Trumpworld: Google Earth scrubs massive homeless city in California (video)

America is filled with shanty towns springing up everywhere. But Google is erasing them. Why?


…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

[ Editor’s Note: Inquiring minds would like to ask Google if erasing poverty off of its images has been turned into a revenue stream, as in businesses in these areas who don’t want the world to see the conditions of people around them will pay Google to do their substitute reality voodooJim W. Dean ]

Trumpworld: Google Earth scrubs massive homeless city in California

– First published … December 17, 2019

America is filled with shanty towns, they are springing up everywhere but Google Corporation has chosen to erase them from the planet by visually “delisting” them using their usual fakery.

We see the cutting off Streetview options where tent cities are seen, using CGI to erase them from overhead…

Google missed wiping these, on streetview but not visible from above
tents??? same place, same day


Center of shanty town, faked by Google Earth

Center of shanty town, faked by Google Earth

Street view cut off, access blocked…as seen through cut blue lines


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  1. thanks to the cabal/families/mafias created by certain elites (but the very masters are very few families, strangely all zionist) world situation are worsening very fast, an huge crisis will arrive and the face of the economies will change completely, that cabal will take advantages from all of that enriching much more than they are,undermining capacity of nations to be sovereign at home.
    The homeless situation is only one minimal aspect of what we will see in future, a complete implosion of many national economies and for our fortune Russia and China will emerge from that attempt to create a new world order very very worse than the world of today, which is not tolerable also in what we see now.

  2. If “climate activists” were serious, they sure as hell would not be inviting everyone on Earth to move to its most notorious carbon emitter, which is EXACTLY what open borders does.

    They obviously have another agenda, and we know what it is.

  3. “America is filled with shanty towns, they are springing up everywhere…” – GD

    I have not come across any in the Upper Midwest – would be shanty towns full of frozen corpses after every cold spell. Believe the homeless migrate to warmer climes, or those who cannot find an open shelter go to the morgue where they are likely not recorded if no one officially reports them missing.

  4. This is nothing compared to LA county. Politicians do nothing so it gets worse. Notice all the chemtrails as well. America 2019

  5. What is happening all over America is corporations buying up all rental property and jacking up rents to what the market can bare combined with a 40 year low in the construction of rental property as the corporations control the rental market and construction markets since restricting affordable housing benefits the few owners!

    Gone are the days of the mom and pop landlords as this video itself is propaganda to shift the blame from the real cause which is corporate rule on to the moral failures of the people! The GOP are slaves to the owners of these rental properties and the disgusting boomers that vote them in….

  6. Anaheim don’t look so bad really when you consider other areas like the Congressional Districk of one Maxine Waters a little to the west in California. Maxine, heaven between her and all discomfort, lives in a $4 million pad elsewhere because if you work in the Swamp you need your creature comforts and don’t need to be reminded of just who elected you and what country you actually support and live in. You don’t have to look at the video of Los Angeles because Anaheim has blue skies and sunshine – like they got all over South America. Home from home!

  7. There hasn’t been a proper welfare system in the US since Reagan took office and decided to close the psychiatrist hospitals letting the patients into the streets and ultimately shipped off to California. So I don’t know what welfare system or what’s left of which one it is that you’re talking about.
    Not taxing of the 1% and taking the taxpayers money for endless wars preceded all the refugee crisis that

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