Asshole: Trump’s Wisconsin Recount Brings More Biden Votes


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A recount in Wisconsin’s largest county demanded by Republican President Donald Trump’s election campaign ended Friday with Democratic President-elect Joe Biden gaining votes.

After the recount in Milwaukee County, Biden had a net gain of 132 votes, out of nearly 460,000 cast. Overall, Biden gained 257 votes to Trump’s 125.

Trump’s campaign had demanded recounts in two of Wisconsin’s most populous and Democratic-leaning counties, after losing Wisconsin to Biden by over 20,000 votes. The two recounts will cost the Trump campaign $3 million. Dane County is expected to finish its recount on Sunday.

Overall, Biden won the Nov. 3 U.S. presidential election with 306 Electoral College votes – many more than the 270 needed for victory – to Trump’s 232. Biden also leads by more than six million in the popular vote tally.

After the recount ended, Milwaukee County Clerk George Christenson said: “The recount demonstrates what we already know: that elections in Milwaukee County are fair, transparent, accurate and secure.”

The Trump campaign is still expected to mount a legal challenge to the overall result in Wisconsin, but time is running out. The state is due to certify its presidential result on Tuesday.


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  1. The goal is an internal, civilian war in the USA; then, “they” can chop up the USA and part out the physical and financial assets, for pennies on the (soon to be, hyper-inflated) dollars. “They” did the same thing to the USSR when “they” collapsed it. It is standard operating procedure now. Why change protocols, when you have a working model…

  2. Mail-in voting changed the political landscape in 2020. It enabled millions of voters in our major cities to vote rather than have their votes suppressed as they had been in past elections. Recounts like this one in Milwaukee prove that. As Lindsey Graham once said, “We have to do something about mail-in voting or Republicans will never win another election in the USA.”

    Ominously, what they might do to upend the results of this election is stage another 9/11-style event that will give Trump the “national emergency” he needs to stay in power indefinitely. The real perps of 9/11 are still in place. May Heaven help the crew of the carrier USS Sitting Duck.

  3. Trump’s original Friday tweet:
    “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous ‘80,000,000 votes’ were not fraudulently”

    After the recount in Milwaukee County, Biden had a net gain of 132 votes

    Trump’s tweet fixed:
    “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his remaining ‘79,999,868 votes’ were not fraudulently”

    • Tommy, would say let us wait until we see what happens December 14th at Electoral College, I am convinced that we haven’t seen until now the last tricks in Trump’s pocket…

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