Iranian scientist back home after one year in US jail


Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett. VT Editor

Masoud Soleimani received a warm welcome in Tehran by his family members and Iranian officials. Soleimani left Iran on a sabbatical last year. But he was detained upon arrival in Chicago and transferred to a prison in Georgia.


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  1. The fools running the U.S. don’t need to be arresting a good scientist from Iran on fraudulent charges. All they need to do is arrest all the Cancer Generals of the failed war on cancer who have squandered upwards of $1 trillion since 1971 on the failed war on cancer but can’t even tell you what cancer is, let alone how to cure and prevent it in the human body! About one person dies every minute either from cancer, treatment or both. What a shameful disgrace. These ignorant fools have also been obstructing the seminal discoveries of the greatest biochemist of the 20th Century in Germany on cancer, the great Otto H. Warburg, M.D., Ph.D., who proved the prime cause of cancer to be oxygen deficiency to living cells as early as the 1920’s! Arrest and jail all the criminal Cancer Generals of the failed war on cancer. It is all about a five letter obscene word MONEY! They are making too much MONEY with their worthless cancer treatments which kill more patients than they help. Otto Warburg was nominated for 3 Nobel Prizes and published over 500 scientific papers and books! He died in 1970.

    • Read this great book documenting all this by Brian Peskin, E.E.: “The Hidden Story of Cancer”, 2010, Houston, TX, available at Amazon. Otto Warburg was nominated the solo Nobel Prize in medicine in 1931 and was nominated for the 1926 Nobel Prize but was given to Fibiger whose work was shown to be wrong, and awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize but denied by Hitler’s decree.

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