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Tag: novel coronavirus 2019

U.S. Continues to See Increase in Coronavirus Cases

Increases in coronavirus cases and hospitalizations

Discovery of Possible Antibody That ‘Neutralizes’ Coronavirus

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated “the smallest biological molecule” that “completely and specifically neutralizes” the virus that causes coronavirus.

COVID-19 Is Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

The U.S. had about 1,000 COVID-19 deaths daily.

Trump: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Again, Trump sticks his little foot into his little mouth.

Fauci Interviewed by Matthew McConaughey About All Things Coronavirus

Fauci said that the problem was that states reopened too soon.

Trump Adds ‘Yes’ Man to Coronavirus Task Force

Atlas has no expertise in public health or infectious diseases.

True Numbers of African COVID-19 Cases Are In Question

Smaller study indicates that many more people have been infected than official numbers show.

Hear a Real COVID Expert: A War Against Coronavirus and Stupidity

Hospital staffs, all over the U.S., are physically and emotionally drained.

WHO Warns: There May Never Be a ‘Silver Bullet’ For COVID-19

The WHO head said that, while the coronavirus was the biggest health emergency since the early 20th century, the international scramble for a vaccine was also “unprecedented”.

National Teacher Union Supports Strikes Over Unsafe School Reopening Plans

The nation’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association, separately said its members will do “whatever it takes” to protect students.

Second Wave of COVID-19 Coming for Europe?

After being on a near-total lockdown in the spring, Europe has increasingly opened itself to travel this summer.

Most Americans Find Preventative Measures to Contain COVID-19 Reassuring

Pandemic-related stress holds steady; feelings of frustration, fear and anger rising as nation struggles

What are the Chances of Schools Reopening in the Fall?

As communities struggle with the decision over whether to open up schools, the research so far offers unsatisfying answers

California Now Holds First Place in Number of U.S. COVID-19 Cases

California’s case rate per 100,000 residents, about 1,046, is significantly lower than New York’s, which is just under 2,081, according to The Times’ coronavirus tracker.

CMS: $5 Billion to Medicare-Certified Long Term Care Facilities For Protection...

This new staff testing requirement will enhance efforts to keep the virus from entering and spreading through nursing homes by identifying asymptomatic carriers.

Initial COVID-19 Infection Rate May Be 80 Times Greater Than Reported

We realized that deaths across the U.S. had been doubling every three days and that our estimate of the infection rate was consistent with three-day doubling since the first observed case was reported in Washington state on Jan. 15.

Mild Infections of COVID-19 May Not Offer Lasting Immunity

The protective role of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 is unknown, but these antibodies are usually a reasonable correlate of antiviral immunity, and anti–receptor-binding domain antibody levels correspond to plasma viral neutralizing activity.

U.S. Daily COVID-19 Deaths Projected to Be 815 by Nov. 1...

If universal masks were applied across the country, the projected daily case count could be reduced to about 46,495 by November 1, over 62.7 percent less than the current daily case count projected by the institute for the same date.

Why Now? Trump to Give First COVID-19 Briefing Since April

The appearances abruptly ended in late April days after Trump sparked widespread backlash by suggesting scientists study whether the injection of light or disinfectants into the body could be used as a cure for the virus.

On Monday Calif. Reports Over 11,800 New COVID-19 Cases, China-11

If California were a country, it would be rank fifth in the world for total cases at nearly 400,000, behind the United States, Brazil, India and Russia.

85 Nueces County Babies Have Tested Positive for COVID-19 Since Mid-March

Nueces County Medical Examiner Adel Shaker told The Texas Tribune last week that a baby boy, younger than 6 months old, tested positive for COVID-19 and died.

Study Finds Children 10-19 Spread Coronavirus as Much As Adults

The study of nearly 65,000 people in South Korea suggests that school reopenings will trigger more outbreaks.

Messenger RNA Vaccine for COVID-19 Will Be the First

The mRNA in the novel coronavirus behind COVID-19 enables a “spike protein” that pierces cells throughout the body.

Focus on COVID-19 Has Taken the Heat Off Of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are still going to be around, and still causing diseases, no matter what sort of pandemic is going on.

Florida: One in Three Children Coronavirus Tested Are Positive

Re-opening schools, with one third of children testing positive for coronavirus, is a one-way trip to crazy town.

Fauci: ‘Bizarre’ White House Behavior Hurts the President

The nation’s top public-health expert tells The Atlantic that he isn’t going anywhere, despite the Trump administration’s newest attempts to undercut him.

Politics is Not Going to Get U.S. Out of This Pandemic...

When you mix science and politics, you get politics.

Opening Schools Killed Netanyahu and It Will Kill Trump Too

Netanyahu’s decree that the nation’s entire school system would reopen was a political flourish to signal everything was under control

U.S. Is Fighting Two Opponents in Coronavirus Pandemic: Trump and COVID-19

‘Trying to fight this pandemic while subverting scientific expertise is like fighting blindfolded.’

Natural ‘Herd Immunity’ for Coronavirus? Not Going to Happen!

Emerging cases of Covid-19 reinfection suggest herd immunity could be wishful thinking.

Failures to Protect Health and Essential Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic Wildfires

This report looks at these challenges and also flags some broader structural issues in health and social support systems across the world that have exacerbated these challenges and must be urgently addressed.

Trump Undermines Health of Americans

Fauci has been increasingly sidelined by the White House as he sounds alarms about the virus, a most unwelcome message at a time when Trump is focused on pushing an economic rebound.

DeVoss Says ‘Open Schools,’ But Has No Safety Plan

‘I wouldn’t trust you to care for a house plant’: Democrats blast DeVos for insisting schools fully reopen by Allyson Chiu/Washington Post Facing widespread pushback, Education...

Is It Safe To Fly?

Keeping abreast of ever-changing quarantine rules, travel bans, advisories, etc. is mission-critical for travelers in 2020.

Trump Demands Schools Reopen Despite Coronavirus ‘High Risk’ Claims

The debate about school reopenings comes as the virus is spreading at its fastest pace yet across the country, a trend some attribute to states reopening prematurely this spring on a timeline encouraged by Mr. Trump.

Trump Has Not Asked for Briefing from Fauci in 2 Months

Does this explain why Trump remains 'out of it' when commenting on coronavirus?

Florida Sets New Single-Day Record for Coronavirus Cases

Florida sets record for any state.

Georgia: Cities’ Versus State’s Face Mask Rules

Kemp's office: Mask mandates in Georgia are 'unenforceable' by Greg Bluestein/Atlanta Journal-Constitution Gov. Brian Kemp's office said Thursday that mask requirements adopted by Atlanta Mayor Keisha...

Only 4 States Meet the Criteria For Safely Reopening

Most states still need to reduce coronavirus cases and build up their testing capacity.

States Reopened Too Quickly Causing Runaway Coronavirus Cases and Deaths

Four states that account for about 50% of new infections -- Arizona, California, Florida and Texas -- need to aggressively keep people socially distanced, including by closing bars and preventing crowds, he said.