Russian Media Loves Protests—as Long as They Are Pro-Trump

The Kremlin accuses the U.S. of meddling in Russia’s internal affairs, while openly interfering in U.S. elections and politics.


Daily Beast: Having broadly endorsed the insurrection at the Capitol as a “peaceful protest,” Kremlin-controlled propagandists found themselves in quite a predicament trying to condemn massive demonstrations that rocked Russia last weekend to protest the jailing of opposition activist Alexei Navalny. After being poisoned with a nerve agent by Russian intelligence operatives, Navalny was treated in Germany. Immediately upon his return to Russia, he was arrested.

While Russian government officials and Kremlin-controlled state media condemned domestic protests, pro-Trump rioting in the United States was met with their total approval. Evgeny Popov, the host of Russian state TV program 60 Minutes, repeatedly described the Capitol rioters as “unarmed, peaceful protesters” and mocked the use of the National Guard to protect U.S. lawmakers from potential future attacks.

Appearing on the same show, Andrey Isaev, deputy chairman of Putin’s United Russia party, described one of the rioters, Ashli Babbitt, as a “female veteran who was simply shot for breaking some glass.” Babbitt was fatally shot by police as she attempted to enter the Capitol by climbing through a broken glass pane in the door.

Isaev started to say that Babbitt was shot while “storming the Capitol,” but quickly caught himself and awkwardly stammered, referring to the event as mere “unrest.” Isaev condemned the U.S. authorities for their supposed brutality towards the rioters, even though most of the participants were able to leave the scene of the crime before being arrested days, or even weeks, later.

For, of course, Russia not only benefited from the divisive rhetoric of the former U.S. President Donald Trump and the destructive events that it caused, but actively participated in the dissemination of Trump’s “Big Lie” about the alleged election fraud. The Kremlin’s mouthpieces baselessly claimed that millions of dead voters and illegal immigrants unlawfully voted for Joe Biden. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov derided the reliability of mail-in voting. Russian state media dutifully repeated Trump’s lies about a “stolen election” and disseminated information about the planned “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th. These reports were heard not only in Russia, but in the United States, where Russian-speaking influencers were actively spreading the same falsehoods and encouraging other Americans to participate in challenging the official outcome of the U.S. presidential elections.

On his way to Washington, DC, Russian-speaking blogger Steve Doudnik compared the storming of the Capitol to the Russians riding into Berlin on tanks in WWII…read more…pay wall…














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  1. Lindsey Graham said before the election, “We have to do something about mail-in voting or Republicans will never win another election.” He’s right. Mail-in voting completely overwhelmed the traditional Republican methods of suppressing the vote in our major cities where they had pitifully few polling stations by design. I’m not surprised that Russian propaganda would diss mail-in voting in the USA despite it being used successfully in most European nations.

  2. I’m a Russophile but I agree w/you on this one. There is one thing I cannot take is insincerity. I get that the Russians are ticked off because we danced on their bones after we broke them into pieces after the Cold War. The pro-Russian sites I read are for ‘the little guy’, the Trumpists and are also anti-Vax’. They want us to fall apart and to die. I understand wanting to see us get our comeuppance but don’t pretend to be our friend while you do it.

  3. Navalny novachok poisoning very obvious CIA/ MI6 media plot from the git go!
    If this article says he was poisoned matter of factly, then it will be matter of fact rest of article russiaphobic bullshit.

    • This is called: seven nannies have a child without an eye. But they, of course, are not guilty of anything. The Western elite has built a new precedent-setting scheme in legal law. Now, to accuse a country or a person, it is enough for some redneck blogger to write about it while on drugs. Evidence is not needed at all. Launch aircraft carriers! Or if the enemy is a tough nut to crack in military terms, the mechanism of repressiveness of the digital GULAG is launched.

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