Trump’s ‘Tyranny of the Right,’ is arming a very different white America


VT folks are gun folks.  We make guns, we sell guns and ammunition or rather Mike Chester does through Chet’s Firearms.  I talked to Mike last week about what is going on. 

Mike is in Howell, Michigan, longtime headquarters of white supremacist groups but, increasingly an upscale ‘hours drive’ bedroom community for metro Detroit.

For those lucky enough, no supremacist gang members live near you.  For the very lucky, violent right wing gangs, not always white mind you, are seen only on TV.  For others, rural areas, lower class areas around Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland and Milwaukee, its a reality, behind that Trump sign on a lawn is an idiot with a gun.

Working closely with Nazis among local police, sometimes pretending to be Antifa, mostly out of boredom, these armed maniacs would, if allowed, turn the United States into Stalin’s Russia.

If you don’t think the Kosher Nostra Prince Rupert Murdoch is behind it, listen to his mouthpiece Tucker Carlson:

Buying ammunition and guns in America is almost impossible now. Why?  Biden folks are buying everything, people who see ‘Trump’ signs as an indication their neighbors aren’t ‘neighborly’ at all but potentially dangerous kooks.

Some of the time they are right, maybe too much of the time.  Immunity to facts, ignorance of science and the willingness to abide dictatorship, hatred and rule by the Kosher Nostra and their front man ‘Trump’ isn’t a secret anymore.

Then, during a debate, Trump asked for his neo-Nazi supporters to “stand by” to frighten away voters. Did he really say this?

White Americans, millions of them, are arming against the real enemy they finally recognize, the ‘tyranny of the stupid,’ the right.

One of Mike’s toys, now being bought by white America but not Trump’s ‘white America.”

Mike says 75% of his sales now, and they are “off the scale” are white middle class Americans buying guns to protect themselves from extremists.  You see, people clearly recognize that the hillbilly right wing extremists, nominally “supremacist” are really something more.

This is a war by the ignorant and violent underclass, let’s call them what they are, criminals, against people who want a better America.  The groups, Proud Boys are only one, are doing exactly what Martin Niemoeller said.  Supremacism isn’t so much about race as it is about ‘class envy.’

These are people who hate others who have more and they will use their guns, if allowed, to take it all away.

They would leave you with their lives, drugs, alcohol, childish politics and hate.

Years ago, VT warned that the DHS and ADL, the mob run GOP would start a revolution in this country based exactly on how Hitler took over Germany aided by the Bush family, Rockefeller.  The details are here.

VT reviews the facts, the video above a useful documentary formerly used by the DHS and supplied to states to use in training counter-terrorist police. The new DHS believes otherwise.  This is the video Trump watches, the Nazis killing communists in 1920s Germany:

And then later rounding up the Jews…

What is the threat?  The probable stupidest president in American history is reaching out to the least educated generation of Americans, feeding and stoking their primitive hatred of those who are more successful.



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  1. One of the ways in modern US, that certain churches and groups try to avoid the racist label, is to ‘let a few in”. This does not change, their white supremacist beliefs. It’s a false gesture. Just enough to position themselves on the fence as to fall on either side. It’s pretty transparent.

  2. Street theater, folks, all staged by agents provocateurs on both sides to create chaos and dissension, right before the presidential election. They’re all working for the “powers that be” who are determined to make an end of the USA as a constitutional republic and turn it into some kind of theocratic fascistic dictatorship without even the pretense of being a democracy. This has been in the works for a long time, but since 9/11 it’s happening at warp speed. Trump is angling to be the new Hitler and his stupid so-called Christian-Zionist base is out beating the drums for “law and order.” They’re hoping for that “national emergency” which will give “der Führer” the excuse he needs to invoke near dictatorial powers under the USA Patriot Act. My guess is that they’ll get it one way or another.

    • Why do you assume a constitutional republic precludes from being a fascist dictatorship?

      USSR(epublic) was a constitutional republic.

      USA was a constitutional republic when Trump’s hero the brutal dictator told SCOTUS “Lets see you enFORCE the law & stop me”, then committed the #DeadliestUSTerrorEvent.

      Our military was #JustFollowingOrders.

      And we honor the brutal dictator on $20.

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