…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
We know Saudi Arabia asked Russia, months ago, to sell them an S400 missile system. This is a certainty. We also know that Saudi Arabia wanted it because they believed Israel would attack their oil facilities using planes Saudi Arabia can’t see, to blame it on Iran.
That’s also why Trump started talking, 24 hours before, with Israel about a mutual defense pact, one with a borderless state, no constitution, in violation of endless UN resolutions, murdering its own Arab population en masse for nearly 70 years.
We know who did it. Israel sent F35’s across Saudi Arabia, bombed the vast refinery complex. Even Iran is afraid to tell the truth as we see in Press TV:
“Tehran has dismissed the US’s claim of Iranian involvement in the recent Yemeni drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities, saying Washington seems to be shifting from a failed campaign of “maximum pressure” to one of “maximum lying” and “deceit” against the Islamic Republic.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded in a tweet on Sunday to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s claim that Tehran had “launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply” and “is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia.”
Pompeo’s rant came after Yemeni armed forces conducted a large-scale drone operation on Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facilities in response to Riyadh’s years-long military aggression, causing a partial halt in crude and gas production from the world’s top oil exporter.
The top US diplomat, however, failed short of offering any evidence to substantiate his claim.”
The key problem hit only days ago when Netanyahu promised to annex part of the West Bank, the Palestinian State, to Israel. This was a “deal breaker” for both Russia and Saudi Arabia. We always ask the questions, whether national leaders are compromised. Look at Trump in “drag” with gay companion Roy Cohn:

It has come down to this. Was this Bolton’s last hurrah? Except, we see Pompeo, “Bolton Jr” is still around, part of the “poisonous toad” lobby that surrounds Trump.
But with Trump advocating an American military presence inside not just Israel but the occupied territories as well and the US of American military directly defending Israel from retribution for their attacks on other nations, America couldn’t possibly face a worse disaster.
This is from the Jerusalem Post, not an Arab news source or “the internet.”…Gordon
The controversy between Israel and Russia regarding airstrikes of Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq continues, despite the meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported on Friday by Independent Arabia.
According to the report, Moscow has prevented three Israeli air strikes on three Syrian outposts recently, and even threatened that any jets attempting such a thing would be shot down, either by Russian jets or by the S-400 anti-aircraft missiles.
The source cited in the report claims a similar situation has happened twice – and that during August, Moscow stopped an air strike on a Syrian outpost in Qasioun, where a S-300 missile battery is placed.
The British-Arabic news outlet reported that Netanyahu tried to present a positive message of the cooperation between the two countries and even tried to use it for his election campaign, but it didn’t work. Israeli sources who have spoken with the newspaper called the meeting “a failure.”
They claimed that everything regarding the air strikes in Iraq and Syria, since they were in the public eye, embarrassed the Russians terribly in the eyes of their allies in the area – Syria, Iran and the militias that support them.
The Russian source said: “Putin has expressed his dissatisfaction from Israel’s latest actions in Lebanon,” and even emphasized to Netanyahu that he “rejects the aggression towards Lebanon’s sovereignty,” something which had never been heard from him.
Putin further stated that someone is cheating him in regards to Syria and Lebanon, and that he will not let it go without a response. According to him, Netanyahu was warned not to strike such targets in the future.
The news website added that more Israeli sources have said similar things on the subject and that the visit was meant to reduce the severity of the controversy.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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Last night I tried to post this article to FB with the tag line ‘The 1st casualty of war is truth’, and FB refused to post it saying it violated community standards. Can anyone tell me how or, what standard that might be?
Amusing that it seems that none of the expensive US built defence systems activated. I would have expected that with missiles. Looks increasingly like the Israelis are trying to ferment a conflict.
Greece acquired and operated an older version of the S300 system which is very different to the S400. Besides that the Russians don’t offer the latest kit for export. They offer the S400 as they are transitioning to the S500.
First of all Gordon, that was a fantastic article. The fact that Saudia had previously requested these missiles, says quite a bit. Great article!! I remember reading that and was wondering why Saudi really wanted to deal with Russia.Normally they purchase from the US. You have explained it.
Now that being said, Iran has stated publicly time and time again that it wants to destroy Israel and it is non-negotiable. Now what kind of statement is that. Seriously, non-negotiable. If this is really true, put yourself in Israel’s position. How would you feel?
Perhaps you can first see if this is really true…what is being reported about Iran. Are they really saying this? And is there a way to reverse this sentiment or at least make that it is negotiable or some peace plan. Because it is not good anywhere at anytime if one party wants to destroy another. This is not healthy for anybody. HELP!!!!
Make a statement: buy and wear an authentic Kufiya, made in Palestine.
Seems to be a bit out of the range of F-35, but may be with some external fuel.
But there is still the old way, like Israel did it again and again from Lebanon to Syria: F-15 with Spice 250.
NYT knows that the attack came from north or northwest . . .
And let’s hope, Germany is good enough in ‘passive radar’ (nothing is invisible below 2 GHz), not to be attacked by Poland !
So we see, what we knew for long: Stealth was developed only to cheat US’ own Partners, is only invisible for their US- Radars !
While it was not unexpected it is disgusting how Israel Lover Trump totally bent over and sold out to these world outlaws in Israel. There was a recent report where he even converted to Judaism in a “secret” NY ceremony. Imagine that, Trump got “religion” after being a documented pathological liar by the late Wayne Barrett, top investigative journalist in NY. Trump even tried to bribe Barrett but when that failed he tried to threaten him. Trump is a NY gangster crook who got “elected” president. What a total joke this country has degenerated into. Trump obviously gets his kicks out of bullying others. I bet there will be no charges brought against him when he leaves office as is the obvious policy with the early crooks. Former Presidents can do basically anything they want and will not be held to account by the corrupt InJustice Department of lying lawyers.
Look at Slick Willie: Has he had to face any charges? Imagine all the dirt on him known by the Secret Service Agents too! They probably get to watch him screwing every day. How about that Crook named Bush and the obscenity of protecting him with paid armed guards. This country is gone folks. How much more proof do you need? Americans are so stupid and brainwashed they will all end up in Concentration Camps before they realize they have lost all their rights and freedoms. Americans today don’t deserve what little freedom they have anyway.
We can accept that Trump might had been a gay-toy, but the picture above does not resemble him. Trump has thicker eyebrows and a shorter neck. His eyebrows flare upwards in the middle. I loathe Trump, don’t get me wrong. As for Israel, both Greenblatt and Bolton stepped down to portray Trump as an America-First peace-maker, when he could very well be the Anti-Christ in waiting after Israel unleashes Armageddon with false flags that it will pin on Iran. With Russia & China on Iran’s corner, Israel has slung the noose around its own neck.
Putin is now front and center world stage: Will he act to teach Netanyahu and Israel a lesson they won’t soon forget? This would mean a severe attack on every and all military targets in Israel. This is the only kind of language these crooks in Israel might understand. They obviously think they can do as they please in the world with no consequences.
These are some slow arrogant learners in Israel.
Remember what the U.S. did at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan following WWII? Isn’t this the only kind of lesson the bullies in Israel might understand? Even every school teacher knows not to indulge a bully. They also must be disarmed of their illegal stolen nukes too. Consider the damage these crooks could do world wide with these nukes.
The late Dr. Edward Said, of Columbia University, himself a Palestinian born expat, with Brian Lamb, on “Book TV”, C-SPAN, from April, 2001. He disputes the popular notion that Israel was the region’s only “democracy”, also citing lack of a constitution, no defined borders, and that no non-Jew in Israel can own or lease land.
…beginning at @ the 33 minute mark of the video.
Thanks Ed, This is how we always wanted the comment boards to operate, getting diverse and good feedback and adding to what we can learn so we can fight better.
In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King. The continuing perpetual Psychodrama of IsraHell (the Terrorist Nation) continues. A country that doesn’t even have a Constitution & yet people so ignorant they continue supporting it w/o any knowledge of it.
Does not Israel follow the philosophy: “An eye for an eye?” Of course these hypocrites do not want to have their eyes blinded do they? This philosophy only refers to the eyes of others they hate on Planet Earth which is nearly all others on the planet no? Is there any civilized way to deal with land thieves who are upset with victims who complain about their lands stolen by Israel? The United Nations has been and is totally worthless in this long running dispute. Why Israel even did 9/11/01 to the U.S. but the whores in Congress still give them $3 billion a year and run up our massive trillion dollar debt paid off with illegal drug sales from Afghanistan world wide. All of Congress is bribed or more by criminals in Israel to do their bidding. Why Israel even seeks to outlaw BDS where the right to boycott is the oldest non violent way to express displeasure with these international outlaws. When will it become acceptable for the rest of the world to treat them as they treat us? Isn’t the time NOW?
Here is a great article about frontier justice in the early part of our country when a circuit judge might only arrive once a year:
Quote: “There ain’t nothing lower than a horse thief!”
“To me, one of the lowest life forms on earth is a horse thief! And I’m not alone these days, but it’s nothing new.
Many folks in the Old West thought so, after all being afoot in the west meant ruin or death. Back then a horse was not a pet, he was a tool and just maybe companion. But for certain, a horse could definitely be a part of your livelihood.
To many, a horse not only meant transportation, but more importantly something you had to have in order to work and make a living. If you were a farmer or a rancher and your horses were stolen, then that criminal act could mean the end to your farm or problems herding cattle and working the range. “
Isn’t the time long overdue for treating Israel like we did horse thieves in the West during the early period of our country?
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