Boeing Crash, New Footage shows Two Missiles. Why Canada Afraid of Black-Box Secrets?

Canada, France, and US have declined Iran's request to help extract data from the black box of the Ukrainian plane! Why?


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

A new video, recorded by a surveillance camera, released by an Iranian media and published by Sputnik International confirms that the Ukrainian plane shot down in Iran on 8 January was hit with two missiles fired at 23 seconds apart.

The footage was posted before from New York Times that has verified his authenticity.

The cruise rockets would have been launched from an IRGC Aerospace military site approximately eight miles (12 km) from the plane. But in the meantime the question concerning the black box of the crashed Boeing opens.

«Canada, France, and the US have declined Iran’s request to help to extract data from the black box of the Ukrainian plane which suffered an unfortunate accident on Wednesday», Head of the Accident Investigation Board of the Civil Aviation Organization Hassan Rezayeefar announced on Monday.

According to the Iranian media FarsNews, Rezayeefar said Iran has asked Canada, France, and the US to bring their software and hardware equipment to Tehran to extract data of the black box of the Ukrainian plane that was downed in an air defense incident on the Southwestern outskirt of Tehran on Wednesday, but they have denied Iran’s request.

Boeing flight PS752 black-box

Boeing 737-800 fo PS752 Ukrainian International Airlines falling down near Tehran in the first hours of the night on January 8 and died 176 persons: 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians (all the crew) 10 Swedish, then Afghani’s, Germans, British.

For many days different countries asked for obtaining the black-box to understand the reason for the crash in the flight machine records. On Saturday, January, 12 Iranian authorities admitted that the plane was shot down by an unintentionally launching of air defense missiles.

Terrible human mistakes! IRGC Aerospace commander explained that the operator in charge of manual control has had a few seconds for choosing how to do when saw in the radar the unidentified object.

He couldn’t contact the Boeing pilots and the ranking superior too for an unexpected interruption of communications. He decided, wrong, to shoot two missiles, maybe soviet-made Tor M1, that blew up beside the plane, as typical for cruise rockets for doing more damage to the alleged hostile flying object that supposed was a jet foe or a missile.

Now Sputnik International spreads footage taking fro an Iranian media that shows the double impact, but in the meantime, Canada, the nation that suffered the more important number of victims (after Iran) refused to help Iran to discover the black-boxes secrets. Why???

About this strange “fire-friend” from the Iranian air defense system to the civilian flight surfaced many different hypotheses, moreover the simple human mistake.

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Someone suggests human sabotage inside Pasdaran by an official corrupted from Us intelligence, others suspected a cybernetic or electronic disturbing to the Boeing transponder for hijacking it and hiding his identity to the air defense radar. Or much more an attack with a jammer to the communications of IRGC Aerospace for causing the terrible mistake.

This is the reason because it’s very strange the refusing by Canada to help Iran to discover the black-box secrets.

Iran offered Ukraine, Sweden, Britain, Canada, and the US to send the black box to an impartial laboratory and France was the country all five countries agreed on» the official added.

Black box recordings of the Ukrainian airliner will be downloaded in France, head of the accident investigation board of the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran announced on Saturday.

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He added that although Iran made use of all its facilities to examine the content of the black box inside the country, the efforts yielded no good result. It will be sent to France so that its black box is downloaded there to avoid any damage to it.


As Rezayeefar said, Iran and France have an agreement to download planes’ black boxes. However, all those decisions have been taken before the Saturday statement of the General Staff of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Armed Forces about the plane crash, the official noted.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand if this decision to entrust the decoding of the black box to a foreign NATO country such as France is still in the interest of Tehran, which is beginning to suspect that there have been disturbing actions in air communications.

But the riddle remains: why Canada seems to be afraid to discover black-box secrets?

© 2020 Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio – All Rights Reserved


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  1. Give me a freaking break. It says 2019 right on the damn screen. Clearly.

    This crash was a psychological operation and no one died, especial 63 Canadians flying from Tehran to Kiev. GIVE ME A BREAK.

  2. Nothing seems to add up regarding this “ALLEGED”missile strike. 1st discrepancy, 1st missile can clearly be seen leaving the launcher and travelled practically horizontal before finally impacting and the 2nd missile did similar, I would estimate that neither missile reached an altitude of more than about 2.000ft before impacting, yet the Ukrainian Boeing according to data, reached an altitude of 8.000ft. IMO, the Boeing dropped from a higher altitude than where the missiles impacted, maybe the Tor battery took out what ever took out the Ukrainian Boeing. and for what ever reason there is a cover up. Who knows maybe Iran is sitting on a downed F 35 ?

  3. Anyone actually verified the location? The date on the video is odd and the source is totally untrustworthy. My money is on a US contrived event…the death of these people would just be collateral damage to the sub-humans in Washington.

  4. Arguably one could say Russia was not ask by Iran, or offered to assist in this investigation . Why ? because they have not settled their own Ukrainian airliner shootdown.
    However this is a very suspicious incident. Oddly in a massive (2018 updated) airport like this, with hundreds of jetliners every day something like this could happen. One would think, the SAMs defense locations, would see and hear what the airport control towers are, in real time. Being there were other airliners in the air at the same time is certainly not unusual. Flight websites, anyone can monitor give exact time “wheels off the ground” Even if Iran did not close the airspace, it was an excellent time for pilots to refuse to fly, citing past incidences.

    • Nexus789, My poor choice of words. Controversy surrounding the incident. The West would demonize any Russian involvement. It was a wise choice by Iran. If the black box reveals conclusive proof, of US sabotage, it will not be disclosed or admitted by the US, ever. That is how Zionist Operate. They are the true terrorist and will never change.

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