Richard Spencer gives up on Trump

“To the people of Iran, there are millions of Americans who do not want war, who do not hate you, and who respect your nation and its history. After our traitorous elite is brought to justice, we hope to achieve peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness.”


…by Jonas E. Alexis

Richard Spencer has recently tweeted that Trump is no longer leading the white nationalist movement to victory, as he once believed a few years ago. “I deeply regret voting for and promoting Donald Trump in 2016,” he said.[1] Obviously there is not going to be a “party like it’s 1933,” as Spencer once asserted.[2] We won’t see Spencer’s “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” anymore.

Spencer continued: “To the people of Iran, there are millions of Americans who do not want war, who do not hate you, and who respect your nation and its history. After our traitorous elite is brought to justice, we hope to achieve peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness.”[3]

I totally agree with Spencer here. One can easily say that the vast majority of Americans do not want perpetual wars in the Middle East. The military industrial complex, the warmongers in Washington, the Israeli Lobby, and the Deep State always want trouble in the region because they want to justify their ideological or diabolical existence. As we have mentioned in an earlier article, take Benjamin Netanyahu. He unequivocally wrote in his 1995-book Fighting Terrorism:

The best estimate at this time place Iran between three and five years away from possessing the prerequisites required for the independent production of nuclear weapons. After this time, the Iranian Islamic republic will have the ability to construct atomic weapons without the importation of materials or technology from abroad.”[4]

Netanyahu is still running around like a hyena and saying crazy things like Iran is “the most dangerous terrorist state.”[5] Netanyahu, like a mad man, constantly lies about Iran. Since he cannot submit his political appetite to the moral order, he has to come up with crazy and implausible things. How else would he avoid going to jail for bribery and other crimes?[6] He declared in 2018:

“It’s time to stop them now. They’re aggressive, they are developing ballistic missiles, they’re not inspecting, they have a free highway to massive [uranium] enrichment.”[7]

Well, you’ve said that before, King Bibi. And that was way back in 1995! So Spencer is right in saying that we Americans deplore wars in the Middle East. The problem is that Spencer’s outrage isn’t consistent with his ideological foundation.

If Spencer is correct in saying that “Race is the foundation of identity,” then how did Donald Trump move from criticizing the Deep State to imbibing the very ideology that makes up the Deep State? Was there a genetic or racial change? If biology is the metaphysical substratum of behavior, then what was the name of the gene that caused Trump to shift positions on so many issues—from saying that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9/11 attack to selling military weapons to the same terrorist state?

We all know that whatever happens genetically also happens automatically. In that sense, if race and not morality is the foundation of identity, then Spencer shouldn’t be worrying about Trump supporting the Deep State or buddying up with terrorist states like Saudi Arabia. Spencer shouldn’t have been “pissed off”[8] when he found out that Trump was bombing Syria shortly after he ascended to the Zionist throne in the White House. If Trump was doing something “heinous and stupid” then, was that part of his racial or genetic makeup?

Spencer made a special plea to Trump about two years ago saying:

“Let me make a direct appeal to Donald Trump…Do not allow these people [warmongers] to destroy your presidency. That is exactly what they will do.”

Was that plea really necessary if Trump’s genetic makeup is rooted and grounded in “whiteness”? What, then, are the logical parameters? And if there is no serious logical explanation, then is there a gene which caused Donald Trump to go Syria and bomb the Assad government?

Furthermore, why would Spencer be railing against Trump for listening to the war machine? Couldn’t Trump respond by saying that “my whiteness” or “my genes made me do it”? On what basis should we convince people like Trump to act differently? By reasoning with them, as Spencer was desperately trying to do? And if we do think that reasoning with them is the way to go, aren’t we implicitly saying that the fundamental issue boils down to morality or practical reason and not race or biology?

Those are some of the questions that do not get serious answers because they fundamentally ruin the ideological force of the race crowd. I am currently writing a book which will tentatively be titled, Kevin MacDonald’s Metaphysical Blunder: A Philosophical Critique of Evolutionary Psychology, Sociobiology, and White Identity, in which I will fully develop these issues. A very short version of these issues will be published in the February issue of E. Michael Jones’ Culture Wars.

  • [1] Matthew Rozsa, “White supremacist Richard Spencer “deeply” regrets voting for Trump amid Iran crisis,” Salon, January 9, 2020; “Donald Trump Loses Support of White Nationalist Richard Spencer Over Iran Fallout,” Newsweek, January 9, 2020.
  • [2] John Woodrow Cox, “‘Let’s party like it’s 1933’: Inside the alt-right world of Richard Spencer,” Washington Post, November 22, 2016.
  • [3] Rozsa, “White supremacist Richard Spencer “deeply” regrets voting for Trump amid Iran crisis,” Salon, January 9, 2020; “Donald Trump Loses Support of White Nationalist Richard Spencer Over Iran Fallout,” Newsweek, January 9, 2020.
  • [4] Benjamin Netanyahu, Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1995), 121.
  • [5] Tovah Lazaroff, “Netanyahu: Iran deal gives nuclear weapons to most dangerous terror state,” Jerusalem Post, April 11, 2015; Carol Morello and William Booth, “Netanyahu warns that Iran is building terrorist cells worldwide,” Washington Post, October 1, 2015.
  • [6] Oliver Holms, “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu indicted for bribery and fraud,” Guardian, November 21, 2019.
  • [7]  Oliver Holmes, “Israel ready to act against ‘dangerous’ Iran, Netanyahu warns,” Guardian, February 18, 2018.
  • [8]


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  1. In the case MLK had condemned The expel of thousands of Lithuanians to Siberia at the end of WW2, possibly Lithuanians had not stoned him. Instead MLK expressed himself as a communist. Lithuanians and Finns are much the same Baltic Sea people, Lithuanians being mostly Catholics and Finns Protestants, and our problem, absolutely none. Instead E. Michael Jones seems to have so much trouble with various religious parts of Europe, that he wants to make Catholic open heart surgery in Europe. In that case being the patient I might more likely call Spencer or Duke to do the Job, I mean the big Picture.

  2. in the old days of programming, a program was only as good as the rule set it implemented (no counting code errors). as intelligence enters the programming culture, the resulting machine choices are the result of both hard coded rules and the fuzzy logic of the machine’s learning context, its “intelligence.” with intelligence, we’re in the world of statistics, mean and standard deviations. one species’ representation in a particular behavioral pattern versus their representation in the general population.

    trump and the zionists? trump’s zionist-like traits in is choices may because he has personally chosen the zionist persuasion, or he may be an outlier in his particular “whitie” tendencies and traits or he’s not a zionist at heart but has close zionist friends who influence his choices. i dunno. intelligence. we are nature’s creation. and nature programs its species with varying degrees and varieties of intelligences. the ability to make choices using a vast memory bank holding all that creatures past experiences. and that vast memory bank of experiences gives us the ability to predict the consequences of our choices so that we make the most beneficial choice in the immediate. the best choice or the best compromise. fuzzy logic. (which is why i don’t like talmudic law: mankind is very hard if not impossible to put bounds on the indivdual’s choices in one hundred percent of all his choices.)

  3. Agree with this part: Spencer continued: “To the people of Iran, there are millions of Americans who do not want war, who do not hate you, and who respect your nation and its history. After our traitorous elite is brought to justice, we hope to achieve peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness.”
    While not aware of the man’s politics, defection from Trump is a net positive.

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