DeVoss Says ‘Open Schools,’ But Has No Safety Plan


‘I wouldn’t trust you to care for a house plant’: Democrats blast DeVos for insisting schools fully reopen

by Allyson Chiu/Washington Post

Facing widespread pushback, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos doubled down Sunday on her call to fully reopen schools and have children return to “learning full-time” in person by the fall — an effort that has also been championed by President Trump.

But while DeVos stressed the importance of getting students back in classrooms, she repeatedly dodged questions during Sunday morning interviews on CNN and Fox News about how that could be done safely amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, prompting fierce criticism from congressional Democrats.
“[Betsy DeVos,] you have no plan,” tweeted Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) on Sunday afternoon. “I wouldn’t trust you to care for a house plant let alone my child.”

Pressley was one of several Democratic lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), who publicly blasted DeVos following her Sunday TV appearances.

During both interviews, DeVos appeared to dance around questions about how the Education Department planned to ensure the safety of children and teachers and their families as the number of coronavirus cases and related deaths continued surging in a majority of states over the weekend….read more:


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    • Karol, I do not buy those products….nor Amway products. When you drive by their world headquarters, with all the flags out front, you get a creepy feeling. Leave it to Trump to put someone who does not believe that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, and who also hates public schools, in charge of education. One of his dumber appointments, but money talks..

  1. Even assuming a second or third wave more virulent strain doesn’t happen along, we’ve learned that there are a high percentage of individuals who test positive for COVID that are asymptotic. Additionally, school age children are not subject to the same comorbidities (in the vast majority) that have been predictors of very serious, or fatal, outcomes. On the face of it, these might seem like positives, but here’s the problem: any school children who become infected without symptoms are now going to bring it home where grandma and grandpa, mom and dad, Uncle Joe, or Aunt Millie will get it.
    I find it hard to believe authorities at that level would not take this into consideration.

    • Edward, I hear you. I’m a high school Special Education teacher pushing 72 and am keenly aware that I’m at risk going back to school this fall. The kiddos I work with are the Medically Fragile and those learning Life Skills who are also at risk when contracting the virus. Problem is, they get absolutely nothing from so-called “distance learning.” They require one-on-one hands-on instruction to make progress on their IEP goals. Currently, we are thinking of bringing them to school four days/week and we’ll all be wearing face masks, sterilizing everything each day, etc. Hell, I’ll even wear a burka if they want me to. I can’t wait to work with these students again in the fall.

  2. Yes, “the number of COVID-19 cases are surging”….
    So, the pen IS mightier than the sword. How about that ???
    There’s an old saying credited to some old fossil.
    “There’s liars.
    There’s damn liars,
    and stastics.

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