Guardian: Secretive Government Agency Planting Cyanide Bombs Across the US (you won’t fucking believe it)

Wildlife Services kills thousands of animals at ranchers and farmers’ behest. But it operates with little oversight – and critics describe it as out of control


Guardian: The call came over Tony Manu’s police radio one March day in 2017: some sort of pipe had exploded in the hills outside Pocatello, Idaho and the son of a well-known local doctor was hurt, or worse.

Manu, a long-time detective with the county sheriff’s office, was shocked. A pipe bomb in Pocatello?

At the home of Dr Mansfield and his family, he found a frightening scene. On the driveway, just outside the sprawling timbered house, the family’s dog, Kasey, was dead. Inside the home, Canyon Mansfield, 14 years old, the youngest of three children, was sobbing. His head was pounding and his eyes were burning – he needed to go to the emergency room.

Manu soon pieced together the story. While playing in the woods behind the family home, Canyon and his dog had stumbled upon a strange device that sprayed them in the face with a dose of of sodium cyanide. The boy managed to quickly clean the poison out of his eyes, but the dog collapsed and started convulsing. As Kasey lay dying on the hillside, Dr Mansfield had wanted to give Kasey CPR, but Canyon told him that if he did, he’d ingest the deadly stuff himself.

It didn’t take detective Manu and his team of investigators long to uncover how it got there. The so-called cyanide bomb was not the work of some rogue actor or terrorist cell. It had been installed by a federal employee on official business.

The government put a cyanide bomb 350ft from my house, killed my dog and poisoned my child

Theresa Mansfield


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  1. They may as well be planting land mines. At least land mines would kill quickly without as much pain. Cyanide kills any animal with no selectivity. The fact that they are doing this on private land and public land without informing anyone in the area is criminal. Governors, local law enforcement, residents of the area and local health officials who may need to treat a poisoned resident are not informed. The much lessor crime is that they are not respecting the property rights of individual landowners by placing these bombs on their property without permission.
    What kind of moron would come up with this idea? Oh wait, I forgot who is in control of our federal government.

    • If the Nazis had used these in WW-II, it would have been added to the list of war crimes at Nuremburg.

  2. What about ordering Military Units to to observe in Nevada the Nuclear Tests? What about ‘Agent Orange?’ What about the ‘Opioid Crises?’ What about ‘9/11’? Who allowed, the placement of Controlled Demolition Explosives, into the WTC, Towers, that resulted in the DEATHS of some 3 thousand, Innocent Collateral Victims? Finally comes to mind – the cover up of the “USS LIBERTY” attack, by our Zionist FRIENDS(?)?? After ALL, what is a GOVERNMENT for? Is it working/protecting, US??? Go to;

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