Burr resigned as head of Senate Intelligence Committee as he faces long prison term for his insider trading deals (with Donald Jr?)
Will Trump’s new GOP Senate be meeting in Danbury?
Daily Beast: Federal law enforcement has seized Republican North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr’s cellphone in a probe of his stock sales, the Los Angeles Times reports. Burr, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has already complied with an associated warrant for his cellphone records as the Justice Department investigates whether his actions constitute insider trading.
Senator Richard Burr steps down as chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee as he fights investigation over his stock sales ahead of COVID-19 pandemic.https://t.co/kEW8HzDF3o
— Ken Yeung (@thekenyeung) May 14, 2020
The senator, along with his brother-in-law, dumped millions of dollars in stock after a closed-door Senate briefing on the coronavirus in February. Though he told the public the virus would not cause much harm, privately he warned audiences that the effects would be disastrous. The sales shielded him from millions of dollars in potential losses.
LA Times: FBI serves warrant on N.C. Sen. Richard Burr in investigation of stock sales tied to COVID-19 https://t.co/StNSGbYpF5
— Darling Digital Soldier (@Atomic_Blonde__) May 14, 2020
Federal agents also served a search warrant at Sen. Burr's Washington, D.C. home, according to the report. https://t.co/TwjQYaj8lS
— WHAS11 News (@WHAS11) May 14, 2020
After receiving a privileged briefing as Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Republican Sen. Richard Burr dumped $1.6 million of stocks a week before the COVID-19 stock market crash and privately advised his biggest campaign donors to do the same. https://t.co/dPw1nSMeAc
— Lia Poteet (@LiaPoteet) May 14, 2020
@cnn @vox How many Senators have blood money in their bank accounts due to covid-19 stock sales?https://t.co/R33t28LLst
— Trump Rabies (@RabiesTrump) May 14, 2020
It's called public service not public career. We need less corrupt career politicians. People who serve America not themselves.
CNBC: FBI seizes Senate Intel chairman Richard Burr's cellphone amid probe of coronavirus stock sales.https://t.co/rQHASWWOMU #Election2020 #COVID
— Ryan D (@rddouglno) May 14, 2020
Good new topic? Will Dems take a previously safe Senate seat from Republicans now? Does this righty swing state swing away from Trump? Did he lie about COVID to his own Republican constituents? Will he be taken down over charges of corruption due to COVID? https://t.co/pjOQNI3cMA
— Twitch Politics and Debate Schedule & Events (@TwitchDebate) May 14, 2020
BREAKING: FBI agents seized a cellphone belonging to North Carolina Republican Sen. Richard Burr as part of a probe into controversial stock sales at the induction of COVID-19 in the United States. https://t.co/IH4lFvOJk2
— CBS 17 (@WNCN) May 14, 2020
NC Republican Senator Richard Burr's brother-in-law sold a half-dozen stocks for as much as $280,000 on the same day in February that he made dozens of stock sales before the market downturn caused by the Covid-19 outbreak. – CNN https://t.co/ZJ7Ksh8pJ1
— Stephen Maddox Sr (@smaddoxsr) May 7, 2020
@Comey you know the Senate intelligence committee is questionable as to their reputation. Richard Burr's covid 19 stock sales! They can't question pertinent Witnesses! Durham is coming tic tock!! I could hear the jail cell closing! Or maybe you'll just rat!! save yourself!! https://t.co/uiqVfFTj6Q
— J C For Republican (@Cdeeman123) April 22, 2020

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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Time to end the Federal Reserve and create a real Federal Reserve Bank within the Treasury Department, with money controlled by the Congress, which is explicitly determined by the Constitution. Then ERASE Wall Street from any and all maps of any kind. Then issue very low interest loans to businesses for infrastructure improvement, small and large businesses to start up, and for others to grow. Nationalize all of the corporations producing weapons, and munitions for our military, while prohibiting cost plus contracts. Last but not least, nor really last, take all private money out of electoral politics. Create a federal campaign web site and T.V. station giving all candidates equal time all across the nation, because we need to know what the candidate bastards in California, and every other state are saying, as they all vote on issues which effect all of us. In fact, everyone should be voting for all federal candidates!
Choose between assassination, automobile accident or heart attack.
…lets not forget about the over 100 CEOs that stepped down and sold their stock options before the market crashed….how sick is it that the biggest casino in the world is called a market?..
Looks like their immunity deal for inside trading only applies to dealing in companies that might benefit or suffer from forthcoming legislation.
They certainly seem to be able to accumulate large sums of money whilst in Congress. Surprised that they don’t have to pay up front to even get to stand for a seat.
This is the same guy(Burr) that was handing out “fidget spinners” at the Trump impeachment trial to GOP senators who were too disinterested to compel themselves to listen to such a trivial thing (sarc) as testimony explaining the high crimes of a sitting president.
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