ideological substratum from the Bolshevik Revolution.[15]

So it was inevitable that they would promote literal anarchy to get things done. In fact, Sokol promoted, produced, and performed in works such as “Cock in the Ass,” “Leo the Fucknut is Our President!,” “Dick Captured by KGB,” etc.[16] Even the Washington Post, of all places, had to admit that “Russian art group Voina uses often-illegal means to spread anti-state message.”[17] Voina, said the Post, weaponized “performance art, turning it into a tool to terrorize the state.”[18] The group was

“performing anti-state, anti-authoritarian, frequently violent and patently illegal acts as artworks. They hosted a sit-down dinner party on a Moscow subway train, performed public sex acts in a museum, staged a mock execution in a grocery store and have otherwise intimidated the public square — even, and perhaps most notoriously, going so far as to throw cats at McDonald’s employees to celebrate International Workers’ Day. As an art collective, Voina is testing the boundaries of performance art. As activists, they are testing the patience of Russian authorities.”[19]

Oleg Vorotnikov declared: “Voina is waging a relentless struggle against the current Russian authorities.”[20] Voina, according to the Post, admitted that they violently attacked officers. “Last Sept. 16, Voina staged “Palace Revolution,” an action in St. Petersburg in which members of the art collective overturned police cars.” It got worse:

“On 1 May 2007, Voina staged a celebration of International Worker’s Day, entitled Mordovian Hour, by throwing live cats over the counters at the McDonald’s restaurant at Serpukhovskaya, Moscow, ‘to break up the drudgery of workers’ routine day…’ On 6 May 2008 Voina activists, entered a small police station in Bolshevo near Moscow. They hung a portrait of Dmitri Medvedev on the prison bars, and hung posters with phrases such as ‘Kill the immigrants’ and ‘Abandon hope all ye who enter here.’

“On 3 July 2008 Oleg Vorotnikov wore the robe of a Russian Orthodox priest and the hat of a police officer, entered a supermarket, then left without paying for a full cart of groceries, to demonstrate the ‘invulnerability’ of these groups. A female Voina activist nicknamed ‘Vacuous Cunt With Inconceivably Huge Tits’ removed a chicken from the refrigerated section of the supermarket, then laboriously stuffed the entire chicken into her own vagina, while being filmed by other Voina members. She then shoplifted the chicken by leaving the supermarket without paying, with the chicken still inserted, and rejoined protesters outside the store.”[21]

Obviously the Pussy Riot has no place in the moral debate. But once you lose your moral and intellectual ground, your only recourses are hoaxes, fabrications, deceptions, and just plain lies. But because Nadezhda Tolokonnikova’s ideology is Trotskyism in sheep’s clothing, she is confused and cannot get a rational thought in her head. She declares that “Freedom is at the core of [the band’s] ideology, and our concept of freedom is a Western one. This is a fight for the right definition of freedom.”[22]

Since Tolokonnikova is a student of philosophy, it would be wise of her to pick up a copy of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason and Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals and tries to wrestle with some of those ideas for a while. Tolokonnikova obviously does not understand that a person is not free to do that which is morally and politically wrong.

For Tolokonnikova, a person has to follow his sexual passion or appetite to its zenith if he so chooses. If his sexual passion ends up killing him, as in the case of Oscar Wilde or Michel Foucault or more recently John Boswell, then so be it. If his violent act ends up disturbing much of the population—as in the case the Pussy Riot singing blaspheme things such as “Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feminist” at the Christ the Cathedral Savior—then that should be applauded and respected. If a member of Voina by the name of Yelena Kostyleva ends up stealing a whole raw chicken from a supermarket and then sticking it into her vagina,[23] then that should be tolerated.

When asked the question “What does Pussy Riot hope to achieve?,” Tolokonnikova, then only twenty-three years old, responded: “A revolution in Russia…  I want to destroy the things I consider the greatest evils. And I’m doing this by putting my ideas of freedom and feminism into practice…I love Russia, but I hate Putin.”[24] Tolokonnikova, who studied philosophy at Moscow State University, simply couldn’t expunge the idea of subversive revolution from her mind.

As it turns out, Tolokonnikova’s hatred toward Putin stems from Putin’s strong support for the Orthodox Church. Tolokonnikova declares that the Russian Orthodox Church “turns women into slaves, and Putin’s ideology of ‘sovereign democracy’ aspires in the same direction. Both reject everything Western, including feminism.”[25]

Tolokonnikova even called the church’s patriarchs “bitches.” This is very common among Jewish revolutionaries. (Christopher Hitchens was no less sympathetic to Mother Teresa when he said that Mother Theresa was a “bitch.”[26]) But Tolokonnikova contradicted herself by saying that her video performance was “hardly the kind of thing to hurt religious feelings.”[27] As Putin humorously put it, I wonder what would have happened to her and the band if they did the same thing in a Synagogue in Israel or any country in the West.

The Fundamental Issue

What we are saying here is that for Ben Shapiro to invoke “moral purpose” to say that the West is great in his recent book, The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great, is simply window dressing. For Shapiro, the Pussy Riot was obviously perpetuating democracy and freedom. And people like Madonna, Paul McCartney, Sting, among others, had every right to stand up “to a dictator,” namely, Vladimir Putin. This is Shapiro at his best:

“The question isn’t why these artists would stand up for Pussy Riot. It’s the right thing to do. No matter what your religious belief system, no matter how you feel about blasphemy in a church, there’s no excuse for jailing political dissidents for exercising the right to free speech…. Putin is a macho emblem of brusque disregard for human rights; he’s allied with a Christian religious institution.”[28]

Shapiro and other Jewish Neocons do not believe in morality at all. We wouldn’t have the war in Iraq if morality was the metaphysical issue—and Shapiro, as a Jewish Neocon, was a strong proponent of that particular war. In a 2005 article entitled, “Why war in Iraq is right for America,” Shapiro unequivocally stated:

“Did Iraq pose an immediate threat to our nation? Perhaps not. But toppling Saddam Hussein and democratizing Iraq prevent his future ascendance and end his material support for future threats globally. The same principle holds true for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and others: Pre-emption is the chief weapon of a global empire.

“No one said empire was easy, but it is right and good, both for Americans and for the world. Forwarding freedom is always important, but it is especially important where doing so ensures America’s future security — as in Iraq. Maintaining American empire will require Americans to recognize the dangers of impatient isolationism.”[29]

Vladimir Putin actually witnessed what America did in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, and it was precisely for this reason why he supported the Assad government in Syria. In one speech after another, Putin argued that whenever New World Order agents “need to justify illegal intervention” to topple “inconvenient regimes,” they use all kinds of illegal activities under the flavor of “democracy” and “freedom” and “blackmail” any leader who disagrees with them. He added:

“It is not for nothing that ‘big brother’ [obviously the United States] is spending billions of dollars on keeping the whole world, including its own closest allies, under surveillance.”

Putin again nailed it by saying that the New World Order ideology has produced nothing but chaos in the universe:

“Instead of settling conflicts it leads to their escalation, instead of sovereign and stable states we see the growing spread of chaos, and instead of democracy there is support for a very dubious public ranging from open neo-fascists to Islamic radicals. Why do they support such people?

“They do this because they decide to use them as instruments along the way in achieving their goals but then burn their fingers and recoil. I never cease to be amazed by the way that our partners just keep stepping on the same rake, as we say here in Russia, that is to say, make the same mistake over and over.”

What Putin is saying is that New World Order agents like Ben Shapiro deliberately delude themselves into thinking that they are acting rationally, when in fact their evil work has been exposed over and over. “Double standards,” Putin argued, is not and never has been the way to move forward.

“Our partners expressed agreement, but a little time passed and we ended up back where we started. First there was the military operation in Iraq, then in Libya, which got pushed to the brink of falling apart. Why was Libya pushed into this situation? Today it is a country in danger of breaking apart and has become a training ground for terrorists.”

After exposing the so-called Syrian rebels as a terrorist cell, after linking them with other terrorists such as ISIS, Putin added:

“In Iraq, after Saddam Hussein was toppled, the state’s institutions, including the army, were left in ruins. We said back then, be very, very careful. You are driving people out into the street, and what will they do there? What was the result? Tens of thousands of soldiers, officers and former Baath Party activists were turned out into the streets and today have joined the rebels’ ranks.

“Perhaps this is what explains why the Islamic State group has turned out so effective? Russia warned repeatedly about the dangers of unilateral military actions, intervening in sovereign states’ affairs, and flirting with extremists and radicals. We insisted on having the groups fighting the central Syrian government, above all the Islamic State, included on the lists of terrorist organizations. But did we see any results? We appealed in vain.”

Putin pulled the New World Order cat out of the bag by saying: “This kind of unstable construction has shown its inability to fight the real threats such as regional conflicts, terrorism, drug trafficking, religious fanaticism, chauvinism and neo-Nazism. At the same time, it has opened the road wide for inflated national pride, manipulating public opinion and letting the strong bully and suppress the weak.” New World Order agents, Putin said, are “increasingly divorced from reality and are in contradiction with the world’s diversity.”[30]

Here we are seeing that Vladimir Putin finds himself squaring off with Neocon hotheads like Ben Shapiro, who has recently declared in his new book that Putin is a “modern Russian dictator” and a “former KGB officer.”[31]

What is so interesting about all this is that Shapiro will never say that Irving Kristol, who founded the Neoconservative movement, was a former Trotskyite in college. In fact, Kristol proudly admitted that the “honor I most prized was the fact that I was a member in good standing of the [Trotskyist] Young People’s Socialist League (Fourth International).”[32]

It is historically safe to say that the Neoconservative movement sprung out of Trotskyism. Former Neoconservative luminary Francis Fukuyama of Stanford (formerly of Johns Hopkins) compares the neoconservative movement to Leninism. Neoconservatism, according to Fukuyama, is the reincarnation to some extent of both Leninism and Bolshevism.[33]

So is Shapiro really making sense when he continues to say that Putin is a former KGB when former Trotskyites are running American foreign policy? Why doesn’t he tell his audience that Vladimir Putin confesses to be a Christian?

Leaving that aside, Shapiro never misses an opportunity to lambast Putin. “Putin is a tyrant who murders or imprisons political rivals, and who isn’t afraid to use electoral manipulation in order to achieve Kim-family–like results,” he said in the National Review.[34]

This is completely nonsense. The simple fact is that Putin has resisted Shapiro’s essentially Talmudic ideology in the Middle East, and Shapiro could never look at himself in the mirror and see how the Iraq war itself has led to one disaster after another. This war eventually gave America a six-dollar debt.[35] The same war made former soldiers disillusioned as well.[36] Let’s just lay some historical facts here about the disaster.

When the war was over, sectarian violence and car bombings were rampant—almost every day. When Mark Kukis went to Iraq to report on what happened, he said he heard two to five car bombs every day.[37] The Iraq war, says Kukis, shook the entire nation and created havoc even by 2006.[38] Factions of society that once coexisted were dismantled.

In a nutshell, Iraq was in exponential decay. Buildings and farmlands were destroyed.[39] And the fringe benefits of the war? Between 300,000 and 360,000 veterans returned home with brain injuries,[40] some of which went untreated.[41] In 2005, more than 6,000 suicides took place among our soldiers serving in Iraq.[42]

By 2012, more soldiers committed suicide than died in combat,[43] making it the year with the highest suicide rate since 2001.[44] Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this does not contribute to the economic growth. Shane Gill, a thirty-three-year-old high school teacher in New York, found himself in an economic matrix where escape is not an option.

Gill owes the federal government nearly $45,000, and his parents $40,000. Gill does not have a car, does not own a home, and is not married precisely because he cannot afford the luxury. He laments, “There’s this anxiety: what if I decided I wanted to get married or have children? I don’t know how I would. And that adds to the sense of precariousness. There’s a persistent, buzzing kind of toothache around it.”[45] What if the government did use the six-trillion dollars to support people like Gill?

Since apparently we need to police just about every country in the Middle East for Israel, we need to assign billions of dollars for defense. Therefore, by the end of 2012, the United States signed a defense spending bill for 2013 that will cost $633 billion.[46]

Homelessness among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans has more than doubled, and by the fall of 2012, it was reported that at least “26,531 were living on the streets, at risk of losing their homes, staying in temporary housing or receiving federal vouchers to pay rent.” In addition, about 307,000 soldiers want to leave the military.[47] About 360,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are also dealing with injuries, many of them severe.[48]

Ben Shapiro and Sodomy at Abu Ghraib

Let us not forget that the Iraq war also produced sodomy at Abu Ghraib.[49] Forcing prisoners to have sex with one another and sodomizing teenagers were fair game. One prisoner testified that he saw one officer

“fucking a kid, his age would be about 15-18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [name blacked out], who was wearing the military uniform putting his dick in the little kid’s ass. I couldn’t see the face of the kid because his face wasn’t in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures.”[50]

Torture was also routine in Afghanistan, where adolescents were beaten with hoses “and pipes and threats of sodomy.”[51] These acts were not done in the dark. Cambridge University published similar reports in a book that is more than 1200 pages long.[52] These acts were also testified to by psychiatrists such as Terry Kupers.[53]

So what was Ben Shapiro’s response to all of this? Listen to him: “Why the need for the press to trumpet this news as though civilians had never been slain in the history of modern combat? Why the constant reminders of Abu Ghraib? Why the continuous focus on what Americans have done wrong, rather than what we’re doing right?”[54]

What we are seeing here is that the Soviet/Jewish Gulag is over, but the Jewish Gulag shifted geographical locations. So for Shapiro to insidiously wiggle out of this body of scholarship and then declare that Putin is the real villain is complete dishonesty. If one Synagogue gets disrupted in Europe or America, everyone has to know that. But if soldiers rape civilians at Abu Ghraib, then we all have to focus on what America is doing “right” in the Middle East.

Neocon puppet Dinesh D’Souza came up with something very close to that effect. He wrote in The Enemy at Home: “[Jewish Neocon] historian Bernard Lewis has pointed out that compared to prisons throughout the Arab world, Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib are like Disneyland.”[55]

But if you think that D’Souza was crossing some kind of a Rubicon known as stupidity, then you ain’t seen nothing yet. “Abu Ghraib did not reflect the shared values of America,” wrote D’Sousa way back in 2007, “it reflected the sexual immodesty of liberal America.”[56]

Not only so-called “Leftists” ought to take responsibility for being fascists and Neo-Nazis, say D’Souza in his book The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Root of the American Left, but they ought to take responsibility for what happened in Iraq as well! If that is not the zenith of craziness, what is?

We are certainly living in an irrational world, and it is the kind of world that people like Ben Shapiro are attempting project onto all of us. It perfectly fits with the kind of Jewish privilege that E. Michael Jones has recently talked about.

  • [1] John R. Bolton, “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran,” NY Times, March 26, 2015.
  • [2] Ben Shapiro, Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV (New York: Broadside Books, 2011), 328.
  • [3] Ben Shapiro, Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future (Washington: Regnery Publishing, 2005), kindle edition.
  • [4] Ben Shapiro, “Will Hollywood Riot for Pussy Riot?,” FrontPage Magazine, August 20, 2012.
  • [5]
  • [6] Isaac Chotiner, “Totalitarianism 2.0,” Slate, October 11, 2017.
  • [7] Masha Gessen, Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot (New York: Riverhead Books, 2014), 40.
  • [8]  Miriam Elder, “Pussy Riot profile: Nadezhda Tolokonnikova,” Guardian, August 8, 2012.
  • [9] This is where E. Michael Jones’ monumental book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History came in.
  • [10]
  • [11] Nick Sturdee, “Don’t Raise the Bridge: Voina, Russia’s Art Terrorists,” Guardian, April 12, 2011.
  • [12] Ibid.
  • [13]
  • [14] Ibid.
  • [15] Nick Sturdee, “Don’t Raise the Bridge: Voina, Russia’s Art Terrorists,” Guardian, April 12, 2011.
  • [16]
  • [17] Kriston Capps, “Russian art group Voina uses often-illegal means to spread anti-state message,” Washington Post, April 2, 2011.
  • [18] Ibid.
  • [19] Ibid.
  • [20] Ibid.
  • [21]; The Washington Post and the LA Times also did short reports on this. Kriston Capps, “Russian Art Group Voina Uses Often-Illegal Means to Spread Anti-State Message,” Washington Post, April 1, 2011; Russian documentary captures anti-Putin pranksters in action,” LA Times, March 4, 2012.
  • [22] “I Love Russia, But I Hate Putin,” Spiegel, September 3, 2013.
  • [23] Shaun Walker, “Pussy Riot’s tour of Sochi: arrests, protests – and whipping by Cossacks,” Guardian, February 20, 2014.
  • [24] “Interview with Pussy Riot Leader: ‘I Love Russia, But I Hate Putin,’” Spiegel International, September 3, 2013.
  • [25] Ibid.
  • [26] See for example Alister McGrath, Why God Won’t Go Away (London: SPCK, 2011), 25, 96.
  • [27] “Interview with Pussy Riot Leader: ‘I Love Russia, But I Hate Putin,’” Spiegel International, September 3, 2013.
  • [28] Ben Shapiro, “Will Hollywood Riot for Pussy Riot?,” FrontPage Magazine, August 20, 2012.
  • [29] Ben Shapiro, “Why war in Iraq is right for America,”, August 10, 2005.
  • [30]
  • [31] Ben Shapiro, The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great (New York: HarperCollins, 2019), 153.
  • [32] Stephen Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 43.
  • [33] Francis Fukuyama, “After Neoconservatism,” NY Times, February 19, 2006.
  • [34] Ben Shapiro, “Putin and the Cult of Leadership,” National Review, March 20, 2018.
  • [35] Ernesto Londono, “Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion,” Washington Post, March 28, 2013; Bob Dreyfuss, The $6 Trillion Wars,” The Nation, March 29, 2013; “Iraq War Cost U.S. More Than $2 Trillion, Could Grow to $6 Trillion, Says Watson Institute Study,” Huffington Post, May 14, 2013; Mark Thompson, “The $5 Trillion War on Terror,” Time, June 29, 2011; “Iraq war cost: $6 trillion. What else could have been done?,” LA Times, March 18, 2013.
  • [36] Benjamin Percy, “On the Ground,” NY Times, October 4, 2012.
  • [37] Mark Kukis, Voices from Iraq: A People’s History, 2003-2009 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011),
  • [38] Ibid., xiv.
  • [39] Ibid.
  • [40] Gregg Zoroya, “360,000 Veterans May Have Brain Injuries,” USA Today, March 5, 3009; Denise Grady, “Brain Injuries Are Seen in New Scans of Veterans,” NY Times, June 1, 2011; “Mental Health Injuries Scar 300,000 U.S. Troops,” MSNBC, April 17, 2008.
  • [41] Lizette Alvarez, “War Veterans’ Concussions Are Often Overlooked,” NY Times, August 25, 2008.
  • [42] Armen Keteyian, “VA Hid Suicide Risk, Internal Emails Show,” CBC News, July 30, 2010.
  • [43] Allison Churchill, “The Military Is Losing More Troops to Suicide than Combat,” Business Insider, October 25, 2012; Helen Pow, “More U.S. Troops Committing Suicide Than Being Killed Fighting in Afghanistan in ‘Tough Year’ for Armed Services,” Daily Mail, October 24, 2012.
  • [44] Kelley Vlahos, “Surviving War, Falling to Suicide,” American Conservative, January 1, 2012; for other similar stories, see also James Dao and Andrew W. Lehren, “Baffling Rise in Suicides Plagues the U.S. Military,” NY Times, May 15, 2013.
  • [45] Annie Lowrey, “Student Debt Slows Growth as Young Spend Less,” NY Times, May 10, 2013.
  • [46] See for example David Alexander, “House Approves Bill Authorizing $633 Billion in Defense Spending,” Chicago Tribune, December 20, 2012; Dave Boyer, “Obama Signs Defense Measure he Once Vowed to Veto,” Washington Time, January 3, 2013.
  • [47] Gregg Zoroya, “Homeless, At-Risk Veterans Double,” USA Today, December 27, 2012.
  • [48] Kelley Vlahos, “surviving War, Falling to Suicide,” American Conservative, January 1, 2013.
  • [49] See for example Karen J. Greenberg, et al., The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005); Shadi Mokhtari, After Abu Ghraib: Exploring Human Rights in America and the Middle East(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011); Jameel Jaffer and Amrit Singh, Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007); Seymour M. Hersh, “The General’s Report,” The New Yorker, June 25, 2007;  Julian Borger, “U.S. General Linked to Abu Ghraib Abuse,” The Guardian, May 22, 2004; Luke Harding, “After Abu Ghraib,” The Guardian, September 20, 2004; Luke Harding, “Focus Shifts to Jail Abuse of Women,” Guardian, May 12, 2004; Philip Gourevitch and Errol Morris, “Exposure: The Women Behind the Camera at Abu Ghraib,” The New Yorker, March 24, 2008; Michael Otterman, American Torture: From the Cold War to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (Australia: Melbourne University Press, 2007), see chapters 9 and 10; Philippe Sands, Torture Team: Rumsfeld’s Memo and the Betrayal of American Values (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), 14-16; Jane Mayer, The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals (New York: Anchor Books, 2009); Maggie O’Kane, Teresa Smith, et al., “The Torture Trail: What Did General Petraeus’s Special Advisor, James Steele, Know?” The Guardian, October 23, 2010; David Leigh, “Iraq War Logs: Prisoner Beaten to Death Days after British Handover to Police,” The Guardian, October 28, 2010; David Leigh and Maggie O’Kane, “Iraq War Logs: U.S. Turned Over Captives to Iraqi Torture Squads,” The Guardian, October 24, 2010; Nick Davies, Jonathan Steele and David Leigh, “Iraq War Logs: Secret Files Show How U.S. Ignored Torture,” The Guardian, October 22, 2010; Mark Danner, Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (New York: New York Review of Books, 2004).
  • [50] Mark Danner, Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror (New York: New York Review of Books, 2004), 243.
  • [51] See for example Alissa J. Rubin, “Anti-Torture Efforts in Afghanistan Failed, U.N. Says,” NY Times, January 20, 2013.
  • [52] Karen J. Geenberg and Joshua L. Dratel, eds., The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
  • [53] See for example Lila Rajiva, The Language of Empire: Abu Ghraib and the American Media (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2005), 167.
  • [54] Ben Shapiro, “Mainstream media’s Memorial Day massacre,”, May 31, 2006.
  • [55] Dines D’Souza, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 (New York: Broadway Books, 2007), 84.
  • [56] Ibid., 151.


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  1. Ben Shapiro is a small hat homosexual freak who is being groomed to take someone’s place on national TV, maybe Tucker Carlson. He even tires to sound like him in his delivery, but with his squeaky voice, and delivery he can’t do.

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